I've got a few questions for you Floridians, if you don't mind?
I am a grower who was offered a (legit, 9-5) job in Tampa a few hours ago. I was offered one in the Seattle location as well. Heres the thing: I LOVE Florida short the drug laws(tampa especially), hate Seattle (save for liberal drug laws). I love the fishing the most, as well as the beaches and weather. It's truly my favorite state in the union...cept them damn drug laws.
So my question is, knowing that I will be a grower, should I pass on my Florida dream in your opinion? Does the stress of serious time get to you? Is it worth it? I'll obviously own the home, not rent for the grows FWIW.
Thanks for your perspectives.
i (born and raised with whole fam. still there) got the fuck out of the sunshine police state...
i love being legal in a med state.
i miss florida and the day they pass a med law ill come home.
i dont like the fact there is 2' of snow on the ground and only 18° outside.