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Following H3ad's Formula (1000W - 5 plants)


Active member
I notice that a little water is a lot of water.
I feed 3 times a day, and let it run off into the saucers (pots sit above water line) and the next morning I have to empty the pots....It seems to be about as much as I put into the pots the same day.
I've been watering about 2 cups per plant, 3x a day.... What I thought was minimal runoff was always more than I thought. I guess when plants are this small, it doesn't take much water, but in coco, a small amount more times a day seems to be what everyone has found out, from what I've understood.

Put that new clone in a dim lit area, maybe just residual light...there's no photosynthesis taking place, no roots-no uptake. Will root much faster in a dim/warm spot...let the coco slowly dry out till roots are seen out sides of small pot/cup rapid rooter.

That's a lot of water for those little guys, I use a syringe and give them 50ml 2/3 times a day at 50% nute mix(300-400), till they grab and grow new shoots and climb towards the light. Best to carefully let wet/dry till they build a good root structure...then water away, they'll take what you give them.


Active member
They look great, last 2 pictures maybe a little hungry if the color is accurate....but looking good.


New member
With a few tweaks you can have a lot better growth rate without spending almost nothing.

For what I see the main reasons for your slow growth rate are pot size and environmental conditions.

Even 1 gallon coco is to much coco for a plant of that size.

I strongly advice you to up your humidity to around 65-70% if you want to keep the same temperature about 75F, it will make a huge difference in your growth rate.
Maybe a humidifier or just simple spray with water all our grow space and see what humidity levels reaches and how long it lasts.

For a safety measure you should give more runoff otherwise you need to check runoff EC on a weekly basis to prevent salt buildup.

You should have your pots more elevated so the bottom doesn't stay on runoff even if you use a inert material like hydroton, the roots will expand and feed from high salts concentrations leading to deficiencies leading to a failed grow.

Also for a extra preventive measure insulate the top of the pot with hydroton or similar material to prevent evaporation, if the water evaporates the salt nutrients will stay on coco causing nutrient lockouts or deficiencies that leads to a failed grow.

In the next grow you can have a small addiction to your schedule that will prevent a lot problems, just sterilize the media and the grow room/material before use.

You can simple flush the coco with boiling water or any product like pyshan or even bleach, then rinse with 0.7EC base nutrients until runoff matches the same as the intake and inoculate with your bacterial culture or just run sterile.

Good luck..


Active member
You're starting to head down the rabbit hole bro :) messing with proven methods is a journey towards an empty stash box.

1)What's your tap water ec/ppm ?
2)How big are those pots ?
3)Do the plants sit in run-off in those saucers underneath ?

That CalMagic will lock you up at that rate very soon.


Active member
tap water is 40 ppm
it's about 3-4 gallons of coco per pot
No, plants never sit in runoff.

3ml per gallon of calmag is too much?

Well a couple of things seem to be a problem:
1) 6/9 wont measure 900ppm in a gallon of water, should be 600-650ppm or 1.2 ec + water value. I'd say your probe is dirty or meter needs calibrated.
2) Pot size is very large for those plants, always allow roots to fill pot completely...almost root bound. I change those into 1.75-2 gal. pots asap. They are staying wet too long, without exchange of air/water...thus defeating the purpose of coco.
3) With your base water at 40ppm & 6/9 mix, no way you need 3ml of CaMg per gallon.

Re-pot plants...6/9 mix...PH to 5.8...add 1/2 tsp Epson per gallon(get at drug store-unscented)...no CalMgic right now...water with (1 cup) 1 time a day for 2 days, then 2 times a day for 2 days...wait to see them kick in...then you can water 3 times a day if you choose/have time...once they establish a solid root system they will take all the water you send.

PS: I don't generally recommend it, but check your PH & PPM numbers in your run-off....should be interesting.


Active member
Ok, now the meter is correct...let's start over.

1) Forget every single thing that you "know" about soil growing, coco is a completely different beast.
2) If those red pots are 1 gallon, drill 5 big holes in the bottom(the size of a quarter)...4 holes around the edge, and 1 in the middle....they have to drain, they have to have run-off ability, they can't sit in old run-off water.
3) Have a method to control water on your grow space floor, we'd all like a spotless room space with no water or dirt about...but it's not sensible. Put a pan on the bottom, set plants on plastic egg crate(or cut up milk crate screen)...that way water can run out, but plants don't sit in it.
4) Take a small hand trowel/tulip shovel/sharp large spoon and cut a circle around plant(the size of a softball), and pluck plant out of large pot...set aside. Steal coco from old pot, and fill new pot 1/2 way, stuff plant in hole, pack coco around plant...lightly water. The roots will take over entire pot, and grow out holes in bottom...3-4 days.
5) Veg plants at 400-600 PPM 5.8ish PH, bud 500-850 PPM 6.2ish PH...get some quality PH adjust up & down(Amazon is your friend).

This thread should be helpful on hand watering coco

I transplant many many plants every month, they never miss a beat, never die or shock. Guys grow 4' plants in 1 cup pots,,,,6' plants in 1 gallon pots,,,it's not soil. Always have run-off, keep the coco wet once roots establish, keep the salts moving out the bottom holes. Forget the CaMg, add the Epson at 1/2 tsp per gallon till they green up...then go to 1/4 tsp per gallon.

Take your 6/9 mix and reduce by %50, PH to 5.7,,,foliage spray 2 times a day till they green up. You shouldn't need more than 1ml-2ml of CaMg PG to repair issues when needed, but that's not whats wrong right now.

How tall is your grow space ?, how many square feet is the space ?
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