Mr. Nevermind
This shit is a joke! I cant belive that this story is all over the news. republicans are jumping all over his comments and taking them out of context to make him sound negative against the troops. I cant believe that the GOP is trashing a war hero saying he doenst care about the troops and thinks they are stupid. I think he is one of the few that care about the troops. Now they want him to say "Im sorry" ? for what? the truth? Bush needs to say "im sorry" for telling the troops mission accomplished, or for sending them to war for a false reason .They bitch at kerry for his comment and say he is bashing the troops, yet their comments are bsshing a war hero who defended this county and got injured in combat! So they want him to apolagize for something that they are doing themselves. Where were the demands for an apology when the swift boat vets trashed Kerry? No outrage from the GOP there.