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Garlic goes indoors



You must spread some rep around before giving it to Moz, Gronut , Jonny and HF again. sorry guys I'm tyring.



You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to garlic city gro again.

damn cliques


:wave: Happy New Year everyone!!!!!! :woohoo:

Now I need to Thank some peop[le that have helped me threw the years.

Jaws I owe you bro. Thanks for turning me onto GH 3-part nutes they have turned my garden around. :woohoo: Thanks for all the great genes you have given me.

TP Thanks for all the help bro and the great strains you are working on. :moon: :moon: :moon:

HF Watching your grows has inspired me. :kissass: Have fun on your break you will be missed. :wave: Hurry back please.

MGJ Thanks for all your advice and some great plants.

Gronut Thanks for growing the Garlic Kush for me and telling me she was a nute hog. I would have never known. :woohoo:

If I missed anyone I'm sorry. Icers are the greatest people in the world.

Alright enough of this sappy a$$ kissing chit let's see some pics :woohoo:

I'm at day 26 in flower so let me know what you all think?

Purple Bastard

AG-13 I need some help with this one. She hasn't taken off like I think she should. I'm not sure what the problem is so give me a hand please.



Purple Bastard

Garlic Kush upfront, AB F1 lower right and Afghan Shark back right

Garlic Kush she's a monster

Shaved legs

Wel let me know what you think? The buds are getting really frosty :woohoo:



they are looking great GCG...How much you feeding that AG-13...it's hard to tell anything from the pics...nothing just jumps out to me except the purple stems...Huh...may have to think on this one...


Hf I just fed it on Sat. I gave it 10 Ml grow, 5 Ml micro, 2.5 Ml Bloom, 40 Ml diamond nectar, 5 Ml cal-mag and 4 Ml pro-tekt.

On Sat I think I'm going to bump the nutes up to 12.5, 7, 5, 40 , 5 and 5.

From the pics it's hard to tell. This is what's happening though. It's growing slow. I've grown G-13 before and it was a beast. The leaves are wrinkled and the center of the leaves starting at the veins are light green. The stems are a deep dark purple. It's been cold in my room so I think it might be cold just not sure? The soil hasn't really seemed to totally dry out so It might be over watering? I've been told that AG-13 is a nute hog too.

So I guess I have to figure it out? Any advice or help from you guys will help.

As you can see the MTF and Purple Bastards are doing great. They have been given the same nutes and are showing no signs of deficiencies at all. They are all in the same room so this has gotten me stumped?

I have cut back on watering first. I'm going to wait until it is completely dry before watering again. Then I will give her a good feeding on Sat. If I need to I'll get another heating pad to help warm them up.

I'm taking baby steps not trying to over react and mess her up.

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ok was going to ask temps and about drainage next....not letting it dry out all the way will stunt it and wrinkle leaves.....cold weather can stunt it as well...doesnt look over feed...I'm thinking temps and not enough air to the roots bud...other than that she looks good....lets keep an eye on her...anyone else see something I dont or think something else...


Thanks HF that's what I was thinking, but just wanted a second opinion.



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
aaaaaah GCG nice looking stuf your showing us....buteuh what is that Pro-tekt product ?

edit: wrinkeld leaves on new growth 'could' point out for rootbound...just thinking outloud mate....so much 2 considder
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Core said:
aaaaaah GCG nice looking stuf your showing us....buteuh what is that Pro-tekt product ?

Hey buddy the Pro-tekt is made by Dyna Grow. It's a silica based product. I use it to balance my PH up. I also use it because it helps strengthen the stems, helps prevent heat stress and helps prevent disease.



Core there is no way that plant is rootbound...I bet my whole crop for the next year


hurricanefaniam said:
Core there is no way that plant is rootbound...I bet my whole crop for the next year

Hey buddy I have to agree with HF. I just tranplanted that plant from a real small pot to the 1 gallon pot about 1 1/2 weeks ago.

I do see what you are saying though.

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Active member
lookin good gralic, gotta love the coors, i'm a fan of the banquet hall one too.........but then again i like beer...............And yeah, that sounds like the ticket as far as the watering........i know when i run soil or coco in the colder climate i get less watering in due to the soil holding the mosture longer...............hope that's the quick fix

lookin solid bro but what's that all over your leaves!!! haha.........couldn't resist......it was mentioned so many times in the other thread, i felt compelled........hehe

laer on


:fsu: he put on more hush puppy mix :nanana:

.. your garden looks great Garlic. I couldn't guess on the AG for ya so I won't. Not bad lookin at all but just slower than she should be huh? Hope she turns around and gets goin for you.

I learned the garlic kush was a nut hog the hard way :pointlaug

I have a few tw's in my veg room.. I forgot what it's like to see noticeable growth over a coulple days.. I've been used to having to wait a couple weeks for that.



hey gcg, what was the ph of your solution? i might be mistaken, but those leaves look like your ph is really high from the protekt, loking out all the cal mag your putting in plus whats in the soil. when you mix in the protekt, does the water cloud up immediately? if so check your ph before you add the protekt and adjust it a little too acid before adding the protekt...... it will balance your nutes a bit better, for that lady i would run some fresh nutes through her until it flushes good and itll fix itself with the proper ph!


Voluptuous Trichomes
Nice setup....that's a big cola by the beer bottle....

AG13 is an awesome plant....love that girl....can't wait to see the buds pack on...


Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya Garlic :wave:
I have an A G-13 cut too. She's been very slow, until I started feeding her more than EC 1. I took my time getting there thinking I might fry her when she was young. Last feeding was EC 1.5 ( she's 6 weeks in the vegging pot now ) and the last few days she's been growing better - not as fast as some but not as slow as molasses in winter either. :pointlaug What strenght was your last feed? Not familiar with GH 3 part so don't know how the doses translate to EC.

I use ProTekt to for the same reasons. Helps out a lot with the acidic bloom ferts and overall plant resistance and stem strenght:yes:

Looking great in your garden my friend! :canabis:

Johnny - knowing Garlic I'd be very surprised if he fed his girls untested waters... my bet is he checks pH before they drink.


:wave: Hey Moz always a smart a$$ Huh. LMAO glad you like the picsbro.

Thanks Gro I'm just learning with this train so I think the cold is the problem?

Jonny my PH is always between 6.0-6.2 so I don't think PH is the problem? I check it everytime I water. If I need to I have PH down to get it right. Thanks.

VT thanks any advice on the AG-13 will help I know you are growing her.

MGJ my next step is to bump up my nutes this weekend. Thanks.

I think the cold is the biggest problem, so that's where I'm going to start.

Thanks for all the help


Voluptuous Trichomes
Oh yea....this AG13 cut we all have in The Bay came from MTF-Sandman...maybe PM him? He's been running it for a few years I think.....(same for the MTF...)
ahhh you shit heads

ahhh you shit heads

ahhhhhhh you all came in side and left poor little old me out in the shead :badday: :fsu: what the hell pass the beer dam it move over hf smack that jaws when he pops in and kick jony and core in the balls :bat: j/k kiding every one just had to put my two cents in so i would get updates as this threads starts back up :bat:

hey here is mine gcg see ya soon
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