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Funk hunt by Dr.Mantis


Well-known member
Question for everyone,

I’m re flowering some clones of the Maruf, to give them a better chance to express themselves.

Since the containers they are in are too small, I switched to a liquid nutrient. I’m not a liquid nutrient guy, but I think I’m seeing some signs of too much N with the curling leaf tips. Can anyone chime in?

Nvm photos aren’t loading. Will try again later.
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The problem with ammonium nitrogen is it doesn't show up on the pocket EC meter. When one mixes a complete fertilizer with the ammonium nitrogen the reading they get is all the other stuff but not the nitrogen. It's easy to overdo it because beauty always comes before the beast. I think running between 160 and 360 ppm would be suited for those small containers without knowing all the details. You're Doing Very Nice work friend.


Active member
The problem with ammonium nitrogen is it doesn't show up on the pocket EC meter. When one mixes a complete fertilizer with the ammonium nitrogen the reading they get is all the other stuff but not the nitrogen. It's easy to overdo it because beauty always comes before the beast. I think running between 160 and 360 ppm would be suited for those small containers without knowing all the details. You're Doing Very Nice work friend.
Thank you creeper, that makes complete sense! I made the liquid nutrients using hydrobuddy. I used soy protein hydrosylate as the N source, since I didn’t want any exogenous nitrates in the mix. Soy hydrosylate is all ammonium N. The ppm at a full dose was around 500, which seemed low. However, since the N wasn’t registering that checks out. I’ll back it off to maybe 160ppm for a few watering and see how they respond.

Thank you for all of the help!


Active member
You should get some duct tape for that clear plastic cup to block out the light, or it could cause algae growth.
Yeah honestly I should.

Originally I bought a can of messed up paint at the hardware store to paint them, but my laziness won that battle. I should paint/cover then, but I probably won’t. Fortunately, they seem to chug water and dry quite quickly, so no algae so far.


Active member
Well, it’s been a few weeks so I thought I would give the curing bud a sniff.

So far, the Thousand Oaks is by far the closest to what I’m looking for. The smaller purple pheno is pretty, but has less of the obnoxious stank. The larger less purple pheno is very interesting. The jar smell is of farts and a sulfury geyser (like you would run into walking around Yellowstone), with a really interesting metallic note that lingers in your nose - kind of that rust or blood smell but not quite. I’ve only smoked it once before cure, and it’s very potent. Has a rush during the first few minutes, then time sort of slips away. When I smoked it, I did some housework to avoid the panicky feeling I can get from certain strains. Once I was done, and sat down, I realized 2 hours had passed by. I gave a bug to a friend who smokes much more than I do and didn’t say anything about. His first comment was “ wow this is strong”. No paranoia though, which is nice.

I’ve got a nice hash lump made from it that smells divine, but I’m a little nervous to try it since I don’t normally use concentrates.

Looking forward, I made F6s of the TO. Additionally I have 9 seedlings of the TO male crossed with the purple Maruf black female going right now. I will definitely run these again, and look forward to see how the Maruf x TO f1s turn out. Right now, they seem to all have the same stem rub as their pops, but much fatter indica looking leaves.


Active member
Smoke report on the GH cheese:

Smell: in the jar strong aroma, blueberry smell that was in the fresh bud has changed to something more like pine cleaner. Not fresh Christmas tree, but more like one of those things you hang from your car mirror. The smell is quite loud outside the jar, multiple friends have complained about the buds stinking up the room.

Taste when burning is sort of metallic and kind of astringent, along with a nice savory note.

High: quite strong. Starts off sort of loopy and cerebral. Looking at clouds after smoking a j was fun and intense. Definite time dilation. About 2 hrs of high, then a mellow and pleasant body high. A friend who mostly smokes concentrates remarked that “I’m high as F” about 30 mins after smoking a j of this stuff.

Overall I’m very happy with this stuff, the yield wasn’t great, but I messed up quite a bit. I have clones that were treated to induce tetraploidy in this plant. I will be flowering one of those soon. It’s kind of funny, I had low expectations for this plant given all the bad reviews floating around for GH cheese. However, I found it unique and fun.