Seed savers. Heirloom seeds are the only answer. It not enough to grow Our Own Food, but We must also collect Our seeds, and save/trade them.
The Whloe may well be to frigging LAZY, but those of Us Who care enough to know better, need to start doing BETTER. when Our Neighbors see how EZ it is, and eat Our shared bounties, then We will stert to see backyard gardens sprouting up all around us.
The Factory Farm Model is here to stay(unfortunately). We cant stop that. We can However take Control over what Our Families put into Our faces.
I am on a journey to do just this with My aquaponic garden that I recently got started.
I am still learning to grow My Own food. If I can do it, so can anyone.
The Whloe may well be to frigging LAZY, but those of Us Who care enough to know better, need to start doing BETTER. when Our Neighbors see how EZ it is, and eat Our shared bounties, then We will stert to see backyard gardens sprouting up all around us.
The Factory Farm Model is here to stay(unfortunately). We cant stop that. We can However take Control over what Our Families put into Our faces.
I am on a journey to do just this with My aquaponic garden that I recently got started.
I am still learning to grow My Own food. If I can do it, so can anyone.