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Florida's growroom eradication act


Yes Florida is no joke I rather get arrested in Jersey haha. Jersey is also a harsh state, everybody gets convicted in Jersey also Pennsylvania. Does Florida have a habbitual offenders stature? Most states in the Northeast do. Pennsylvannia anything over 51 plants is mandatory minimum 5 years.. And in New York they have the rockerfeller laws... Under the Rickerfellar drug laws of New York selling more then 2 ounces of cocaine,heroin and MARIJUANA. Or possesing four ounces of the same substances can get you a minimum of 15years to life, and a maximum of 25years to life! Altho these laws usually are only used for Heroin and Cocaine technically they can be used for marijuana... You won't see that on the NORML website but trust me these laws do and are used in New York. Also in New Jersey every time they charge you with growing they also charge you with, "operating a continual crimminal enterprise". And the penalties for that are insane. It's very very hard to beat that charge. Well as usual I got a bit off topic haha take care everybody.


Moony its so cool you're still around,you monkeyman.I miss the old days lol.Those were the days when everyone talked about draconian Florida and how you'd have to be fuckin nuts!We had a 300 plant limit folks beofre it really got serious,of course the feds could always become involved after 99.Didnt usually though.Very few went to jail here for growing even good amounts,unless you were stealing elec or had a bad past.The eradication act brought us in line with the majority of states.24 plants or under and its a 5 year max,no time will be done without mitigating circumstances.25 or more carries a 15 year max and you may have to spend 20 grand on a good lawyer.Florida is not the cannabis hell its made out to be.I can walk out with 19 grams of blockhead in my pocket and go home that night with a ticket.I hate the new laws because it fucked up my perpetual grow.I think.I think I'm a little scareder now.But barely.And thanks foir that info kansasgrown.I wish I had a clear idea about rooted and unrooted cuts


yea well there are states that have better cultivation laws then fl's possession/para laws ie 1 year 100 fine for pos or para fed can fuck with you for 1 plant if they want


research applicable fl case law yourself, or hire a criminal defense attorney to do it for you and write a memo. relying on random people on the internet is a bad idea. if you want it done right do it yourself ..

case law is used to interpret and flush out leglislation, so just reading the "law" won't tell you the whole story. you need to get into the cases to learn what is up.


Idea this is very true....case law is very important....but the bottom line is in fl if you get caught with any thing its big trouble.......


Florida. I moved and although I love the wilderness there I will never live in the state again. Good old boy mentality down there and they will stick together. I lived almost 22 years down in the swamp and I have a bad habit of paying attention to my surroundings. I see how the citrus industry went belly up, then tourism went sour, next the housing market crashed. The gap has been filled with bodies of men. I know a place where to avoid the rules governing prison over population humans are kept in constant motion from one prison to the next.

Come on vacation, leave on probation, come back on violation.


lived in fl for many of years and just recently made the move out west. from my experience with grows and people getting busted, it's not the end of the world like people make it out to seem. true, the new laws say 25 plants is a 2nd degree felony and punishable by up to 5 years in jail. if you're a first time offender there is a good chance that you will just get probation. i know of a couple people who were busted, and they were all let go and got 18 months probation.

is it worth it? it all depends on your situation. seeing that the laws are so ridiculous concerning growers, the price per p is out of control. can be a good thing for a good grower. if you do things right you can work yourself into a situation to get out of there to a more pot friendly state.

my best advice to anyone trying to make it work in florida would be to keep an extra tight ship telling no one anything about your grow. spend the extra money on carbon scrubs and proper smell prevention. this is the main reason people get busted along with nosy neighbors. stick to yourself and make an action plan and work towards getting yourself in a better situation.

getting busted there won't be the end of the world but it will certainly make life much more difficult, being stuck in the system. stay safe out there all my people in the dirty.