Sage from TH seeds
I let this little nugget to cure for a lot of time (10 months) in a little glass jar.Smoked some days ago and I noticed the flavours were almost gone...after 2 months cure it had superb aroma.
However the high was nice,fast to take my mind after some hits.
Are 10 months too many?Did I do something wrong?
Amazing nug bro,
You didn't do anything wrong...
Terpenes are volatile at room temperature so you are losing them every time you let air enter the jar.
To preserve them you have to keep dry resin or dry bud stored in a airtight jar and in a cold and dark enviroment.
Also THC will suffer presence of air, since oxidation process is in progress.
My 10 week old Dragon Haze, getting chopped in 9 days
Cant wait to smoke her