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Funky's Nutrient Test pt 1 - Bcuzz Boosters


Two or three other people bought their Humic/Fulvic/Seaweed/Amino powder blend after my recommendation and two of them tell me it had made a 'night and day' difference to the vegging plants they have used it on, in particular no deficiencies and dark green glossy foliage, so that fits with what I've seen from using it. For the price it's definitely worth trying, consider that a commercial humic product like Grandma Enggy's H-1 is only 2.62% leonardite and 97.38% water and you see how highly diluted and overpriced these products are. A pound of humic acid (leonardite powder) is 12 bucks from brandmel and that's 454g. That's enough to make 173 litres of Grandma's H-1 Humic, just provide your own water! By my maths, that means you can make a litre of H-1 for 7c plus a bottle and water, and I think H-1 Humic is about 60 bucks a litre, so it really doesn't make sense to buy highly dilute liquid humic products when you can buy the raw powder so cheap.

The old AN Big Bid powder was 0-15-40 plus aminos, it was great stuff, one of the few additives that really did something worthwhile. To copy it, you just need the powdered aminos from brandmel and two common salts - mono potassium phosphate and potassium sulphate (sulphate of potash) which are available everywhere for a few bucks a pound, in the UK I paid 3.99ukp for 800g of sulphate of potash in my local garden centre.
awsome info funky,sry to derail your thread,what is the ratios to mix for the big bud?
and whats your opinion on the Mycorrhiza + Trichoderma they sell,would the benifical enzymes in the drain cleaner just kill them?


I'm afraid I don't know much at all about beneficial funghi, I think they are more of use when using organics as high levels of salts kill them.

I don't know how much aminos were in big bud, to get approximately 0-15-40 you would add 132g of mono potassium phospate and 95g of potassium sulphate to a litre of water. I would guess that adding aminos to that would give ya something similar to big bud but much more concentrated than the big bud liquid. I dunno whether you would then add 10g of aminos or 100g of aminos, probably more like 10g.


I use trich & myco... Trich is hardier than myco from my understanding. There is a thread around on the levels of P myco can handle before dying out/ halting reproduction or the like. In theory, if using soil/ compost and not adding any chem nutes till 2nd week of bloom the plants will benefit somewhat by using it. Introduce the addition of chems and the myco's usefulness is depleted somewhat IIRC.

Canna use tricho in their coco and recommend the use of cannazyme aka watered down drain cleaner so I guess they must be compatible or canna would be wasting dosh on adding tricho only to be murdered by zyme :D hehee...

Hey funky I'm interested to see how the molasses holds up being pre mixed, it would get stank and nasty in my rez after 3 days so I add just prior to feeding.

Will go and check out your ripen thread now mate! Just the type of shit I'm interested in mate! Good on you and plenty of k+ mate!


Never occurred to me about the molasses. Let's hope it doesn't ferment or turn bad or anything in the next couple of weeks. 5g in 5 litre isn't that much so it might be fine.

I have used mycos in the past, had free samples of AN Piranha powder, managed to kill some plants with that as used it too strong, then I read it had Urea prills in it to add bulk so that was why it had fried the young plants. I have used Rootgrow and BAC Friendly Funghi in soilless organic mixes but no idea if they did much as I used em once and went back to coco which I find so much easier to get good results with. Mycos aren't cheap, so I haven't really bothered with them in coco, sometime I might get round to doing a side-by-side test. if someone wants to send me a sample of mycos, enough to innoculate one pot, I'll run a side-by-side right away! lol


The bigger Volunteer is at 25 days of 12/12 now and is really flowering rapidly, the resin has just started to appear. I have a feeling this is gonna finish pretty fast, maybe only 50 days.






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Had a bit of a catastrophe tonight. My damn fan failed and it got very hot in my box, when I went to take the plants out to take the day 21 pics I was shocked to discover the tops of half the plants had been frazzled, the op 3 inches of the bigger Volunteer was burnt to a crisp so had to be removed, the three test plants aren't so badly hit but two of them look a little fried. The five Mexicans have been frazzled which kinda ruins my Ripen test as well. I've removed all the fried dry brown leaf and am praying for the best, we shall see in a couple of days just how bad the damage is by how the plants continue to flower.


Here's a look at the damage, the first pic is one of the two plants being fed my DIY regime, this one is quite badly burnt and the whole top of the bud is gone. Second pic is the plant getting the Bcuzz regime, it is also burnt, not quite as bad, but the top bud is ruined. The third plant wasn't burnt.

Last three pics show the bigger, older Volunteer, she has lost the top 3-4 inches of her main cola, really upset about that as she was looking really nice for 30 days and judging by the lower buds on the other branches, might only take 45 days.


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Some bud shots of the bigger volunteer at 33 days of 12/12, I am surprised how fast she is flowering, looks like she may be done in 45.


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Just noticed that four of the lower largest fan leaves had yellowed to the point of being about to fall off on the Bcuzz fed plant. There is no yelllowing at all on the other two. Interesting, I wonder if the Bcuzz boosters have caused this? I'll step up the ec of the feed tomorrow.


Well-known member
That interesting. One thing I have noticed since using the Bcuzz boosters is the shear amount of feed I get through. I never used to have to go much higher than 1.2 - 1.4 base ec.

Now I start flower at 1.4-1.6 and by day 21 I am at a base of 1.8 then the pks ontop. Now my leafs stay greener for longer. But things defo flush faster on plants that have had the bcuzz.


I checked the plants just now and there is only a tiny bit of yellowing on the two getting the DIY regime, so the Bcuzz one is the only one to have had this yellowing and leaf loss. I stepped up the EC to 1.7 today, see if that helps.


Today is 28 days of 12/12, I missed updating with pics at 21 days due to the scorching disaster. I'll update tonight with pics. On the loss of leaves on the Bcuzz plant, I don't mind yellowing and leaf loss in the second half of flowering, I expect it as I reduce the N and up the PK to promote flower development in favour of foliage growth, but the Bcuzz plant lost four fan leaves between 21 and 28 days and that's too early, could hurt yield. The big Volunteer a week ahead lost a load of fans in the 3rd and 4th weeks of flower but as they were at the bottom and not getting much light I attributed it to lack of light, didn't seem to hurt the plant at all, but now I'm thinking this cutting is very N hungry in early and mid flower, so should perhaps be fed more N than usual until the midpoint of flowering?


Day 28, not much to see, all three look very similar, can't see any differences yet apart from the loss of the four leaves on the Bcuzz plant.


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I checked the trichomes on the bigger Volunteer that is at 38 days and already she has a few amber trichomes, mostly cloudy, still some clear ones. Looks like she will be done in 45-50 for sure.

The Bcuzz plant is still yellowing, the remaining fans are getting a bit yellow, the other two plants are not yellowing, I wonder if this is down to the Bcuzz boosters? Sounds like Herb is right and high ECs are needed with these products.


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33 days and I'm seeing a clear difference between the plants now. The Bcuzz one is yellowing more and more, all it's fans are yellowed now with purple petioles, looks hungry. The other two plants have a nice green glow throughout, I removed one small yellowed fan leaf from one of them today, but that was due to lack of light I think more than anything.

It also seems that the Bcuzz plant has a tad more resin, interesting to see if this difference becomes more pronouced.

I'm gonna mix up a new batch of nutes for the Bcuzz plant tomorrow and will up the ec to 2.0, looks like it needs a hefty feed!


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The other two plants are doing well, not much difference between them, the on that got burnt on top has recovered, the difference is obvious, the burnt one is growing a flat fat top bud whereas the unburnt one has a spear shaped bud, both look like they have a bit more bud mass than the bcuzz plant but a wee bit less resin.


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The bigger Volunteer is at 40 days and is looking almost done, I am gonna let her go 50 days. I started giving her water and molasses today, the buds are rock hard and will only get harder in the next 10 days. She's not the smelliest plant in the world, hard to describe her smell amongst the other plants, sort of hashy.


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I mixed up a new 5 litre batch of nutes for the Bcuzz plant today. Since day 15 it has been fed this mix at EC 1.5, PH 6.2:

45ml Ionic Coco Bloom
10ml Bcuzz Coco Booster
10ml Bcuzz Bloom Stimulator
10ml Dutchmaster Silica

The new batch ups the EC to 2.3, ph 6.2:

80ml Ionic Coco Bloom
10ml Bcuzz Coco Booster
10ml Bcuzz Bloom Stimulator

I dropped the Silica as it's a bad idea in late flower, it's a fire retardant and you mainly want it for the thick, strong stems it makes. Because the plant has yellowed so much I decided to just feed the base nute and not give any PK booster, this means the plant is getting a 1-1-2 NPK ratio and this should give it enough N I hope, seeing how yellow it has got, I should have fed it grow nutes with a 2-1-2 ratio up till this point. The other two plants are not yellowed at all and they have also been fed 1-1-2 bloom nutes so it must be the bcuzz boosters that have caused the yellowing, maybe they have encouraged the plant's metabolic processes in some way and that has made it hungry?

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