Thats about the double slit experiment. Observation changes how the waves react.i dont get it
Observation changes how the waves react.
oh.i figured it was something like thatThats about the double slit experiment. Observation changes how the waves react.
the drake equations are about the scattering of photons in the two slit experiment showing they travel as both a wave and a particle...i dont get it
Thx that made it more funny.the drake equations are about the scattering of photons in the two slit experiment showing they travel as both a wave and a particle...
i just woke up! and now have no idea why they used drake in that meme...and mildly ashamed i knew who drake was!Thx that made it more funny.
After googeling that isn't the drake equation about the chances of finding life on other planets?
.that desrcibes me to a t.should get it on a tshirt.get it?but yeah i really am an asshole most days