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Fla. mom arrested after pic of baby with bong


Your link didn't work so I found the photo here.


It is a funny photo. A Texan went out of their way to call FL social services and now this kid is ripped from his mother.

Do you think there is a pix or two of little kids with beer bottles in their hands? I bet I could find hundereds of those types of photos.

I hope they arrest every FL parent who's kids obtain unauthorized access to their prescriptions.

Drug paraphernalia laws are immoral. That glass piece could be used to smoke MJ (so what) or it could have been brand new and clean as a vase from the FTD Florist.

Have any of us ever smoked out of an apple or Coke can? I bet we have.

They need to start arresting everyone in FL caught with an apple or soda can, because as we all know those items COULD be used to smoke MJ.

The police state of this nation and many of the various states puts the Nazis to shame.

hello, your answer or comment of this is spot on matey, especially the beer bottle photos comment, ive one of these as a 3 year old i think,

If mainstream people could break away from acting like sheep togeather then we might have a chance at seeing&understanding things for what they really are and stand for etc.


this guy in texas is a douche, im sure he has problems in his own life, and the life of his families, but he has to take it apon himself to be the "Captitan save a baby" that really gets me,., and obviously the kid is getting cared for, look what a chunk he/she is, and no drugs in the baby's system, .........come on., this is lame, i agree there was nothing illegal here, that girl is young, (19), of course she is going to make mistakes, but now, i dont know the whole story, it was mentioned that the father was an evil guy, maybe the mom was whacked out also, yah, the baby is gonna struggle. but the cops shouldnt be able to come bustin in and taking babies over stupid #@it like this, there are worse mothers all over america, im sure.

Seth Davis

New member
This is fairly irresponsible, especially posting it on Facebook..I'm sure it would have been a joke but I can understand in someone passing this onto police.


It's disgusting..don't defend any of it.
Cigarettes,Alcohol or MJ in the hands of kids is not funny.
I would never smoke MJ in someone elses house and i do not keep my stash in the house i reside,currently my parents house-i wasn't recession proof-let alone do that, i cannot agree or encourage any of that kind of backwards behaviour.
I believe in medicinal patients that are relieved by weed,and i believe it to be a great recreational drug for me.If you want me to further the difference,i will do so.


I love my life
It's disgusting..don't defend any of it.
Cigarettes,Alcohol or MJ in the hands of kids is not funny.
I would never smoke MJ in someone elses house and i do not keep my stash in the house i reside,currently my parents house-i wasn't recession proof-let alone do that, i cannot agree or encourage any of that kind of backwards behaviour.
I believe in medicinal patients that are relieved by weed,and i believe it to be a great recreational drug for me.If you want me to further the difference,i will do so.

Do you want a cookie?

So your moral compass is so good that you would never fuck up and you would instantly know when another human fucks up so that way you feel perfectly justified putting them in a cage.

Who gives two shits what kind of activities you would encourage.

How about this taking kids to churches and forcing them to be indoctrinated is the worst form of child abuse I can imagine.

Because I know it is child abuse to brain wash little kids into believing that the flying spaghetti monster controls their lives, then I am perfectly justified in removing kids from these wacky religious homes and sending the abusive brain washers to prison.

Or maybe we should just stay the fuck out of peoples homes (absent HARM to third parties).



Do you want a cookie?

So your moral compass is so good that you would never fuck up and you would instantly know when another human fucks up so that way you feel perfectly justified putting them in a cage.

Who gives two shits what kind of activities you would encourage.

How about this taking kids to churches and forcing them to be indoctrinated is the worst form of child abuse I can imagine.

Because I know it is child abuse to brain wash little kids into believing that the flying spaghetti monster controls their lives, then I am perfectly justified in removing kids from these wacky religious homes and sending the abusive brain washers to prison.

Or maybe we should just stay the fuck out of peoples homes (absent HARM to third parties).



If i dissaprove of something,then i won't encourage it will i?
I dont want a cookie and abusing is not the contrary or scape goat for this families activities,is it?


I love my life


If i dissaprove of something,then i won't encourage it will i?
I dont want a cookie and abusing is not the contrary or scape goat for this families activities,is it?

No need to encourage activities you don't approve of, just as there is no right to legislate the morality, religion, or family practices of your neighbors.

Your second question needs to be reworded because I can't understand what you are asking.



Freedom Fighter


If i dissaprove of something,then i won't encourage it will i?
I dont want a cookie and abusing is not the contrary or scape goat for this families activities,is it?

How was the kid abused?? He did no drugs, they tested him for that...so the only thing that happened here, is the kid was posed for a photo that the mom thought was funny-- I do not see the harm there, do you?? Is touching a bong gonna hurt him??
The only thing in this story that hurt that "Poor Child"...was taking him away from his mother--


LOL...it was hydro that mentioned abuse..

Because I know it is child abuse to brain wash little kids into believing that the flying spaghetti monster controls their lives, then I am perfectly justified in removing kids from these wacky religious homes and sending the abusive brain washers to prison.

What the hell was that all about? Someones got their own agenda.....
How does that fit anywhere within what i was saying in the first place?
I have limits to my bad side...Yes i smoke the herb,i'm aware it's illegal,im not on a high horse,i take responsiblity for it,NOT REDEEM MYSELF THROUGH IT..get it?
Giving a kid a ciggy,or a beer bottle to pose with is not positive in any context...let alone a BONG.Give him/her i am a bad mutha fucka t-shirt whilst we're at it,yeah?

Because my high horse is so so high..anyone else can do anything they please,and ill crawl into my hole?


I love my life
You were discussing "Backward" behavior and judging how other's raise their children. I merely pointed out that religion is brainwashing.

Smoking herb is part of your "Bad side" and I need to get bent? Well maybe so, but smoking weed is part of my life and is not bad. What the hell are you talking about taking responsibility for smoking weed?

You and I may both agree that giving cigs and beers to kids for photos or enjoyment is wrong, and that is not my kid pictured in any of those photos. But just because we don't agree with how other people raise their kids, doesn't give us the right to a high horse.

You want your neighbors to have their children stripped from them because they make bad decisions and photograph them with inappropriate items, I think that organized religion is worse than ANY of those photos; therefor I would NOT take the bong baby from his mother until MILLIONS of other babies are taken from their mothers for various reasons.

But I don't believe it is moral for any group to interfer with the family. Sure I don't like organized religion, but I don't really want kids taken away from wacky religious parents. Sure I don't like parents giving cigs, beer, or MJ to their children but I don't want to take them away either.

You have some crazy idea of the parenting skills of the state and their PAID foster parents.



What a bunch of trash....just imagine if you found a pic of yourself as a baby,,holding dads bong...its like "thanks Mom And Dad" for leading me on the path of vocational college.


What a bunch of trash....just imagine if you found a pic of yourself as a baby,,holding dads bong...its like "thanks Mom And Dad" for leading me on the path of vocational college.

Good for you!!!


I've already explained there is no high horsemanship here.

Bad is Bad.


I love my life
What a bunch of trash....just imagine if you found a pic of yourself as a baby,,holding dads bong...its like "thanks Mom And Dad" for leading me on the path of vocational college.

Imagine you found a picture of yourself being baptized and being served served wine as a sacrament; "Thanks mom and dad" for indoctrinating me into the club of the irrational and narrow minded.

Bad is bad is a great motto especially if you are the one who can determine who has crossed the line; must feel good to be the chosen few.

How about you agree to have different moral values than others but you refrain from casting the first stone?



This picture is fine. It is actually funny as hell. i have one of my kids with a beer when she was 6 months old. She looks passed out drunk. Everyone loves it. You want to here something not funny? I took bong hits with a 4 year old. I mean straight up to the fucking head, clearing out the entire chamber bong hits with a 4 year old. Now that is fucked up. This was 16 or 17 years ago, and it was a friend of a friend of a friend that lived in a trailer park (not trashing trailer parks or anything) So we wanted to get high and he said we should stop by this house. So we stop by this house and sit down and bullshit. there is a 2 year old and a 4 year old. We start to smoke, and the guy wants to show off i suppose, and his 4 year old hits the bong harder than all of us. This kid takes 3 hits straight to the head. After laughing until I pissed myself I realized how fucked up it was and promptly left. It does still make me laugh though. I can see it like it was yesterday. Fucked up, but oh so funny.


Freedom Fighter
The point is, the kid had done no drugs...and tho there may be differing opinions on if the picture with a bong could be morally wrong...the fact still remains that the kid was not hurt in any way--
But they went ahead and took the kid from his mom--
Now, how is that right??

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