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Full purge Iso oil aka budda


Active member
Chiefsmokingbud said:
I'm surprised they didn't emphasize that most denatured alcohol has methanol which is a dangerous poison and should not be handled let alone smoked............because you cannot get methanol out.

mean mr mustard ..did my extraction...and did it the wrong way...he got the green blackish oil and still said the oil was 10x times better then iso .with no alcohol smell or taste at all..

how cant u get methonol out?? when u leave dentaured out to the open everything just dont evaporate and u have methonol left...no everything evaporates completely with no residue. try it .. get a tin foil put a lil bit of denatured on it ..and let it evap and see whats left on the tin foil..

u guys can say whatever u want ..there is no way u can smoke methonol..

The human body processes Methonol and Ethonol (Booze) via the same path way

The body oxidizes Methonol into Formic Acid faster than the body can eliminate Formic acid. Thus it is easy to consume enough methonol to kill
Toxic effect of Methonol poisoning are almost entirely due to Formic acid.
--- Did a bit of research and found

Methonol is an acute poison. And it's very possible for someone to drink enough to make them sick. Ingestion of .25ml/Kg? is enough to make someone extreemly sick. Thatz about 0.5 oz (half a shot glass) for a typical adult.

It's the breakdown product Formic Acid that is what is actually toxic. Humans and Monkeys process Formic acid very slowly compared to other animals. (If you give a dog or a rat methonol they just get drunk


Active member
thats also what i was lookin at..it said 151 ... i was like.. i can just use bacardi..? i knew it was more proof than that..


Active member
Ahh well now you learn somthing new every day! i did not know that they had a more powerful version!... Well i used to use the stuff from bev mo for sanitation to make beer. It is food safe and will sanitize anything!
Good luck on finding what you are looking for.


My little pony.. my little pony
Thats not as bad as a roomate I had that went to the wrong state over and came back with some Everclear that was 90 proof. The only bonus is it has no taste to it.


TOB - if you want to do the first step to glass, its best to follow ninjas method. That all im saying. Oh sorry I meant Bram's method. arf

I truely dispair for some people TOB, people like you have my concern and pity. Why even make the comment? Can you justify it in any way? What was its purpose?


Hello ladies and gentlemen, I see a few familiar faces here, and on RMS forums as well......

Let's BLAZE, with a capital B, L, A, Z, and E......... :woohoo:

peace, the unknowm grower
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Active member
kilacaLIbud said:
first of all they dont sell everclear in cali..

Yah they do, at least up to 165proof... or else its somethin else in my fridge?

LOL it says "everclear" right on the bottle. $18.99 for 750ml.


P.S> no it aint for ISO extraction, its for ingestion baby! :yoinks:
*edit* I would love to try some TRUE Fire Water... good ol' tennesse corn shine :) hahaha... Maybe someday Ill get to.
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I truely dispair for some people TOB, people like you have my concern and pity. Why even make the comment? Can you justify it in any way? What was its purpose?

Can I justify what, Girl, that you didn't make the technique and give the wrong people credit? That you're a thief who tries to act like they came up with the method then taunt (me) the person who calls you out on it? Funk that. I could care less what you think, TUG made that technique, not you.

Heya TUG :wave: nice 2 c u

and "if you want to do the first step on glass" wtf are you talking about, qwiso then evap? ninja didn't come up with that either, give nardsofdank the credit he deserves for starting the short soaks. as for keeping everything freezing, even shorter soaks and budder whipping, that's all TUG.

why you give ninja credit for something he really has nothing to do with is beyond me.

Did i give you enough justification for my commentary now?<


budder is really popular now, me thinks me wants to start holding seminars on how to make 'budder'......


i think it's a good idea. to say the least,
i think it'd be a good idea for some of us to get together,
don masks, o' course,
and make some rad videos, that way it can be formatted to a DVD to give non-techies,
can be made into PDF format for non-forum-readers,
and can be in HTML/forum style for those who are on the 'Net frequently.

That way, the bullshit over "butane is soooo unsafe" or "evaporating iso will make your house smell for weeks" and all kinds of weird rumor's can die down.

btw, i dig the sig :D


That's a good idea.

Anyone who wants to seriously undertake this idea, get ahold of me.
A 'budder making' DVD, what a great idea, let's get this done......


New member
Damn TOB.. why all the ninja hate?

Tha Oil Baron said:
ninja ain't got shit to do with this method, btw

Nope not the Whipping "bUdder" part..... but I DID write the most viewed/Copied thread on the net on the topic, which brought ISO into light as a Viable Solvent for collecting trichs with the masses.... :chin:

Tha Oil Baron said:
and "if you want to do the first step on glass" wtf are you talking about, qwiso then evap? ninja didn't come up with that either, give nardsofdank the credit he deserves for starting the short soaks. as for keeping everything freezing, even shorter soaks and budder whipping, that's all TUG.

why you give ninja credit for something he really has nothing to do with is beyond me.

i think you better go back and read my original thread TOB..

In the first paragraph Nardsofdank and TheGanjaNazi were credited with doing this long before me...
Nards encouraged me to write the thread, as I had been speaking with him in PMs on the topic of extrememly short washes, activated charcoal, etc for a while,...and made it a sticky.

the 2 minutes rule is the MAX time( again, see the damn thread..).. not the exact time for best product..
it was easier to author it that way, so I wouldnt have to field flaming newbies that got more yeild with slightly longer washes..MAX time..2 minutes.
shorter washes lead to lower overall yeilds but Higher quality product I clearly stated in the thread that a 15-30 second wash is best.. even with green fresh trim.

the frozen part is off....we arent making hard trichs for bubble hash.. :)

dont freeze anything..... room temp ISO and room temp trichs dissove faster.

again,... re read my thread.
I didnt invent this method ... but Im pretty fuckin good at it.


i always thought freezing ISO/trim prevents it from getting the darker colour because it will wash away less chlorophyl from the plant? isnt that why butane washed buds always looks like honey ... cause its so cold :confused:


New member
dopesmoka said:
i always thought freezing ISO/trim prevents it from getting the darker colour because it will wash away less chlorophyl from the plant? isnt that why butane washed buds always looks like honey ... cause its so cold :confused:

nope.. it makes the oil filled trich heads " Hard".... which makes them much tougher to dissolve in the ISO.

think... what happens to runny oil when frozen?

Freezing is a Myth, copped from the bubblebag method, and followed because at lower temps ISO is a stronger solvent...
but it doesnt apply in a qwiso extraction..( see first page of the QWISO tutortial)
I ASSURE you I have tried both ways MANY MANY times and freezing isnt the answer..

......proper filtering, and a shorter wash, is ;)


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