Yes Florida is no joke I rather get arrested in Jersey haha. Jersey is also a harsh state, everybody gets convicted in Jersey also Pennsylvania. Does Florida have a habbitual offenders stature? Most states in the Northeast do. Pennsylvannia anything over 51 plants is mandatory minimum 5 years.. And in New York they have the rockerfeller laws... Under the Rickerfellar drug laws of New York selling more then 2 ounces of cocaine,heroin and MARIJUANA. Or possesing four ounces of the same substances can get you a minimum of 15years to life, and a maximum of 25years to life! Altho these laws usually are only used for Heroin and Cocaine technically they can be used for marijuana... You won't see that on the NORML website but trust me these laws do and are used in New York. Also in New Jersey every time they charge you with growing they also charge you with, "operating a continual crimminal enterprise". And the penalties for that are insane. It's very very hard to beat that charge. Well as usual I got a bit off topic haha take care everybody.