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Fox News Spins UC research


Nice failure there, hbstoner. That was quite a stretch to make, don't you think?

Please show me where I blamed faux news for dumbing down america... To me your lack of reading comprehension shows that you may be part of the 50 million americans that read at the level of a 4th or 5th grader , which does not surprise me since your so hell bent on defending faux "news".


New member
Thank you hoosierdaddy I registered just now too let you know you are not alone.Nice post,now excuse me I need to go to the introduction,new member thread.Again nice post.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Please show me where I blamed faux news for dumbing down america... To me your lack of reading comprehension shows that you may be part of the 50 million americans that read at the level of a 4th or 5th grader , which does not surprise me since your so hell bent on defending faux "news".
Your failure was trying to tie any growing illiteracy in the US to an increase of Fox viewership. A fucking ridiculous tie to make.
And even more ridiculous you try to show me as less than learned.
All one needs to do is read one of my posts and they can clearly see I am not an illiterate. And you thinking that defending Fox news is a sign of a persons lack of intelligence only shows you are the one with the number three hat size. Are you really that simple, or are you just a kid that has lots to learn? (shrug)

Now, the reason that we are seeing a decline in literacy, is for several reasons, and each of them tie into the social disaster that the left has thrust upon our citizenry since Woodrow Wilson brought his vile progressive poison to our land.
And these illiterate folks are used by the left. The left needs these people to be dumb. And these dumb people cling to the left's redistribution of wealth to survive.
It's not Big Oil, or Big Banks, or Big Insurance, or Big Industry that is bringing us down...it's Big Dumbass, which is owned and perpetuated by the left.

Dr Psycho

Do you know how many Billions are spent annually of pain relievers, The corporate Cartels, Bayer . Glaxxo Wellcome, Lilly etc...are just using their Maroinettes in the media to squeeze the herbal competetion. I use herb for back pain. my wife uses it for mentrual pain my Mom uses it for osteo- arthritis pain, my neighbour uses it for rheumatiod arthritis, and Migraines-it 's use as a pain killer has been documented for thousands of years people! The frightening thing is we know the Media lies about herb-but what else do they lie about?


It's not Big Oil, or Big Banks, or Big Insurance, or Big Industry that is bringing us down...it's Big Dumbass, which is owned and perpetuated by the left.

HAhahaHAhaHAhAhAh so the right has no idiots? Wow talk about troll. Arguing with you crazy right wing faux news worshipers is like talking to someone that thinks the earth is still flat.

Don't feed the trolls. Just ignore them.

Im taking this advice so have fun ranting to yourself hoosier.


Active member
HAhahaHAhaHAhAhAh so the right has no idiots? Wow talk about troll. Arguing with you crazy right wing faux news worshipers is like talking to someone that thinks the earth is still flat.

Im taking this advice so have fun ranting to yourself hoosier.

His last post made it pretty clear there's no point. :laughing:


Active member
ICMag Donor
HAhahaHAhaHAhAhAh so the right has no idiots? Wow talk about troll. Arguing with you crazy right wing faux news worshipers is like talking to someone that thinks the earth is still flat.

Im taking this advice so have fun ranting to yourself hoosier.

Fist off, I do not worship Fox news. It is you that turns a news source into a demon seed and connects it with a religion.
Or were you meaning I worship Fox the way many do say, global warming, or Barack Obama, or dey check?
Take the advise, but not because of my lack of debate, but because of you lack of sack. And that is all you have done is shown you're bagless and have no real arguments. It was you that trolled in with shit, now either clean it up or shove off.
Or do you not have more than that?

His last post made it pretty clear there's no point.
Just as hollow as the last guy, and the OP. Do you have anything beside that? I suppose not.
What is clear is that you folks tend to like throwing shit, but you don't have the sack to back it up. Phony.


Hey, hey now guys. Let's be friends despite our differences, ya dig? :)

And I only ever watch CNN, personally. They do pull a lot out from all sides...at least in my opinion. But, it's not always a good thing to get your news from a TELEVISION as the television was created to distract and entertain people from understanding and reaching out to help solve real world issues.

The internet has become my most useful resource. And finding and using this very forum is a perfect example of my freedom I so choose to seek for myself! :D Namaste, all.


New member
Main stream media is a joke. None of it's news! There all on to sell you a book. From Fox to MSNBC to CNN. PROPAGANDA! They create a false divide among American's. It's left vs right....white vs. black..... religion vs. atheist..... "The terrorist are out to get us!!" GARBAGE!
Republican or Democrat, it's the left and right wing of the same dirty bird. They use these crap networks to pander a divide between the people so we stay busy fighting amongst ourselves. So these corrupt pigs, can finish taking what freedom we have left, and breaking us in the process as they make money transfers from our pockets to their's (via) corporations. Neither gives a shit about you! The right has done no more for legalization then the "i smoked but didn't inhale" democrats. The mainstream media is filled with over paid actors reading Washington's talking points. I'm a political atheist! Because i have yet to see any of them do anything worthy of praise. The fact is we should all want them to leave us alone. Who really care's if this guy believe's in God, and this guy don't. Or who cares if this guy smoke's pot, and this guy don't. What we do in our homes and in our private lives is nobodies business. This very thread proves the point.... The news today does the job it sets out to do, keep the people fighting amongst themselves. I don't want the government to feed me, if i cant buy food i'll get off my lazy ass and grow food. People need stop praising political hacks because they belong to the Red team or they belong to the blue team.
The Red team started wars based on lies, and the Blue team continues the war based on lies. All the while the news plays the "Divide and conquer" game. STOP PLAYING!


As far as the most bias channel that has to go to msnbc.. I was watching the other day and a yale professor was explaining how 'state rights' was codewords for racism.

I watch alot of news on all of the major outlets. Fox is conservative but so is the country and I believe there ratings are merely a reflection of that. Cnn is probably the least bias but they have plenty of bias in there specials and documentaries. I have seen multiple pro marijuana stories on Fox recently one of wich was mentioned earlier by hoosier. Conservatism is making a come back and it bodes well believe it or not for legalization.


Active member
because they are Republicans that's why they dont like weed, you do know that loving the plant we all love means your leaning into a liberal mindset, you cant ignore history and say republican have always loved weed ,no you hAVE NOT. dont try to claim it now.. you are a liberal if you like it and so am i

if you are joking....that was pretty funny

if you are serious...you are an imbecile


Active member
ICMag Donor
Conservatism is making a come back and it bodes well believe it or not for legalization.
If only people looked at things...not differently, but looked at things at all. Most don't even look past their own noses...or screens.

You know, I belong to another group that the public sees as very "non-conservative". But this group of Americans wised up some time ago and the majority of their ranks are conservative minded folks. Even though the general public, I guarantee, still sees this group as one of the most liberal minded there is.

It has been said that ignorance is our most expensive commodity.
If only people weren't ignorant to facts. Stating that we are liberal if we smoke pot is clear indication that the ignorance still abounds.


Well-known member
quote by Hoosierdaddy-

It has been said that ignorance is our most expensive commodity.
If only people weren't ignorant to facts. Stating that we are liberal if we smoke pot is clear indication that the ignorance still abounds.[/quote]

i have never seen it put quite so succinctly as that, thank you! anyone that truly believes that is so closed-minded that NO ONE but another damn fool would buy into it. but then, there sure are a lot of them, aren't there? :) "i know what i wish was true, stop proving to me that i am wrong", LOL! asshats, loosen your sphincter muscle before your head implodes...
Not Quite Illiterate ...

Not Quite Illiterate ...

And even more ridiculous you try to show me as less than learned.
All one needs to do is read one of my posts and they can clearly see I am not an illiterate. And you thinking that defending Fox news is a sign of a persons lack of intelligence only shows you are the one with the number three hat size.

You've shown yourself to be "less than learned".

Beginning a sentence with the word "And" is generally considered to be substandard English. You did it twice in a row.

Here, we've corrected your punctuation:

"And, even more ridiculous, you try to show me as less than learned."

Now, the reason that we are seeing a decline in literacy, is for several reasons, and each of them tie into the social disaster that the left has thrust upon our citizenry since Woodrow Wilson brought his vile progressive poison to our land.

You really do need an editor.

In addition, you should consult a mental health professional.

If you really believe that women's suffrage, the progressive income tax, the Federal Reserve System, and the Federal Trade Commission are "vile progressive poison", you really should have your head examined.

As for the decline in literacy, the primary culprit is Television. Though it might be a "social disaster" in and of itself, TV certainly wasn't "thrust upon our citizenry" by Woodrow Wilson, or anyone else on the Left.

And these illiterate folks are used by the left. The left needs these people to be dumb.

Why are we not surprised by your 3rd sentence beginning with "And"?

You seem to be forgetting the redneck Southern racists who've been the core of the Republican base for the past 40 years. Talk about dumb! Where would the Republican Party be if it weren't for pasty-white, gap-toothed, high school graduates, who juggle snakes at church?

And these dumb people cling to the left's redistribution of wealth to survive.

By the way, ... so do you!

Richard Nixon said it himself: "We're all Kenyesian's now."

Think of the American economy as a game of Monopoly. What happens when someone gets all the money in a game of Monopoly? The game is over. If you want to keep playing, the money has to be "redistributed". Are you ready for the game to be over? If not, then we suggest you study the causes of the Great Depression, especially the dynamics of overproduction.
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