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Funky's Nutrient Test pt 1 - Bcuzz Boosters


Hiya folks

I just picked up some Bcuzz products really cheap, heard nothing but good things about them so decided to give them a trial.

I like to know just what benefits if any products give me so I always run a trial.

17th November I planted out 5 cuttings of a mystery strain I call Volunteer. Absolutely no idea of the genetics, it sprouted in a pot of recycled coco that another plant was flowering in. I let it be and it turned into a 2 foot budstick, very vigourous and looked like it had potential to be a big yielder. I revegged it and took cuttings, I have one large one a couple of weeks into flower, but otherwise haven't run it before that initial run from seed.

Here are the cuttings, rooted in root riot cubes, just before being potted into 10cmx10cm 18cm tall deep pots that hold 1.4 litres, planted in a mix of coco and perlite.



Seems to root easily, nice roots for 8 days I think.


Here are three of the five cuttings today, 7 days later, I put the rooted cuts straight into 12/12 under a 400w HPS, so no veg time. I removed the lower growth 2 days ago as these are being run in a SOG, single cola style. The slight browning on the lower leaves is left over from when they were rooting, they have been the picture of health since I potted them out. Big cuttings like this always seem to get a bit of leaf browning I find.





So far they have been fad a basic regime of Ionic Coco Grow, Dutchmaster Silica and my homemade booster which consists of seaweed, amino acids, fulvic acid and humic acid, I bought all four in raw powdered form and made my own stock solution which I use liberally throughout veg and bloom.



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The plant in the pot with the red band around it is the one I am going to be feeding the Bcuzz regime to, the other two are my control specimens and will be fed my usual bloom regime. The Bcuzz plant is a little bit bigger than the other two, it's hard to get cuttings to be precisely the same size, but I don't think it will make too much difference in this trial.

I just picked up a pile of goodies on ebay for pennies.

1 litre of Bio Rhizotonic, 250ml of Bio Rhizotonic, 2x250ml Bcuzz Root Stimulator, 1 litre Bcuzz Hydro Bloom Stimulator, 1 litre Bcuzz Coco Booster I.D.

All that lot for 24.99 inc shipping, can't be bad!


Here are the two regimes I am going to be using in this trial:

Standard Coco Bloom Regime

Ionic Coco Bloom
Humic Acid
Fulvic Acid
L-Amino Acids
Seaweed Extract
Dutchmaster Silica
Dutchmaster MAX Bloom

Bcuzz Coco Bloom Regime

Ionic Coco Bloom
Bcuzz Hydro Bloom Stimulator
Bcuzz Coco Booster
Dutchmaster Silica
Dutchmaster MAX Bloom

I'm keeping the same base nute (Ionic Coco Bloom), the same PK booster (DM MAX Bloom) and the same silicate so the trial is a direct comparison between my five cheap additives (seaweed, humic, fulvic, aminos, molasses) and the two Bcuzz products (Bloom Stimulator, Coco Booster) to see which produces the best effects, should be interesting I think.

Here's some info on the ingredients in my homebrew booster:

The Humic Acid helps to improve plant health, binding to nutrient and water, aiding in their uptake.

The Fulvic Acid helps nutrients and water permeate through the plant, It can balance and energize cell life and biological properties it comes into contact. Fulvic Acid is the element that makes nutrients absorbable.

Kelp helps stimulates soil bacteria. This, in turn increases fertility of the soil by humus formation (which feeds on the bacteria), aeration and moisture retention, it is an excellent source of fully chelated micro-nutrients and plant hormones (like all seaweed products).

Amino acids rapidly correct nutrient deficiencies and generates stronger and healthier plants.

Breakdown of Amino Acids:

Alainie 2.0%
Arginine 5.0%
Aspartic 3.5%
Cystine 2.5%
Glutamin Acid 9.2%
Glysine 2.5%
Histidine 1.0%
Isoleucine 1.8%
Leucine 2.5%
Lysine 2.2%
Methionine 0.2%
Pheinylalanine 1.9%
Proline 3.5%
Serine 4.5%
Threonine 3.5%
Tyrosine 1.0%
Valine 3.0%

This is the molasses I use, made by NAF to feed to horses, I just glug a nice big drop of it into my nutes, it's only 6.50ukp for 5 litres and I'm less than a third of the way into my bottle after 2 years, so this is probably the cheapest additive you can buy, plants love the stuff and it adds a nice kick of K which aids yield, I also find it enhances taste and resin production, NPK is roughly 1-1-5 and it has a ton of good stuff in it, aminos, carbs, sugars, vitamins, enzymes etc.



I'm keeping the plants on the Veg regime of Ionic Coco Grow, Dutchmaster Silica and Homebrew Booster for 7 more days, I started giving them some Bio Rhizotonic today and will do for the next 7 days to make sure they have nicely developed roots before flowering begins. I'll start feeding the two bloom regimes in 8 days from today, which will be day 15 of 12/12. They are currently getting EC 1.3, first 7 days was EC 1.2, I'll start the Bloom regime at ec 1.4, aiming to up it by 0.1 each week until week 8 when it will be 1.9, then for week 9 they will get just plain water, not sure how long this cutting will take, either 9 or 10 weeks so they may end up getting two weeks of plain water.

This is the Bcuzz Coco bloom regime as a guide:


And here are the regimes I will be trialling, the ml per litre figures are not exact, depends on what the EC meter reads to give the target EC listed at the bottom of the charts, but you get the idea, it's the same regime apart from the boosters.



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I have another Volunteer cutting at 15 days of 12/12 in a 3.5 litre pot. It has slightly more than doubled in height and has branched quite a lot.

Here she is on day one of 12/12, she had about a week's veg:



And here she is today, day fifteen of 12/12:




She has been fed Ionic Coco Grow, my homebrew booster and Dutchmaster Silica starting at ec 1.4 for the first 7 days, ec 1.5 for the last 7 days, tomorrow I am switching her to my bloom regime at ec 1.6.


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I hope so shafty.

Had a bit of a disaster, when I was taking pics of the big Volunteer last night I noticed a single male ball and plucked it off, then I noticed a couple of spots where male nanners are growing out of a calyx, picked them off too. So now I know this plant is intersexed and I won't be keeping it. I'll flower the mother out as well but I'm tossing the cuts of it in the propagator.

I don't suppose it will spoil this test, but it's disappointing. I suppose it will be interesting to see what effects if any, the different regimes have on the number of male flowers.


Glad to have ya along for the ride, I'll do my best to keep it interesting! I'll update with pics at day 14, the last day they are being fed the same before I start the two different bloom regimes. In the meantime, anyone got any criticisms/points to make about any of my methodology?


I think the methodology is spot on good choice of products to test against each other.

Is there any difference, nutritionally, between the horse grade molasses and food grade stuff? IIRC the mention of this stuff was bought up in hazylady's molasses vs canna boost thread, and there was a wee difference between the 2. Although not big enough to deter use.

Is your homebrew booster the same recipe u pm'd me a while back?


I dunno if there is much difference in the molasses, plants seem to like this horse stuff as much as they did the food stuff in jars.

Different recipe, this booster is equal parts powdered seaweed, powdered aminos, powdered humic and powdered fulvic.


Day 14 today and the last day the plants are being fed veg nutes. Tomorrow they start getting fed the two bloom regimes.

The plants have gained another 3-4 inches and are now all looking pretty much identical sized. I added some canes for support a few days ago. The first pistils are just appearing and they will begin flowering in the next few days.






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I have a bigger Volunteer cutting a week ahead of the test subjects, to give you an idea of how the cuttings should develop in the next week here is the bigger one at first 18 days, then 20 days.




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To avoid endless mixing of new batches of nutes I have made up two 5 litre bottles of feed.

These are the respective recipes:

Bcuzz Regime
45ml Ionic Coco Bloom
10ml Bcuzz Coco Booster
10ml Bcuzz Bloom Stimulator
10ml Dutchmaster Silica

DIY Regime
45ml Ionic Coco Bloom
5g Seaweed Powder
5g Amino Acid Powder
5g Humic/Fulvic Acid Powder
5g Molasses
10ml Dutchmaster Silica

Both of these have an EC of 1.5 and a PH of 6.2. I will feed each plant about 250ml of these each day so the 5 litres should last 3 weeks.



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