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For All The New Outdoor Growers


Active member
sheltieman said:
I'm kinda of a new grower an plan to grow on my back deck in 5 gallon buckets. I do'nt have a bunch of bucks to spend. What kind of dirt would be good? I've used miracle grow an fish emalsion alternating weeks. Any help would be greatly apreciated.

Keep on smoking

i personally use pro mix and add alot of organic materials to the dirt, extra perlite, bone and blood meal, kelp, green sand, fish emlusions and ect

but if your short on money and dont want to spend alot you can go to your local wal mart and get there brand of soil its like 30 litres for 3 bucks, add some perlite to it and your good to go, feed with your fish emlusions or miracle grow (1/4 the recommended dose) every other watering and you should see results, cheap easy and simple :D


Shetie , I don`t know if your strictly organics or not for fertilizer . I have been growing in Pro-Mix for years , and all I use is Osmocote . It last for 4 months and when doing a smoke comparison , noone could tell the difference between organics or Osmocote . Not to mention that they were way too wasted to know the difference . At the end I did use a Bloom fert. still inexpensive and care free . Hope this helps .
Has anyone heard of or used pro-gro 5-3-4 it has a mix of all kinds of organics and it states that a 5lb. bag would be enuff for 250 sq. ft.?
I don't plan on needing 250 squre ft but I was thinking using this and some perlite and maybe some guano and reg. old commercial soil how long should I have this soil mixed before transplanting my girls?
I've got some started all bagseed and plan on flowering 9 to clone as it's on a 12/12 sched. here give or take a few minutes.
I want to use this to my advantage and flower right off the back and then let em reveg fro the summer and have some nice lil trees, with clones waitin in reserve. :pointlaug


New member


Cool guys, thanks for the help. I was also wondering how cow shit does for a ferilizer, as I have a few of them in the field out back.


sheltieman said:
Cool guys, thanks for the help. I was also wondering how cow shit does for a ferilizer, as I have a few of them in the field out back.
It's fine but I would make sure you let it compost for atleast 6 months before you use it.


I don`t know how to post a link , but here is a place you can get water retaining polymers.



New member
The weed I'm planing on growing is something called Purple Power from the Amstredam Marijuana Seeds. Can anyone tell me when the best time to plant these as I live in Tennessee Just N of Knoxville an if there is anything special these plants need.


sheltieman said:
So would the cow manure they sell at Wal-mart, Lowes etc would be better to use then?
Yes because it's already composted. Things to do special for your plant would be In no perticular order

first dig big holes add good soil into the native soil about 50% native 50% good soil. But if you have the money and don't mind hauling lots of soil the more of the good soil the better.

Second to get nice tight fat buds find a spot with lots of sunlight here's a thread to figure out how much sun the pants will get http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=48316

Third water on hot days it dosen't take much for a plant to run out of moisture. Just pay attention to how much rain you are getting. I recommend watering in the evening about when the sun goes down so they get a good drink before the sun comes up and drys up all the water.

Fourth food when your plants are small THEY WON'T NEED FULL STRENGHT NUTES many would suggest using your ferts at 1/4 strength and move your way up from there any signs of burn back the nutes of. Being your first grow I would recommend using chemical nutes some may argue but I think there much easier to start with. And with organics it's more lickley critter's will mess with you plants (especially with Bone and blood meal I learned that the hard way :pointlaug )

Few other things you should think about is do I need some kind of fencing to keep deer coons ect away. Might want to put copper around the base of the plant so snail don't get to them. Find a safe spot and Always think about your security. Always think about your security. Always think about your security. At the end of the year only leave your footprints. I think I got most of it lots of helpful people around here that are willing to help so any more questions fire away.


ICMag Donor
Good idea to use a plastic bottle ring when the plants are small for protection.... Great post guyute! :canabis:


New member
thanks for the advice. I won't have to worry about making sure of a soil good dirt mix as they will be in 5 gal. buckets, an won't have to worry about deer as it will be up on my deck.


pipeline that was a good pic . It also leads to my question. I noticed you have 3 plants very close together . I have always planted in buckets , but will try directly into ground this year with Pro-Mix . When planting in soil is that enough room for them ? If so I can reduce the amount of holes I have to dig . It can also increase the amount of seeds I can plant at a site . I was going to plant 3 sites of 10 each . If I can grow like that it can all be put at one site . It would also mean 1 reservoir, timer, and drip system . Not to mention the money I would save on Pro-Mix . All comments welcome and appreciated .


skully u wanted comments, heres mine. an outsde grow where u can put a plump, drippers and timer, u luck dog! lol

CC Rider

force flowering

force flowering

ello everybody :wave: i really didnt want to start another thread for this so i firured i would just post here, since i am a new outdoor grower....This year i would like to experiment with force flowering outside. I have heard of people getting the plant to be rootbound causeing the plants to stress then flower. I for one am afraid that it would cause hermies. So im going to try and cover the plants up with something to create a 12-12 schedual (sp). My real question to you all is what should i use to cover them with? I have heard of people using trash cans but where i live its a bit humid so i would have mold issues. I have been looking around for a light proof and breathable material i could make small tents with that i would attach to the buckets the plants would be in. anyone have any ideas?
any input is much appreciated!


^^^ i dont think there is anything that wud block lite effectively and allow that much moisture out, a trash can with a spout and a couple of bends mayb?


Mourning the loss of my dog......
I used a trash can for covering, to avoid mold I'd go back out after dark and remove the can.

Using a "light trap" like Lofty is describing, sounds like a great idea. If engineered correctly, many vents with light traps could be installed on a covering device.

Another good thing to do would be to avoid getting direct light during the time of day you will have your plant covered, by plotting the suns path you can select growing locations that are shaded from direct sunshine during the time of day you choose to avoid it.
Check out my thread "Evaluating your plots sunshine potential" for charts and compass tips to help plot the sun.

CC Rider

hey guys thanks for the input! heres an idea i came up with last nigth when i was smoking.................(its just a mini model)

i have found that two layers of denim is lightproof and should be some what breathable. Ill be constructing an actual size one in a day or two
