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For What It's Worth



I should add that the second hitch-hiker came home with me, helped to unload meat into the freezer, had moose meatloaf and home-made dinner rolls that my wife had waiting for us, other recreational endeavors, and slept in the barn after watching the northern lights doing a decent display until about 1:00 A.M. and taking a tour of the place.

We fixed him breakfast and coffee in the A.M., and I took him the 20 miles into town to drop him off.

Trust as long as you can afford to and if it feels right. Never put another's well-being in jeopardy; the night the fellow slept in the barn, the house doors were locked, the dog was inside, and the 'visitor' had access to the outhouse that we built when we were building the house if he needed such facilities.

moose eater


Active member
I understand, and that was a very, very kind thing for you to do. I see what you mean about helping but still being careful, I guess I need to work on that part a little.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
pieceofmyheart said:
Where did you get those statistics? Are we born that way or born into families that are either caring or cold?
nature vs nuture

POMH I got good new my dear. It's all about you and as always I got proof. Between my mother and father I've been through 5 divorces watched a lot of yelling got molested by one of my stepmoms (but ya can't rape the willing can ya)got beat on and yelled at for years on end but these so called step mom b with itches. Fast forward a few year hehe.

Been with my wife going on 21 years. Have had 3 arguments in that time all over 15 years ago. Have never EVER had a thought of violence have never EVER yelled but have had open discussions and my child is the happiest most loving little lady on the earth. I've said it before POMH and I'll say it again it's all about YOU. My brother on the other hand is nine years younger has just completed his second divorce and had a child from his first marriage that he has not seen in 6 years wtf.

I have friends mind you pomh but damn few BUT as long as I got my girls all is well. She is my best friend and as far as sharing the love of the weed I got you guys since you are the only one's that see it other than myself.

Life is all about YOU as I said. I easily could have takn the path of my family and already burned through a few wives by now and had a few kids scattered around the US Of A but I knew in MY HEART that was not the way it was suppost to be.

It's not about the enviroment either,when dad booked when I was 9 I spent 2 years in an apartment complex that was how do you nicely say The Hood (goverment housing) and I know first hand about having cereal as a MAJOR food group and on that special day using the left over food stamps to buy a little bit of candy. No BOO HOO'S here POMH as of May of this year I made it I retired at middle age with enough in the nest to keep me VERY HAPPY for the rest of my life.

In short if you don't love or believe in yourself why should anyone else? It's not about upbringing (tho it does help) it's as always about you because you are always the starting point of you own life. It always starts with you one way or the other. If you truely believe in you heart mind body and soul that you are a good person then IT SHALL BE and if for an instant someone pisses on your corn flakes FUCK'EM because as long as you got you and know it ,the rest is easy.

Have A Nice Day


I used to be an incredibly social person.....still am if you get me drunk. LOL
But all the bad that you see and experience, both personal and in society at large definitely take their toll on you. I'm more of a loner now, but that's OK. It just means that the few close friends I do have are REAL ones and I take care of them better! And I still try to put good vibes out into the world, do what I can when I can, but not be taken advantage of. There's too many shady folks who mistake kindness for weakness! But what can you do? I know! Grab the old vapo........ :sasmokin:


Active member
Nice post MrWags, I bet you are a wonderful father.

EastCoastE, mistake kindness for weakness? I think that is a very true statement.

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