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Gender dysphoria and the trans movement.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I like talking to you, one of the few . I don't know if this is entertaining for the whole forum or if we should do private discussion in the future conversations. You do provoke thought. Any time I like a civil conversation.

Feel free to drop a line.

Private message shouldn't be necessary but I respond to those I respect.

I think everything that transpired today is applicable for the public.


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Premium user

@right, here's some information for you from a Google search: tranvestite definition.
It's a short article.

The last paragraph is quoted below.
Final note

Despite the different terms for the transsexual people, you should not assume that you know a person’s orientation based on their physical appearance or gender identity. You should also not try to fit a person into a certain category. Allow the person to identify themselves - it is their process of self discovery and self identification.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
There is no argument, or hostility. I don't understand the difference between transvestite and transgender . That is in no way insulting to anyone.
I like Eddie Izzard's definition of Transvestite "I'm a straight man who just wants to look FABULOUS!!"

Turns out he was slowly transitioning. Don't care. Still love her. Even when she was a him. Too fucking funny not to love.



Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
hmmmm,they might be right about disney...



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Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
There's a bishop here in the States Joseph somethingorother, who leads a small congregation down in Texas (surprise!) who is denouncing the Pope as a Heretic for the Pope's stance on the LGTBQ+ community.


Well-known member
I don't consider what he wore as qualified transvestite but if he thinks so I will let it ride.

At no point in his career did I consider him trans or gay... I knew he was a straight sober dyed in the wool Christian. Just like Alice Cooper.
Dude, there's no way those guys aren't closeted. As a bi guy, nobody plays dressup like that without sucking a dick or two in their life. Ask Steven crowder. The crossdressing conservative tends to give the best head.

Edit: turns out they're both admitted at the very least to being bisexual(Alice called himself pansexual prior to his born again status). The radar is real.
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Well-known member
Mr mustard clowns don't identify with LGBTQ. They don't call themselves sister or Alice. They put it out there and capitalized on it . Like marilyn manson. Clowns are insane like Caino in pagliacci . Or modern day clowns are caricatures of hobos or drunks .

Cooper and Alice were supposed to be tranz or at least ( crossdressing?).
That was the kind of rebellion that they were selling.
It was meant to sell albums. You scare the parents and the kids want it even more
This isn't why people liked twisted sister or Alice Cooper, they liked them because they had bad taste in music, the 80's was the glam era, there was no shortage of this shit, look at Pantera back in the 80's...
vs the 90s
The 90's made the 80's musicians seem like caricatures, by themselves becoming new caricatures and the people who saw the 80's growing up became "satanic panic" crybullies in the 90's. Just like you guys are doing with the "trans panic".

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