ya pitties are great dogs big babies, and very loyal. they will protect their owner no matter what. if the hubby and i argue my lil' man stands in front of me and tries to protect me lol. i'm sure if some one really tried to hurt me he'd take em down.
here's Rocky being cute lol... CC hates it when i make him all cute... he thinks he looks like a homo lol i think he's cute
Alright so I felt I should share some of Parvo's personality and I think you can get a good feel of what he's like through these
isn't he just the coolest? I'll add some more I got video of him today being a dork under the blanket my mom knitted for me with his bone lol. He just kept jumping around the bed lunging at me with his Nyla Bone cuz he could still see lol it was some funny shit had to be there....
Great thread...
I will post some pics of my baby boy soon. my older son has our camera for a trip he is on as i type.. He is handful i shoulda named him felon or troubles... he is always in trouble for something... bbl peace..
bump, cos i have a pic or two to throw up after i find them lol.. wife has several bazillion folders with tons o pics gotta search thru.. peace n pufs..
My pure rednose bitch just started her period tonite. This is my first puppy and we won't be getting her fixed, I'm wondering if anyone knows how long periods usually last and how often they occur. I'm at
the store right now picking up some bitch daipers.
yay... i just uploaded pics of my dog, and i found my place with fellow pit lovers.
great looking pits all around.
ocean - my lady got fixed before her first drop. i got it done free, at a tufts school for vets.
sacko. there he is... definitely looks like a felon to me. BADASS!!
as for my pit. its a 2 yr old girl. about 40 lbs. dark brindle w white chest and paws. shes super nice. loves everyone. licks people to death.
i live alone so shes everything to me. she keeps me sane!!
her name is lucy, ludog, lu lu.