Its bad taste to be making thousands of $$$$ in the weed game and not want to see some new legislation passed to help keep people from the negative stigma attached to their habit which you supply.
dude!! it's obvious you don't have a clue. get on.
have you walked in KB's shoes? for a block, let alone a mile. how do you know he has made a dime in profits? you don't. it's been said time and takes a shit ton of money (and even more time), to make a single dime (if you grow the dank)....if you don't know that, you are on the wrong board. i'm pretty sure you are on the wrong board anyhow, just from your level of stupidity. just cause you tried the pot once in high school doesn't mean you should open your mouth in public. and as homie pointed out a couple posts up....there is a reason the cliche is 'balls of steel'. peace out troll.
KB...keep your head up. its a long battle, which seems to be going your way so far. hope it stays that way.