Senville Mini splits.
Junk or just a fairly priced unit??
Senville Mini splits.
Junk or just a fairly priced unit??
Wow this forum is really dying.
Had to shut down flowering for a bit when my mini split had some issues. Got it fixed then my central AC went out and had to use the mini split to cool the house till I got that replaced.
Finally back up and running.
Damn, sucks to hear RR, but looking good again as always man.
Here is some Dank Sinatra and Grandpas Breath doing their thing on day 42
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For real! That place went downhill fast. Last time I went it felt like cops was running the place. They didnt know shit and made me feel real paranoid. Tried to get them to order something and they asked some real stupid questions. Rootgrowbloom on hanging moss has way better customer service and doesn't make you feel like your being set up.
it rained almost all night, some wind but not too bad here.