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Florida Growers Thread

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good drown

how bout them jets?
im not a fan of dwc either, some rounds it will work amazing, then others your plants die. how many times had you used dwc?
I hope my citrus trees survive. how much does it take to kill them?
I woke up this morning to the sound of snow/ice, pretty crazy, this is the second time i've been in FL when it snowed
Does anyone know if it costs just as much money to run the heater as the AC? i ask because if i set mine to 70-72, it seems to be on over 1/2 of the time if its 30-45 outside. Its is heat pump, i've never really had to use it before and I do not know if they are efficent
stay warm!


how bout them jets?
im not a fan of dwc either, some rounds it will work amazing, then others your plants die. how many times had you used dwc?
I hope my citrus trees survive. how much does it take to kill them?
I woke up this morning to the sound of snow/ice, pretty crazy, this is the second time i've been in FL when it snowed
Does anyone know if it costs just as much money to run the heater as the AC? i ask because if i set mine to 70-72, it seems to be on over 1/2 of the time if its 30-45 outside. Its is heat pump, i've never really had to use it before and I do not know if they are efficent
stay warm!

I believe your trees will be fine but your fruit aint gunna make it.

Ioni Botani

I got it working pretty consistently, using Rez's recipe spliced with Lucas.
The only thing is, if that rez goes dry....there aint no comin back.
Whereas with Coco....if they go limp, water em and blammo...good as new.
I like how forgiving it is.
Dwc is cool and all....but much more work than its worth. I think a recirc. system would be ideal....I fucking hate lifting lids.
A good friend of mine once said...
"Coco, it's retarded simple."

He was right.

And don't be fooled, that shit IS hydroponic. They grow better than my DWC. There are less short fast bursts of growing, more consistent long bursts of growing.


Ioni Botani

I believe the cell walls rupture because the H20 freezes. They prly go to mush or some shit...like fresh fruit in the freezer.
Just an assumption tho.
Anyone read that book Tangerine?

Guest 18340

I believe the cell walls rupture because the H20 freezes. They prly go to mush or some shit...like fresh fruit in the freezer.
Just an assumption tho.
Anyone read that book Tangerine?

Thats whats happening to all my Bromeliads, they're going mushy on me. As well as my younger MJ plants. The ones that have trich covered buds, those seems to take the cold better. But a frozen root ball is another story...


Thats whats happening to all my Bromeliads, they're going mushy on me. As well as my younger MJ plants. The ones that have trich covered buds, those seems to take the cold better. But a frozen root ball is another story...

Havent you been taking them inside or covering them at night?

or is to cold even in the day time?


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
:yes::respect::canabis: I love that one, great photo ^.:moon::nanana: This is also for all the dumb cops and informers out there lurking like cowards hiding behind bad laws not caring about real Justice, just busting anyone you can so you can feel like big important people, no matter if it's right or wrong, your all mindless drones. And you will burn for the things you've done to good people that harm no one!


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
It's getting cold here again tonight. I hope everybody's taking care of their plants so far. It was 23 here last night. It could again tonight. :moon: :nanana:That's for the dumb cops lurking that have nothing better to do with your time:lightning:the Gods will punish you.

komrade komura

Active member
Florida Eastern Colony (UK)

Florida Eastern Colony (UK)

This komrade is now back in the UK after one of the worst trips home ever. Sick most of the time at home and when I get back:

- No heat at the house in the middle of a bloody ice & snow storm

- Old Saab won't start and has a flat time

- over 350 unread work emails

but worst of all (although not a personal threat):

- the cops are using unexpected roof snow melts to find grow houses


So the best course of action is simple:

Blueberry and I-olite vapouriser.

Ah....much better now.

komrade komura

good drown

damn komrade, sorry to hear all tat, things shall get better!
hows that iolite? im thinking of getting one. how many "hits" till you get high

should be the last night of super cold weather. hopefully everything can make it!

komrade komura

Active member
For all you FLA outdoor warriors, hope you survive this chill with only some purple coloured buds. Hope the warmth comes back to you...and that the red light spectrum gods favour you.

The i-olite is really good stuff. Put about 1/4 to 1/3 joint into it and it will last 45 minutes of semi-continuous hitting...fact is I put get stoned, put it down and the occassional hiss reminds me to take another hit.

I took it to the cinema in FL and used it in the bathroom....would have used it in the cinema seats cept for wife making me sit dead centre middle around a bunch of people.

They make them in colours....but since it is such a stealth thing....anything other than black will only call more attention to it. Kinda like those stupid air-tight baggies with the leaf printed on the wide.....fuck it... just print 'BUST ME' on the side and be done with it.
Hot pink i-olite anyone?

I use it in England all the time...on the weekends I take it everywhere. Prefer the less pungent strains if I am at the supermarket or somewhere indoors, crowded and deep behind enemy lines.

Most times it produces less smell than a minor fart.

Between the i-olite and the volcano, I hardly ever smoke anymore. This is much healthier...and I sure can taste the weed now. No looking for a place to fire up a joint and no coughing.

BEWARE: vapourisers can handle a 'test' bud from a still flowering plant much too well. I smoked about 5-10% of my OG Kush plant as part of my clinical trials.

Footnote: not sure the i-olite works very well with hash. I put half a gram of King Hassan in my i-olite on the my last trip to Amsterdam and spent 45 minutes the next morning cleaning the beast and smoking the huge fucking mess inside of the i-olite (then falling back to sleep again). Best left to the Volcano perhaps.

But it does miss the spiritual cool of a good doob shared with a friend.

I think the i-olite is a versatile solution for modern living.
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