I spent the night with a woman who had a rather ornate conch shell tattooed on her upper thigh. I put my ear against it and could smell the ocean. How's that possible?
I spent the night with a woman who had a rather ornate conch shell tattooed on her upper thigh. I put my ear against it and could smell the ocean. How's that possible?
I spent the night with a woman who had a rather ornate conch shell tattooed on her upper thigh. I put my ear against it and could smell the ocean. How's that possible?
I spent the night with a woman who had a rather ornate conch shell tattooed on her upper thigh. I put my ear against it and could smell the ocean. How's that possible?
The Chamber of Commerce fish fry is tomorrow night, I plan on getting a lot of mileage outta that one bro.......
K+ coming when my rep power's back @ 100%