Thanks brother! I'm also very keen on that cross, I tried searching to see if anyone else had grown it out but couldn't find any logs. I'll get some better pictures very soon to show their structure...the male has really impressed me! There looks to me to be alot of potential in them.
I'm gonna hop the the Amazon right now! I'd run I town to grab the thermometer but my truck is frozen solid right now. Loooooove this weather.
I do have the temperature in the tent set to 26 on the heater but it's rages from 24-26. But the thermometer is definitely the answer to stop my guesswork.
you'll find leaf surface temp different than ambient. An exhaust fan on a thermostat controller (inkbird) dialled to leaf temps is a way to automate.
I've currently got the timer set for 18/6. I'm still going to use the phone app for today, while it won't give me proper readings, it should at least give me an idea of the difference in par for the various heights and areas.
Thanks for the link dots! And the kind words lol
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If one can do can do tissue need to keep mother plants if you can produce clones from tissue culture. This is a game changer for me.
Here is the male of Peaks Sweet Skunk x Haze, still in a 1 gallon pot.
Based on the soil recipe, I really was hesitant to top dress anything and end up chasing my tail.
man i love peak gear. also, your light is clearly hard enough wherever that thing was sitting.
your NGB x that PSSH would make some freaky plants & fun beans to dig through!
small pots, hard light. even the best recipe isn't magic...
Plants looking good !
Winter here too and i find the lower temps mean my grow is a bit colder and the lower soil temps make the plants struggle to get the nutes they need when under LEDS.
looking forward to seeing that line-up in flower !