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Fox News Spins UC research



The pdf from the 10 year research at UC had an article saying that the right amount of pot is good for pain relief, but too much ("overdosing" as we call it) is bad for pain.

Anyone who has overdosed on pot knows that.

However, Fox News tries to spin it to make pot sound like it's bad for pain relief.

"Wallace and colleagues call for further research, including studies of the clinical value of the pain-reducing effects. Based on this studies findings, Wallace said he would not recommend marijuana as a method of pain reduction at this time."

Anyone who read the pdf would know that it sounds like the doctors were 100% for marijuana as a medical drug.

Let the Fox-hatin begin :p


spreadin da love
fox news is an interesting entity they are the only news network that fights obamas nazi campaign but they have always hated herbal for some reasons I guess you can't win everyone over... i still remember bill orielly trying to talk shit to montel about medical weed and bill have never even tried the shit.. what a hippo

Guest 16149

Fox news is not news, it is infotainment like most all of the news channels now.
Want real news, watch the BBC, at least they are not constantly running clips about Paris Hilton or Tiger Woods or other stories that are not really news.
The only thing I watch on Fox is the Simpsons :)


Active member
because they are Republicans that's why they dont like weed, you do know that loving the plant we all love means your leaning into a liberal mindset, you cant ignore history and say republican have always loved weed ,no you hAVE NOT. dont try to claim it now.. you are a liberal if you like it and so am i


because they are Republicans that's why they dont like weed, you do know that loving the plant we all love means your leaning into a liberal mindset, you cant ignore history and say republican have always loved weed ,no you hAVE NOT. dont try to claim it now.. you are a liberal if you like it and so am i

I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, but I'll assume you're being serious. Go to the Cannabis Laws/Legislation subforum, and look at Republicans and Marijuana. You'll see that isn't true.

Also, there isn't just liberals and republicans. I vote liberally, but that's only to support pot. I'm liberal on social issues, and conservative on monetary issues. At this point in my life, I just consider the former more important than the latter, so I vote democrat.

Both of my parents vote republican pretty consistently and they're both 100% in favor of total legalization of marijuana.

And also, yeah Fox News isn't really news. But I don't want to make it sound like Fox is bad but all of the liberal stations are perfectly acceptable news sources. It's best to avoid most of these news sources. I actually get my news from BBC which is unbiased. I recommend the same to other people.

I guess it's just another reason to be disappointed with these stations.

Carl Carlson

fox news is an interesting entity they are the only news network that fights obamas nazi campaign but they have always hated herbal for some reasons I guess you can't win everyone over... i still remember bill orielly trying to talk shit to montel about medical weed and bill have never even tried the shit.. what a hippo

It's not a straight news entity. Hypocrisy is essential and avoidable in that situation.

Carl Carlson

Fox news is not news, it is infotainment like most all of the news channels now.

Bingo. Politically driven infotainment.

Want real news, watch the BBC, at least they are not constantly running clips about Paris Hilton or Tiger Woods or other stories that are not really news.
The only thing I watch on Fox is the Simpsons :)

My British friends say the BBC is pretty bad as far as pushing agit-prop.


LOL fox news I am surprised they don't run stories about bat boy and other crap that you see in tabloids too. I don't like that other channel that is the opposite of fox the one with the lesbian and the guy who calls everyone the "worst person in the world"

All the news shows are like the other guy above me said "infotainment"

I can not understand how news got this way. It is now ok for reporters to straight up lie. WTF? I like the other dude said like bbc or local radio like chicago wbbm or wgn(I know they play the cubs but screw the cubs go SOX!)


Active member
ICMag Donor
It's hard to watch any form of news these days. i try to stay informed by looking at norml and icmag daily


none of these 'studies' are legit. if need to ask why, you probably get your news from FOX and your weed from Ole Miss


Ah, so your parents are not "the Christian right".

My dad was born and raised Irish Catholic, my mother was born and raised Methodist. However, religion has largely been absent in my life. We went to the occasional (like once a month) Sunday church, but my parents left religion up to me, and I'm glad they did.

But no, the bible isn't their moral compass. They're republican mainly because they don't like the way the government uses tax money. My father's more a libertarian than he is a republican, but he thinks most democrats are ridiculous.

none of these 'studies' are legit. if need to ask why, you probably get your news from FOX and your weed from Ole Miss

I take it you didn't actually read the research. If you are sure this study isn't legit, then you're saying that all of the benefits of weed aren't legit.

The study itself was very pro-pot. So uhh... careful with your wording. The problem is that, if you read and then say 'oh its legit' you're just gonna sound biased :D


Yes fox news is wack

But if your honestly one of those nbc watchers that harp on fox i got some real news for you

ALL fucking US tv news is a joke I cant even watch that shit high it still pisses me off lol ("hows is this heaping crap news?" is the question that usually runs through my head)

edit: not promoting foreign news, i haven't sufficient experience of that to speak of


Yes fox news is wack

But if your honestly one of those nbc watchers that harp on fox i got some real news for you

ALL fucking US tv news is a joke I cant even watch that shit high it still pisses me off lol ("hows is this heaping crap news?" is the question that usually runs through my head)

edit: not promoting foreign news, i haven't sufficient experience of that to speak of

BBC is certainly the gold standard from what I've seen.
Same Crap - Different Package

Same Crap - Different Package

BBC is certainly the gold standard from what I've seen.

BBC is the same old crap with a "refined" accent, plus cricket scores.

PBS is even worse than Fox, because they claim to be objective.

Think of FOX as one continuous, extra long, hard-sell, commercial.

Far Right or dead wrong, their shit sells.

The average IQ in the USA is now Below 100.

Why do you think FOX is number one?