I really appreciate your insight. You make some very valid points. I'm not sure that it's a matter of people thinking "Well, if he's smoking herb, he's clearly not looking for a job."
A few things are important to keep in perspective here. Namely, we're not just talking about pot. I know that pot is very near and dear to all of us here (poet, know it, etc.).
To me (and perhaps many of us, though I only speak for this silvery hawaiian), it's not about "Don't smoke pot." It's a matter of priority. Which items in this world should be high priorities to acquire while on government assistance? Which items are considered luxuries and privileges? If we substitute the concept of "getting high" or "smoking weed," with "big car payment," or "lots of strippers," do we really feel the same?
If we simmer it down and take marijuana out of the equation, do we all really feel the same?
I really appreciate your insight. You make some very valid points. I'm not sure that it's a matter of people thinking "Well, if he's smoking herb, he's clearly not looking for a job."
A few things are important to keep in perspective here. Namely, we're not just talking about pot. I know that pot is very near and dear to all of us here (poet, know it, etc.).
To me (and perhaps many of us, though I only speak for this silvery hawaiian), it's not about "Don't smoke pot." It's a matter of priority. Which items in this world should be high priorities to acquire while on government assistance? Which items are considered luxuries and privileges? If we substitute the concept of "getting high" or "smoking weed," with "big car payment," or "lots of strippers," do we really feel the same?
If we simmer it down and take marijuana out of the equation, do we all really feel the same?