no, the '4 out of 54' OP is currently member in good standing, I'll leave his name out of it.
You know? ... looking back at his posts, I don't think ole tuff mudder ever said that he'd actually called the cops. He said he was considering it, and blamed his wife for that, but I didn't see where he actually said that he'd gone and done the deed. And he did post here to get our opinion on this.
You can see here where those would think otherwise. I'd like to talk you out of it.So I guess I'm gonna call the Sheriff's Dept tomorrow.
Wow...One of, what appears to a minority, few members who can actually read and comprehend! My hats off to you my friend. Indeed, I haven't made a single call. I wasn't going to place a call other than to the vet to ensure the dog had his shot(s) as the dog actually bit me. No big deal, right? Seamaiden was concerned. And when I think back on everything that occurred, it could have been worse. I passed at least 5 children on my circuit about the lake. Once I subdued the dog, the owner did say something to the effect of "I don't understand why he does this." Which could perhaps mean that the dog does in fact have a history...yet he takes the dog in leash.
The playful dogs? I was just pissed as I was timing myself and I had to stop, repeatedly, and tell the owners to leash the fucking animals.
Deal with it myself? I suppose I could. None of you except Seamaiden has witnessed what I'm capable of when I want to "deal" with something...It ain't pretty(I could have murdered a neighbor a few years back), and I sworn to myself that I will no longer go back to that "person". I choose nonviolence. I can forgive the owner for what happened to me. I do want him put on notice...because I could not forgive myself if I were to read in the local paper of a child that was attacked on a trail by the lake by a certain canine.
Jesus H. Christ...Some of you people need to learn how to read, understand, and perhaps even "think" about things other than yourselves.
None of you except Seamaiden has witnessed what I'm capable of when I want to "deal" with something...It ain't pretty(I could have murdered a neighbor a few years back), and I sworn to myself that I will no longer go back to that "person".
So I guess I'm gonna call the Sheriff's Dept tomorrow. Why? I was bitten by a fucking dog.
but I'm calling the Sheriff's Dept so they pay him a visit.
But you're resorting to doing the same here, but with a dog.
No...I'm the guy that faced down 2 cops, with guns, and chased off my property when Seamaiden thought they were going to shoot me. Why do you ask?Off topic:
Are you the guy who always call the cops when the neighbors set off fireworks around the holidays?
Do you have kids dave?
Do you have a dog yourself, or have ever considered one? If not, why so? Do you hate dogs Dave?
I'm not trying to piss you off...I'm just curious.
Yeah, and the person I was thinking of calling was the Cpt. who consoled Seamaiden after she was assaulted in the home invasion. He is a very nice, compassionate person who understood Seamaiden...and what I was feeling in the aftermath. I was going to tell him that I was bitten, I am not hurt, I've verified the dog has had vaccinations, but I would like him to do a favor and speak to the owner about the importance of leashing his dog (a dog that appears to have done this before) in public...for the safety of others. And I planned on getting his word he wouldn't take it any further than a "polite reminder" on leash laws before I gave him the owners name and number...Why? Because I don't want the animal put down.
There is a serious lack of comprehension amongst some members within this community, so it wouldn't surprise me if this post is misunderstood as well. Furthermore, if one is to extrapolate, then one should acquire more information, before one shoots off one's mouth...verstehen sie das?
What if the owner of that dog is a grower and the cops come to his place and the result is he gets busted from growing? That is why we NEVER call the cops.
I was out with my dog today, checking out a new park with a hiking trail.
I'm gonna call the Sheriff's Dept tomorrow. Why? I was bitten by a fucking dog.
They proceed to maul me/muddy me/claw me for a bit until their losers get them under control.
before I know it...The dog has his teeth on my right hand.I gave him "The Look" and he understood I meant business and immediately became apologetic\, but I'm calling the Sheriff's Dept so they pay him a visit.\What a day. At least I finished my run though...blood and all. Heh.
No...I'm the guy that faced down 2 cops, with guns, and chased off my property \?
. None of you except Seamaiden has witnessed what I'm capable of when I want to "deal" with something...It ain't pretty(I could have murdered a neighbor a few years back), and I sworn to myself that I will no longer go back to that "person". I choose nonviolence.\Jesus H. Christ...Some of you people need to learn how to read, understand, and perhaps even "think" about things other than yourselves.