I'd say the trapping/killing/selling of hides of non-indigenous reptiles might easily be allowable by permit in some places given you don't threaten or harm any native species. They'd make fine fine belts and handbags, really fine, & patterned in with a fine soft top grain cowhide would increase the units per hide as opposed to a 100% snake bag.Python skins make good exotic leather accessories. A new business oppurtunity in Florida.
check out the market/permits madre, I have several mexican, argetinian, & brazilian belt & handbag manufacturers, very trustworthy people for timely & quality work, although FL to Mexico would keep roundtrip shipping costs low and taking advantage of NAFTA which would be cool as the product starts & ends here in the US, I also have ways for you to either beat or minimize tariff (import taxes) fees on the goods to keep the 'landed' cost the lowest.