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For those that thought the Feds would just let it be legalized----WA. Bust!

It sounds to me like they are drug dealers and the feds found out about them. I'm not taking sides, and I hate seeing arrests of any kind involving this plant, but come on... they had several hundred thousand dollars in cash laying around the house.

I agree, a shotgun next to a tub of weed, hmm. How many deer in those there grow areas?

The feds said they would prosecute those breaking state law. Its funny how those who push the issue and go beyond the grey areas (over their numbers by 24) are crying foul.... YOU WOULD ALL BE GIVING THE SAME DEFENSE. I would too if I were them.

Get it through to your heads GUNS + POT = JAILTIME.

In this case the state should have done more like take their caregivers licenses away.. not jail time.


Señor Member
It was several hundred of dollars, not hundreds of thousands of dollars. I was incorrect in that post of mine you quoted.

So, if they *were* drug dealers, they weren't even good at it.


Active member
The Harvey home was originally raided in August of 2012 by state cops who removed 29 plants to keep the family at the 45-plant limit under state law. No charges were filed at the time, but a week later the feds swooped in and took the rest of the plants as well as about five pounds of ganja. Not really a massive drug haul for the DEA.

I myself tend not to believe everything I read on the interwebs.
Pieeyedpiper, so if you like cannabis then you dont have the right to protect your home and family? Who gives a shit where the weapon was as long as there wasnt small children around. They live in remote area. If I have to choose from (a) have cannabis or (b) have weapon for protection, Then I choose (C) both. There sure is ALOT of posturing and wheeling and dealing to get a piece of the cannabis sales pie for it to be such a crime to sell. SO many ex DAs and ex law enforcement are even jumping in. Hypocrites.Why is there a double standard where the pigs and politicians can and do break the laws daily(against the people whom they supposidly serve which in my eyes is the ultimate betrayal) and the only thing that happens is .....nothing.


Bubblegum Specialist
Maybe it's the other way around now with the folks in Israel totally cool with weed now.

Anyone can see how much more harm alcohol does than pot but even though pot doesn't kill people it is still for some reason illegal.

We will win this fight eventually but I don't plan to prohibit alcohol. Maybe that's what our opponents are afraid of.

The drunken sots... :)


Active member
go after the meth freaks, H, or crack or something....why do they have such a hard on for weed? I dont get it


I love my life
go after the meth freaks, H, or crack or something....why do they have such a hard on for weed? I dont get it

Come on now. If cannabis was legal, the lazy pigs would have to face mean criminals like meth dealers and their arrests and asset forfeitures would be only 10% of what they are now.

The answer is money...



Señor Member
why do they have such a hard on for weed? I dont get it

It's quite simple, actually. Pot users and growers tend not to put up a fight, aren't violent, and are easy pickings. Quite like the "low-hanging fruit" metaphor.

The way they see it, surely, is "Well, we could go bust that meth lab up, and possibly get killed in the process... or we could easily bust that peaceful pot farm up the road, and not be killed or have to defend our lives. Hmmm. Which one do we choose?"

Police forces, in general, are a bunch of pussies that don't want to actually risk anything. They want the low-hanging fruit. And doughnuts.


Well-known member
So how do you define life and liberty in the respect of not being able to choose what you do with your body. Weed, crack, whatever... How would you feel if the feds told you what to wear and what hairstyle is allowed or not.. Hush get off your high horse. Those people grew some plants of their choice and it affected no-one but those that wanted the product or themselves, its their fucking right and the FEDS can go and fuck themselves. Are you all humans or slaves?

The only right the state has is to make sure that no-one is selling a fake or tainted product and people aren't getting defrauded. Making use drug illegal is absurd, a crime against humanity and a travesty of human rights and illegal under international law. Fuck like another human being has the right to tell me what medicine I can and can't use.. You have to be fucking kidding mate..

And by the way, a drug dealer was called a pharmacist in days past and it was a very respectable profession. These days pharmacists are just big pharma's pill merchants.Here's a bit of history for ya'll. In days old they had to be able to blow their own glassware and make their own "drogues" themselves from plants coming off the ships, markets or self collected before qualifying. A drug/drogue refers to the barrel that goods got transported in. Drug only became a bad word relatively recently and before referred to all the valuable goods transported across the high seas at great risk, the wine, lime, citrus, spices and herbs. Only valuable commodities were barrelled and called drogues. Today a sea/water anchor is still called a drogue as in days old a barrel or few with rope attached would just be used overboard as one. The drogues were offloaded, refered to the barrels and not the contents but the contents inherited the name which became more obscure and more narrow as times went on. Its all about the money, that is why stuff is unlawfully illegal.
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Señor Member
WTF do you mean get off my high horse? I responded accurately to meraxes, the part I quoted anyway. No horses were involved in my post.



Active member
yeah, what a bummer....my kids are big smartypants too...they said its all about the money also. it would be cool if we set THEM up for a bust, locked the doors, and funnelled mj smoke into the room with some allman bros for a couple hours....they'd be "O, I'm completely rehabilitated, thank you, I dont know what came over us...". and have a table of lemon cakes at the exit....


Active member
Uhhhh yeah my my post was not to be construed with polidicking....hush yes allman all day....we could also throw Brazilian women into the room also...yes yes, total reform yes....

Grass Lands

I've said it before and I'll say it again...

Stay under the fucking radar...until its removed from the sched 1 listing and made legal by the feds...you are only fucking around with your freedom....choose wisely grasshopper....


Active member
well i'm under the f'n radar, and not f'n around with my freedom....this is a good f'n reeses nut-rageous...

Jon 54

Those assholes fucked up themselves. :moon::moon: Way over the limit and even when they had the time to get rid or at least move there crop they chose to sit on there asses and think that nothing is going to bite a carrot waving over the snoots of the Feds. Even with what was left by the state there was too much on there property.The Feds are going to make this a landmark trial for sure:badday::badday:for all involved in this mess of shit!!



Active member
In 2012, a study by the Mexican Competitiveness Institute found that US state legalization would cut into cartel business and take over about 30 percent of their market.
Given the DEA’s historic relationship with the Sinaloa cartel, and the agency’s fury over legalized marijuana, it almost seems like the DEA wants to crush the legal weed market in order to protect the interests of their cartel friends. Almost.
Not almost, that is exactly what they want to do.
“The DEA doesn’t want the drug war to end,” said Nelson, when asked about a possible connection between the agency’s hatred of legal pot and its buddies in Sinaloa. “If it ends, they don’t get their toys and their budgets. Once it ends, they aren’t going to have the kind of influence in foreign government. I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but where there’s smoke there’s probably fire.”
The Sinaloa cartel came to prominence in January when the “Fast and Furious” scandal surfaced, in which it was revealed that DEA agents ignored Sinaloa drug shipments and essentially granted immunity to cartel criminals in exchange for information.
Another way the DEA tries to shut down legal marijuana dispensaries, and medical marijuana clinics, is through the banks. While large banks like HSBC and Wachovia have gotten away with laundering billions in cartel drug money, famously referred to as “too big to jail” by Attorney General Eric Holder, banks have been meticulously instructed by the DEA not to work with any kind of marijuana facility.
That’s pennies compared to what the US spends on the drug war. According to the Drug Policy Alliance, we spend $51 billion per year fighting illegal drugs. A 2010 study by Harvard economist Jeffrey Miron found that not only would the US save tremendous amounts of money were it to end drug prohibition, legalizing could bring in an additional $46.7 billion in yearly tax revenue.
“We’ve spent 1.3 trillion since 1972 on the drug war. What have we gotten for that? Drugs are cheaper and easier to get than ever before,” Nelson told VICE News.
For more evidence of the insane mindset permeating the DEA, check out this article that shows how the agency seized hemp seed from Kentucky as state universities were attempted to participate in legal studies.
The DEA has no idea what to do with itself now that the population of innocent citizens it can harass for exercising a person choice and the amount of bribe money it can extract from drug cartels dissipates. Bottom line is that people want drugs, and as long as that’s the case, no petty authoritarian wearing a badge and a costume on some misguided moral crusade will change that



Well-known member
Yeah while you guys are discussing plant limits and cash and what not..Realize that these people were growing plants, not hijacking anyone, not robbing, killing, raping or maiming anyone. Its their right to do it as they please and to do it on the scale as they please and to make as much dollars as they please, to put the dollars in a bank and not worry about the state stealing their cash in their own home.

Like the post above is hinting, follow the big money and you will understand why your rights are so eagerly stomped on by the powers that be. Those powers that have you all fooled into thinking that these innocent folks did wrong. Overgrow the planet.. you are on the receiving end of a civil war, aka drug war- they said it, spawned by your own government and its all about the money, highly illegal (under your own and international law) and only ends when people stand up for themselves and their rights. You think a state medical law makes you free..haha ya believe in that..We have these freedoms granted to us by law in most countries in the world, it is high time we stop standing for this BS.

Tell me how much liberty do you really have if you have to ask for permission to smoke a joint or grow a few plants. Not enough to grow a hundred ey..How does ones define a portion of liberty, am I entitled to a little bit, but at the states discretion? Am I free? Is that the freedom that your government is killing foreigners somewhere on this planet right now for? Is this the democracy that forefathers including hemp farmers declared a long time ago? Psssssf. Wake up. Ask yourself the next time you look over your shoulder the next time you light up, are you a human born unto this earth not of your own choice, like the rest of us, or are you a slave? IS YOUR BODY AND MIND YOURS? Life and liberty..your rights and also the right of those wrongfully arrested and robbed in this case.
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Bubblegum Specialist
Good post Mary...

I have always said that a man or woman can only grow just so much.

It's a lot of work unless you go mass production with huge machines.

How much can you grow? However much it's not too much really.

Let folks have cannabis amnesty. Let them all out of jail and totally legalize cannabis with no limits on private grows.

How can anyone blame the victims who harmed nobody? Obama could end this fiasco if he had the balls.

When it's over maybe he will pardon them but why make them go through this just because of a lot of drunks.

Stay under the radar? I once didn't appear in public and I took pictures of myself with a bag over my head. That is a cowardly way.

We must all stand up...take the bag off. Speak loudly without fear and if busted don't regret your actions. This is the way of change.

Blood has been shed to keep our rights by many unselfish heroes.

Grow a lot but don't sacrifice quality for money.

Believe we can make it a world we can live with in which harmless substances are promoted over more harmful substances.

Send them to jail? For what?


if it smells like fish
theres too many of us .... they are slowly loosing......I would like to see charges filed for the lies and bullshit and destruction the feds have caused, also denying the medical benefits of mj all these years when we all know they have known the truth...its a big conspiracy and should eventually be treated as such....