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Ganja's Smiles on your faces xD


Active member
Ganja Smile..sorry I missed this one earlier.Garden looks great man.Are you a sous chef? I liked working in a restaurant cooking.It was long ago..cheers.I hope you're getting sun!!


Amazing project GS

Your trainning after-effects are looking really nice.

Maybe I'm going to try doing something similar next year :)

fuck! i don't know what I'm writting hyhy.. :rasta:

keep safe bro!
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Ganja Smile

Active member
BuddleGanja Smile..sorry I missed this one earlier.Garden looks great man.Are you a sous chef? I liked working in a restaurant cooking.It was long ago..cheers.I hope you're getting sun!!

Now I like it but I dont know what will happen in few years :p but I like cooking so much ;) Old update only.. I dont have daily pictures ;/ fcuk this weekend Im going to CREAMFIELDS so I won't have time to go spot :(((








My condolences on your loss. All the love and effort that went into those lovely ladies......

What makes you think the cops got your plants? Did they leave a calling card like they do in the U S? Any way to connect you to the site? Don't ever go back there again!

Whoever got your girls makes that spot a NO GO for the future. Try to have more than 1 site next year to avoid a total loss of your crop.

Did you get your indoor going? Be very careful if the crop loss was due to friendly "rippers" and not the fuzz, they could come looking for that as well. Take care.

Never corner anything meaner than you.


GS Damn it made i realy feel your pain :( But m8 u need to get up again and grow 2 as much then they learn!!!!!


Cannabis Connoisseur
ICMag Donor
Ganja smile your thread was very nice to look through and made me giggle. Sorry to hear about your plants. I grow guerilla too, lots of thieves here aswell wich is why i grow plants that will flower a lot earlier . Makes it easier to avoid the rippers.