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FLASH SEEDS Super Autos-What am I doing wrong?


New member
I popped a couple of [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]FLASH SEEDS[/FONT] Super Autos on October 1st, and I'm having issues with both plants.

1-Amazing Cherry. I flipped them on November 1st because she was getting so leggy. Just started showing pre-flowers in the last week. It's over 5 feet tall. Everything I've read on them doesn't give a harvest time. Do they EVER flower to the point of being harvested?

2-Stitch's Love Potion. Also flipped on November 1st for the same reason. She's been flowering, but she seems to be putting out 3 to 5 inch larfy skinny foxtails. There's hardly anything to the buds. I can't see them fattening up to produce anything worth smoking. And again-she's taking her sweet old time. They're supposed to go from seed to harvest in 75-ish days, and it's been over 2 months, and she doesn't look like she'll be ready any time soon.

Is there some magical secret I'm missing?
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Well-known member
Check your switchgear. Nothing messes with a plants rhythm like switching the lights on&off randomly. Segment timers are especially good at causing problems.

4 weeks is excusable, so buggering it up from there on seems quite possible. Given clues like lots of stretching, the pieces fit.

Other than that, I got nothing


New member
My switches are good.

I'm growing in an 8 x 7 x 4 tent running 4 1200 watt Viparspectra dimmable LED panels, plants are in 2/3 Happy Frog and 1/3 Swampman Coco. Feeding Sensi products, and Bud Candy and molasses.

Every other plant I've grown has been fine, and well within the stated flowering times, give or take a week or two.


Well, one thing is that, since they are auto flowering strains there is no need to flip to 12/12, so maybe they are simply not getting enough light?

Another issue is seed company bullshit re: flowering times, or in the case of autos, time from germination to harvest....take that info with a huge grain of salt.

What size containers are you using?....Could the plants be root bound?
Or waterlogged and may have root rot?

What is soil ph?....maybe you are locking out nutes, due to soil ph?

Have all your previous grown strains been photoperiodic strains or have you grown autos with that same setup before?

With photoperiodic strains, sometimes, the last few weeks of flower the buds will have explosive growth.....not too sure about autos though?

Maybe you got some dud seeds?.....who knows, many issues could be at play here?

If the seed company has a help desk, ask them what gives....but, unless you are a really experienced grower, they might chalk it up to inexperience.


Boreal Curing
Del_9_THC has you. I keep the lights on 24/7.

Super autos go longer than the normal autos. I doubt you can get two harvest in a summer like normal autos. Some behave like autos did when they were first created where they just keep flowering as long as they live.

Mine start showing flower at 4 weeks and just keep flowering and flowering until harvest, so some buds are ready earlier than the newer flowers of course. I start mine in may in the house and move them out June 1, and are ready end of August and are 8-10 feet tall. I've harvested them end of September even. The minute I put them outside they go haywire and pack on weight.

I think of them like a photo period you don't have to flip. Mine are only OK as smoke, and I give the majority of it away. But they're a blast to grow with gigantic colas.


Well-known member
I heard a lor of similar complaints with Flash superautos thru the years, I was also a tester for stitch's superautos some years ago.
I found out that superautos work best outdoors in 15-30l pots, they still respond to photoperiod and have a tendency to preflower for a long time before properly filling the branches with solid buds.
My suggestion would be to keep a steady light regime, probably around 15on and 9off should work well, if not just go lower to 14on 10off.
Most superautos will finish but will take same time as photoperiods, they're kind of useless indoors from my experience.
Good luck


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Never heard of Flash Seeds before, anyone else have similar experiences to what's going on here?

Cannabis, even autos, do better with a few hours of dark each night. You'll save a little bit of cash and have slightly healthier plants from it. :) 3-4h hours is plenty of dark.

Cannabis does have things it likes to do at night. ;)


New member
Well, one thing is that, since they are auto flowering strains there is no need to flip to 12/12, so maybe they are simply not getting enough light?

Another issue is seed company bullshit re: flowering times, or in the case of autos, time from germination to harvest....take that info with a huge grain of salt.

What size containers are you using?....Could the plants be root bound?
Or waterlogged and may have root rot?

What is soil ph?....maybe you are locking out nutes, due to soil ph?

Have all your previous grown strains been photoperiodic strains or have you grown autos with that same setup before?

With photoperiodic strains, sometimes, the last few weeks of flower the buds will have explosive growth.....not too sure about autos though?

Maybe you got some dud seeds?.....who knows, many issues could be at play here?

If the seed company has a help desk, ask them what gives....but, unless you are a really experienced grower, they might chalk it up to inexperience.

5 gallon buckets, and they get dry to the first inch or so before next feed/water.

Soil pH is 6.5 to 6.8 I'm using2/3 Happy Frog and 1/3 Swampman Coco.

I have them on a 20/4 schedule.

I've done both photo and auto, but these are the first super autos.

I'm part of a couple of FB cannabis pages, and they've heard of a lot of issues similar to mine with Flash Seeds. Just found out this morning.

I'm not going to pop anymore of them until my state is legal and I can grow outside. I won't waste my tent space, nutes, or electricity on this crap.


ICMag Donor
Flash Seeds/Short Stuff have been around for 10 years or more. Super autos are more of a fast indica hybrid, hence they don't respond quite as well indoors under 20/4, 18/6 light.

Their other strains are definitely autoflowers.

Agree with you Douglas, although you can have autos light regimen @ 24/0, they need that dark period to uptake nutrients and give them the energy to grow/bloom. It's been said 18/6 or 20/4 the best light regimen. Anything over 20 hours is not advantageous to the plant, hence a waste of utilities (electricity).


New member
I'm not going to chop them. I'll let them grow out as long as they need to, just to satisfy my curiosity. I'll wait for my state to be legal, and I'll plant them outside and let them do their thing.


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
I´ve tested for Stitch many years ago when super-autos where a novelty.
Like peeps said before they are kind of pointless indoors because they´ll take more time than a non-autos and you´ll spent more money on electrics.
But for outdoors they are good stuff because they grow large and harvest time, if well dialed, it´s after the proper autos and before the non-autos.
I´m pretty sure that i´ve got a few pics of super-autos on my albums and a thread about it somewhere.
I remember a few special ones Anapurna and #1 were my favs if i remember it right.
I think that you do well in waiting to see what they turn in the end.
All the best.


Well-known member
Hey paulo,
were you also on AFN back in the day?
I was testing the Chaze, Sch, Copacabana and MuayThai outdoors, still got some pictures in my albums here. Sadly all my journals were deleted from afn after the remake.



Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Not really

Not really

Hey paulo,
were you also on AFN back in the day?
I was testing the Chaze, Sch, Copacabana and MuayThai outdoors, still got some pictures in my albums here. Sadly all my journals were deleted from afn after the remake.


I remember receiving the invite for the AFN but i´m not sure if i ever logged-on in there. But for sure i´ve never posted anything.
Too many online platforms, too little time.
I hope that all goes well at your end.


New member
Here's the pain in the ass Amazing Cherry this week. She's finally filling in VERY nicely! I'm glad I didn't chop her. She's just about 5 foot tall, and all the larf is filling in.


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New member
But here's the REAL surprise!! This is about 1/3 of the main cola from Stitch's Love Potion! I leaned her to the middle of the tent and made her a sling out of twine so she isn't hitting the lights, and when I did, all the foxtails turned into MORE COLAS!! TONS of them!! And putting out flowers like CRAZY!! I measured her from soil level to main cola tip, and she's about 5 foot 7. Due to the other plants in the tent, I really can't get good shots of the true size of these girls! So in about 15 days, the ugly ducking has become a SWAN!!


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Boreal Curing
Haha.... Love it. What a great looking plant!

Everyone should date a really crazy chic once in their lifetime. Same goes for a crazy weed plant.


Well-known member
Haha, really nice looking crazy plant, as TM said ;)
Here's my MuayThai from four seasons ago, transplanted in the ground(no pot), almost 3 meters high:

