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G Pen Vaporizer Users?


They dont look like the same thing at all...

The micro g pen, cloud 2.0, etc are different i am pretty sure. They are made specifically for dabs

Maybe im wrong but i checked and they look different


You can find the ecig counterpart to every single one of the "vape pens". The atmos raw is an exception afaik, as it was designed for dry herbs it will give really nice hits of oil and you can clean out the carts pretty easy. The one drawback to the atmos is its not the easiest thing to load unless you have hard shatter.

Those clouds work ok, but if you wanna go off the same principle of those and step it up a bit look into mechanical mods with high drain batteries and rebuildable atomizers.

People are are also starting to properly mix bho with pg and vg to open up whole new ways to keep the oil vaporized, check out Graywolfs game changer thread.

jump /injack

"Okay to start off I'm a very experienced e cig user. A slightly less experienced stoner but thats not the point. All of these "vape pens" that you see for $45 and up are rebranded ego batteries some have a special connection besides 510 and that is m601 just buy a 5 dollar ego battery from fasttech a charger and if you need to go here for the adapter so you can use the same cartridge. http://www.crystaleliquid.com/xcart/...?productid=309

I have multiple friends who have gone and spent $100 on the vape pens and you simply don't have to. Maybe even look into variable voltage, not much more expensive and when you crank those fuckers up its an amazing experience."

That is a very good web site, thanks. There is a lot of information on this thread but it changes a bit as new products come out. I haven't tried a ecig yet and am confused about what works like eveyrone else. On that site you posted it seem that you could put together for very little money the best of the various ecig products. If you were going to put one together what parts would you use in order to beat what is out there in the market place. Just what would you need for a very good Do it Yourself job using various parts??


So i can save 20 bucks per pen by ordering off-brand shit... No thanks. Good luck contacting "shenzhen hello technology co" when your vape malfunctions. If my G Pen goes on the fritz i get a free replacement from the shop.
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You can put the "for dabbing" cartridges on the "off brand" e-cig batteries. Bust open the battery on any 510 thread ego-t and one on one of your mass marketed Dab pen batteries and you'll find the exact same insides... Watch-sized batteries with incredibly small guage wire connected to the heating element thread and to the button. It's all cheap crap, just different appearance.


So i can save 20 bucks per pen by ordering off-brand shit... No thanks. Good luck contacting "shenzhen hello technology co" when ur vape malfunctions. If my G Pen goes on the fritz i get a free replacement from the shop.

You missed the point completely.
All vape pens are rebranded e cigs.


No i understand
In fact almost everything available to consumers today is mass produced in huge factories in china

Did you read my post right above yours? I am wondering about the warantees offered by the people selling the unbranded generic vape pens.. See, a "G Pen" might cost 20 bucks more per pen but if a "G pen" malfunctions its just a short drive to a smokeshop for an immediate free replacement. Some people think thats important.

Not trying to argue here . It appears that G-Pen, cloud, etc are indeed rebranded generic e cigs sold by Shenzhen Hello Technology Co and probably other chinese factories too. What i am asking is if anyone who has had experience with the latter has ever had to return a faulty product, and if so, was it quick and easy ?

Like i said i dont work for a vape pen company just trying to help people get the most for their money cuz there is a lot of bs
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New member
I've added enough ethanol to cannabis acetate to get it to flow, so that I could saturate the wick in an E-Series E-Cig. The cannabis acetate was low enough viscosity that it worked well after the alcohol evaporated off.

We are now experimenting with 3.8 volt e-pens, which we are able to vaporize oil in directly and just use heat to soften the oil enough to inject it into the cart. The battery pack was $30 and the 510 cart was $1.60 on line.

So far our best luck with non decarboxylated oil is to remove the wick from a 2 ohm 510 cart and inject the oil directly. It works and still stays put when the pen is laid on its side.

We are experimenting with a dual element 2.7 ohm cart leaving the wick intact, and injecting the lower viscosity decarboxylated oil.

As far as the evil phenolic chemical taste that begins to come out of the cart after extended use, it appears to me that it is because the lighter elements exit first with this type of vaporization system, leaving a concentration of the heavier elements.

With regard to the phenolic taste, I'm guessing it is because cannabinoids are phenols and after all the lighter tasty stuff is gone, the taste becomes more pronounced. For that reason, I've started just using a $1.60 cart once, so that the heavier elements don't concentrate.

Thank you Gray Wolf for all your work and help that you provide for people. i couldnt send a message to you directly for some reason but im curious about what you know to be the best options for using concentrates from an ecig type setup. Thanks to all!

also what do you think of this cart



New member
How do I clean the screen at the bottom of the mouthpiece???

How do I clean the screen at the bottom of the mouthpiece???

I love it but the screen at the bottom of the mouthpiece is really clogged up with sticky gooey residue from the wax... Is there anyway to clean it and still "re-use" the sticky gooey residue without just wiping it off with alcohol? Plus I would like to sanitize the mouthpiece too. It's a haven for germs!


Active member
Never used the regular G pen but have used the G pen Mini with the g coil...blech...nasty ass taste imparted to the oil,never tastes like that on the quartz domeless nail or the Ti nail I have.

My buddy has an Atmos Raw and I love that damn pen...fits way more then a g pen with g coil,the wax/oil always lasts longer and tastes damn good from first hit to the very last hit with no weird plastic/chemical taste imparted.

Those are the only pens I've tried other than some knockoff of the G pen Mini with coil...they get waaaaaay hotter than an actual G coil,and impart a stronger but similar plastic/chemical taste.

I'm getting myself an Atmos Raw.


New member
My first pen, was a G-Pen a number of years ago. Broke the atomizer, the first day. Got replacements, and used it off and on. Never really hit good enough, kinda shitty.
Currently, I have a friend that has a ebay store and sells e-cig's and wax set ups and such. I've been luck enough to be the tester of most of his newer wax products, and help his decision on purchases.
"The Cannon" is my go to vape setup! And has been for the longest, of all my vape setup's.


i have a set of micro gpens, a vapor globe attachment for 510 threading as well as another offbrand wax attachment that has a color changing led on it. To me, i love em all, i use the Micro g pens when im going out and about, like on a date or comedy club cuz they are smaller and more low key. I use the other ones at home on a nightly basis. I think they rock!!! when i can t sleep now, instead of having to go out in the back yard and smoke a few bowls, i grab the pen off my night stand, puff puff puff and roll over and knock out. with out the smell pissing my girl off! to me its a major bonus seeing how stealth they are


What do you guys think about the cartridges for the vape pens? The way I understand it it's just winterized oil with a flavor extract added....
Get the cloud, lifetime warranty on the battery... I've ran thru a lot of grenco products, they are shitty, bad customer support. Or go on ebay and buy the ones you can dial up the power, they are inexpensive and sweet all the tanks are interchangeable between companies. Fuck grenco. My 2 cents.


New member
haven't tried the G pen vaporizer but a couple folks i know said it is a heap. the hot ticket in this neck of the woods lately has been the atmos pens. you glop a dab into the unit and go to town. the flavor is definitely different than hitting it off a nail but pretty darn smooth. of the group of people i know who have them, i know of two units failing but they were replaced under warranty no questions asked. the failures were both something going on the fritz where the unit was stuck "on" and thus couldnt be used or charged. You'll find better pen vaporizers at Vapor Wizard. dunno about the other pens, but keep in mind you will have to periodically clean the atmos out because it gets gunked up and starts tasting bad after a while. nothing too terrible but just something to bear in mind.

The g pens rock for the price, I don't think they out perform any of the other pen vaporizers for sale though

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