Oh just for the reason bro FFOF has quite a bit of newts all ready in it and adding the cow compost might raise N to high and burn the little seedlings/clones. Well that and COW COMP STINKS indoors! I don't care how long it has been composting SHIT is shit and it stinks to me. The only crap I use is in my TEAs, seabird, bat. very little smell.
Yup Yup... I thought you meant about adding it to the Pro-Mix. That makes much more sense. Yeah, that is good advice. I used to add guano to the FFOR, but always used at least a few inches of plain FFOF on top for early growth.
I can vouch for the effectiveness of manure in a indoor pro-mix based soil medium.
I get the points about Manure. The stuff Im getting right now is Organic Composted Manure from Lowes @ $3.50 per bag. Cheap! It is odorless when mixed with ProMix at correct proportions as any completely finished cow manure should be. The nice thing about Manure is it is much more mild then guano, and using it as a an amendment in ProMix DIY batches is a cheap way to cut the Soilless Peat with some organic material. OUtdoors in the the NE US I have been growing in a green/cow manure mix I get from a local farm. It has feed and bedding composted with manure to create a phenomenal growing medium.
Careful experimentation is the best way to know the whole rainbow of plant nutrients. It is always best to truly understand why, how, when etc in case they don't have what you need ready to rock at the grow shop around the corner. Imagine how it was before the multi-million dollar cannabis specific agriculture business blew up, giving people with no basic knowledge the prepackaged tools to short-cut the learning and intuitive process.