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GastroGrower's Ganja Garden


Active member
Finally got Tent #3 ready today and moved these plants in. They'll get two or three weeks at least to veg out. I'm getting the water lines installed this afternoon for when they're ready for multi-feeds every day. I will probably be moving one or two more plants in once I get some more coco ready.



Active member
Tent #3 is 2'x4'. When I have enough cash for it, I want to replace this with another 3'x3' tent. I ran the math and with a single extra square foot I can probably pull in $4k - $5k in additional product over a years time. If I did monocropping with my highest yielders I could probably up that net gain closer to $10k. This is assuming excellent conditions and having really quick switchovers between runs.

If the two Pink Dawgs I have in there end up being males I'm going to replace them with this little sucker - Pink Dawg #4. It's definitely the most indica leaning pheno I've got so far. Loving the nice fat leaves.


This tent got sprayed with spinosad yesterday so the thrip damage you see should be the last of it assuming I stick to the spray schedule.


Active member
Day 18 for the big plants in Tent #2. The Critical kush is really looking like it's going to have some nice yield.


Critical Kush #2

Pink Karmdown #2

Pink Gule #2


Well-known member
Looking solid. Big ups to you running multiple tents. It's work and I respect that! It's also super fun:dance013:

Interested to see how that pinkkarmadown #2 turns out.


Active member
Me too. It's the first female I've got out of this batch of seeds so I have no idea what to expect.

Speaking of multiple tents, moved a couple more plants into Tent #3. I need some more rings for the pots that don't have em. I'll do some more topping in the next two or three weeks.



Active member
Decided to try and do some LST on my Pink Breath mom. She really shows her sativa side in veg and hits the ceiling quickly. The yellow leaves are from the coco getting dry. She's pretty rootbound right now and needs to be watered 3 times a day at least to avoid any issues - which is hard to keep up. I may move her to a 3 gallon pot, not sure yet. 5 bricks of coco on the way so I'll make a decision on Monday when they get here.


Got back around a foot without having to trim any!


Chemdog & Kush Lover Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
Looking good mang!! That Pink Breath sure does have some legs on her. So do the other PB hybrids you have going, while I'm over here with a stumpy bush of the 2.0 x PB, lol.


Active member
It's stretchy but it also roots really quickly. The indica leaning Pink Dawg is looking like it might keep a low profile. How did the Pink Bazooka grow?


Active member
Came home today to find the Pink Glue male I moved into my 16"x16" tent is starting to drop pollen. 4 or 5 flowers were open fully but most of them look like they'll crack open next week. I picked up some sterile cups and I'll be trying to collect and save some of this pollen after hitting a few of my girls.


Here's some that fell on a lower branch.


Active member
Maybe top him? Then just put the cut off branch into A cup of water over A glass table or A big book that has A laminate cover? That was the best method ive ever tried that didnt waste any pollen at all.


Active member
Not a bad suggestion. I'll try that with one of the branches if I can find a good spot for it. Not a lot of places in my house that I'd be able to set it up without it being covered in cat and dog hair, haha.


Active member
Here we are at day 10 of veg for the larger plants in Tent #3. Everyone is looking happy and bouncing back from getting a little dry the other day. All but 1 of the Pink Dawgs are looking like they may be showing male parts, so they'll probably get moved into Tent #2 to get flipped and tested real quick.


This is the first run of the Pink Breath where I've gotten fan leaves this large. She must be liking where her feed is at right now and soaking up those photons. I think under 1000 Watts she would really shine.



Active member
Here we are at day 24 for these large plants. You can see where they've dried on top and some of the damage as a result on the fan leaves of the larger plants. Roots are really drinking a lot. I need to move the male Pink Glue out because his sacks are looking nice and swollen in a few areas.


Pink Karmdown

Pink Glue

Male Pink Glue


Active member
SSSDH is looking decent - stretch is kicking in but looking healthy. She managed to stay nice and moist so hasn't had any issues.


Active member
LOL I laughed so hard Bobbo^ ! I didnt expect that to come from you lol..

Hahaha Go Gastro! No shame! Im glad we get to see another run of the SSSDH. Hopefully you can run the Reservoir Seeds version in your next run or hopefully in the near future if you have the space. I threw in somethin else to!

Are you going to defoliate at all? Or you gonna jus let em grow how they want?


Active member
HA! We like it nice and dirty in my garden.

I'm going to wait until she stops stretching before I do any major trimming. See where she ends up with node development.