I like cats. I think they make good pets and friends...
Do you like them? If so, get one!
There's no better way to keep mice away from your house and shop and car...
I would get a variety of snakes and introduce them to the area that you park your car.
Either that or check with your area pet rescues/ shelters for barn cats. They are outside cats that don't want to be inside and just need some food and a place to get out of the rain. Get 2-3 and if one gets picked off replace it.
Those glue traps are pretty messy at times but effective as a last resort.
Neighbor had loads of barn cats and coyotes picked em all off. They are a serious nuisance around here. Killed all the foxes too. I'm going to get some rodent deterrent spray and someone said bounce dryer sheets work great.
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A buddy of mine lives in the sticks and bought a few of those ultra sound deterents. He said they were bull…and seemed to attract even more. He said he saw them just walk right by the things, lol....pretty sure those ultrasound plug-ins don't work
is there places where there are coyotes and wolfs alot? never even seen a coyote i think they are not in europe
I'm being plagued by critters!! There's a woodpecker that has caused unbelievable damage to the side of my house. Wow those things work fast! I've been taking potshots at it with a pellet gun to no avail. Can't get close enough without it flying away. Ideas?
If the woodpecker is attacking your house it is doing so because there are insects living in the wood. That's your primary problem. Woodpeckers don't eat wood.
Had a stump in the backyard that I had been digging at for years. Big red headed woodpecker came in and worked on it for a week straight. Left me a nice, empty hole.