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forgetfull my but


New member
marijuana does not cause memjory loss,. at 45 ,i woke up yesterday i remembered (finally ) that i put that one gallon jug of columbian gold bud seeds in a stash hole in the house i grew up in when i was 17 years old,,,,now i'll be wondering for years to come if they ever would have grown!!!!!!! oh well at least i remembered,,,,,,,,,,, shame we haven't lived in that house for over 25 years! wonder if there still there??

Dr. D

Active member
columbian gold eh!

columbian gold eh!

Id b gutted if i rememgered that 28 years on, i bet theyd grow into some real nice bud, well wud of lol, columbian gold is an old classic id love to of tried.


Damn! You just made me flash back to a bag and a stone bowl I stuck in the ceiling of my bedroom at my mom's house....20+ years ago, like 1983-84. I gotta get over there this summer and get it. My bedroom was in the basement. I had a suspended ceiling in there. Perfect for stashing my buds. So good in fact I forgot some there when I moved out.


Back when I used to hide in the bushes and smoke, I kept all my stiuff in a white plastic container. It seemed pretty airtight and I know I had stash in it when I was moved away in 1977. The bushes still exist almost exactly as they did, but now there is like 500 of them in a row. I would never be able to find my stash box but I'll always wonder about it.


I hid 4 lbs out by the creek once / I will be damed / if it didn't rain for a week & flooded the creek & all the fields abound it / 10 days later the water went down / & i waded through the mud & looked for hours berfore I found my stash / took a few days to dry & smelled like creek water /