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Fourth California Marijuana Legalization Initiative Filed


you would have thought California would have been the first. An especially now others have paved the way you would think it would be almost a given. sucks its taking so long but I guess one should be thankful if they are in any kind of a tolerant state. I remember days not so long ago a nug or a seed was a felony. at least we are maiking progress.


Active member
My opinion on this is un popular I'm sure but I'm a realist I'm voting for cchi most likely I went over it a few times had a change of heart but seems like everybody is considering this a shoe in like its going to happen I'm not so sure alot of powerful politicians with alot of supporters are going to be trying to shoot this down boxer,brown,finestein etc etc probably 90% of Leo if not more ,orginizations like D.A.R.E there a pretty long list I'm guessing most of the commercial guys up in the triangle are voting nay on this (your northern guys let me know) I'm not even sure they'll have enough signatures I'm doing my part but its not going to be the cakewalk people think it is.


Well-known member
The producers in California reeeaaallllyyy like 215. I remember all the talk when prop 19 came around, almost every grower I know in real life said they were voting no. I wanted to vote no at the time, but ended up voting yes on it at the last second because I figured 215 would be unaffected.. I couldn't bring myself to vote against lessening the mobs of people arrested for herb, but was still against prop 19 specifically in theory..

But like I implied earlier, I think its real bad for the legalization cause in Cali to have more than a few bills being promoted, I think that may even be a tactic of those who want the status quo to continue.. The vote divided will make all the votes weak.


I'm not in Cali, so excuse my ignorance here but...why so many? 4? Why not just organize the efforts into one coalition & focus the efforts.....

....ahhh, never mind, guess I answered my own question....divide and conquer. "They" have "us" divided. Hard to beat "them" when we;re too busy fighting ourselves or spreading the votes between 4, instead of focusing on 1?
Is it that segments within the mj community each have their own agendas & ideas of what right is?
I'm not asking thes questions to instigate anything, just to try to understand.

I reside in an outlaw state & I personally feel that "our" movement should be handeled alot like the civil rights movemnet in the 60s....organize on a national level thru the major mj organizations & then mobilize to the states that are close to passing things that matter & well u get the picture form there.

I remember when prop19 didn't pass it was because of the wording or something like that & then every1 was saying that it will pass in 2014.....i really hope it does, not just for cali but for what it will do for every1 outside of cali too. I really hope it's not pushed to 2016.


Organize? Pothead is the state flower here in california

CCHI barely made it thru and even now the votes are probably not going to come in simply because the ACLU/DPA is holding all their money for their own bill in 2016 because a computer and a nerd told them it wouldnt work in 2014.

so ya, if people put money in, CCHI would have had its signatures already and this rosenthall business probably would not have happened...

but california has the largest intrenched camp of illegal growers who are just to scared to compete with legal weed, they would have to do way to much work and its only worth it now because they make so much money shipping shit back east....


Well-known member
...but california has the largest intrenched camp of illegal growers who are just to scared to compete with legal weed, they would have to do way to much work and its only worth it now because they make so much money shipping shit back east....

thank you for some much needed honesty.



Active member
CCHI is certainly the most liberal. Jack Herer got it right!

I sure hope it gets on the ballot!

Can't we vote for any or all these initiatives? If they're all going to be on the ballot, then you can vote for all of them if you choose, no?

I don't know how they'd sort it out if more than one gets OK'd though.


Kiss My Ring
might i add that anything connected to ACLU and MPA is not in your best interest.

washingtons lump-o-shit "legalization" was furthered by ACLU, and threw mmj patients under the bus.

look behind the veil.

...and best wishes!


Hemp is finally legal,bet there will be alot of pollen around from fields of hemp.Outdoor near that would be fun.


ruger 500
it would look as if okla would want to pass the first bill as it was done by the polititions for the polititions ,never accept the first offer , ola wants 50 of all revenue to be unallocated ,/HELL I WANT SOME OF THAT,EVERY BODYS SEENING THE DOLLAR SIGNS FROM CO ,AND THEY WANT TO MOVE FAST ,...............let government get there fingers on it and its over ,I shure there is a clause in there that says it cant be changed .make the plant as legal as Johnson grass ,save the tax people the cash of debate and move on to jobs ,....already!!!!!!!!!!!


Active member
If Cali legalizes it will stores charge $50/8th like whats going on currently in Colorado/Washington??? I could see most cali-buyers staying medical/black market if stores are overcharging.

mojave green

rockin in the free world
i like the Jack Herer initiative as well. it will keep local governments from outright banning outdoor or indoor grows. forcing growers indoors, wasting cali sun should be a crime in itself!


Active member
I figured as much Facebook comments are turning negative did not know it was that low ....
Jeri Rose He can not rest in peace while so many who love the herb do not get off their butts and get those signatures or at least pay the money so you can get others to spend their time getting them.
5 hours ago · Like


Active member
ICMag Donor
I signed the petition for this last week. Some guy stopped me on the way out of a grocery store and asked what I thought about legalizing marijuana. Lol. That could have been a long conversation, but I didn't want to take up his time. We talked about it while I signed and wrote down my information, then he got back to collecting signatures.

Does anyone know about how much it costs to gather signatures? Do they pay the workers by the hour or by the signature? I'd volunteer to do it myself if I had free time.

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