Ive heard of people mixing different kinds together. Is there some sort of added advantage to doing that?
Anyone out there let the soil do the feeding and just water?
Someone bought all the damn foxfarm soil before i got their. -_- The good news is I bought a bail of promix that will be good enough.
Regular Promix Bx is nothing like Fox Farm Ocean Forest. Promix is much more peat based and contains vermiculite in it. add at least 15 % more large course perlite to that Promix and some composted fine-medium tree bark or just good compost that has a lot of organic plant material in it. NOT steer compost.
The problem with most Promix is it holds too much water in it and doesnt have enough airation. This slows down root growth and over all plant growth.
Why not Cow manure friend? People round my parts been using it successfully for generations, myself included.
Good Advice!FFOF has quite a bit of newts all ready in it and adding the cow compost might raise N to high and burn the little seedlings/clones. Well that and COW COMP STINKS indoors! SHIT is shit and it stinks to me. The only crap I use is in my TEAs, seabird, bat. very little smell.