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First time grower with SILS on micro grow


Active member
“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” – Confucius
the same can be said about growing i believe
but patience mostly has the greatest rewards


Just newbin
Thank you guys :thank you:

Lets see, i can still fuck this up kkkk

Now i have 2 prioritys in my mind, mom cab and a place to dry the harvest and i need to get it solved fast.


Just newbin




Sorry for the cat/dog hair, need to thik how im going to bath the buds when i harvest to clean them from all of this


Just newbin
My skunk

Yesterday i add aloe exctrat to the water of the clone
Quite a difference from last night pics, didnt know that they would grow so fast after they come out

Still very much healthy

My auto blue amnesia on day 48

Peace :tiphat:


Just newbin
Day 49

Day 49

your certainly getting some great results
Thanks gizmo, im happy that you all agree that for now i have this kinda right :tiphat:

Today on day 49 of my blue amnesia xxl, she presented to me some orange pistils and i know that this ones are not from me bumping into them and just on top buds so i guess is a sign of maturation?



Anyway, besides the brown spots that she gained a week ago she is gorveous, smells lovelly, all of her leafs are healthy besides the one that i damage here and there by my clumsy hands, im real happy that for now everything went fine :D


Just newbin
Mrs Skunk

Mrs Skunk

Today when i saw my skunk i thought she was really beautifull today with that lush new green

And since this guys are growin a LOT everyday

I decided to train my cuting and cloning skils while the amnesia dont finish and took 8 clones, need to read more about cutings

She got a bit bald kkkk

Im loving this
Peace :tiphat:


Active member
The enthusiasm you have will take you far
I literally try to keep it as simple as possible and hope for success lol


Just newbin
The enthusiasm you have will take you far
I literally try to keep it as simple as possible and hope for success lol

Indeed i hope it take me far.
Im loving this, peacefull hobby, interesting, makes me think in a lot of things, so many strains, so many ways to do the same thing, and obviously the harvest in the end, this is awesome, i hope i never get tired of this in the rest of my life :D
I guess my enthusiasm is the same for everyone when starting kkkk
I too want to make it simple, i overcomplicate things a lot of times, i need lots of LIFTA and to love them a bit less


Well-known member
Thanks gizmo, im happy that you all agree that for now i have this kinda right :tiphat:

Today on day 49 of my blue amnesia xxl, she presented to me some orange pistils and i know that this ones are not from me bumping into them and just on top buds so i guess is a sign of maturation?
View Image
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View Image

Anyway, besides the brown spots that she gained a week ago she is gorveous, smells lovelly, all of her leafs are healthy besides the one that i damage here and there by my clumsy hands, im real happy that for now everything went fine :D

it' s just a sign of beginning of maturation ,
you have some time before harvest ( at least 3 weeks i guess and certainly more ) ,
one of the key is to not be too impatient ,
anyway from what i see good things coming :tiphat:


Just newbin
it' s just a sign of beginning of maturation ,
you have some time before harvest ( at least 3 weeks i guess and certainly more ) ,
one of the key is to not be too impatient ,
anyway from what i see good things coming :tiphat:
Thanks bibi :thank you:
She is advertised to harvest at 75/80 days
She is now in the 6w, i see some grows gowing until week 10~12, she is going good i guess, great eye too bibi thanks :)
They give me the oppurtunity to to train my patience, no doubt about that, yhats one of the things im liking growing so much

Peace :tiphat:


pure dynamite
I would hate to have pet hair in my buds. Maybe put some screens on the intakes and have better safety practices while working on the plants to reduce environmental contamination. It can be done!


Just newbin
Day 50

Day 50

Day 50 for my auto blue amnesia, if everything goes well and if how advertised, in 3/4 weeks im harvesting, need to keep in mind to flush them in the last week.
The calmag didnt progress since i gave her more

The only tops that dont show any brown pistils are the tops from the 2nd and 3rd node of the main stem but the trichs still look pretty clear so lets see how she changes from day to day


I love this, is beautifull



Just newbin
Mrs Skunk / olders

Mrs Skunk / olders

My skunk today was watered with grow, bacto hemp, neem oil, bio grow, aloe and a bit of honey, she seems to like it

My clones today got a mix of honey in their water and im going to left it for 2 days, and in the 3rd day im going to put a bit of aloe on straight water, plus i love how fast the roots of my cut develop, i could never imagine that they would grow so fast day by day

My older girls remain the same, slowly trucking along i think, i dont see amy develop of orange pistils besides the ones that i bumped and they oxidize (i memorized them), also the blank space on the right one, was the 2 lower branches that i cutted and quick dried just to see how is that flavour of clorophil that some guys point out, since i dont know the flavour i thought it was a good idea, i get a light nice buzz from them


Other than that, everyday is the same but its a bummer that i want to grow more and do more and i cant for multiple reasons, steady pace wins the race



Just newbin
I would hate to have pet hair in my buds. Maybe put some screens on the intakes and have better safety practices while working on the plants to reduce environmental contamination. It can be done!

Thanks for the suggestion explosiv :tiphat:

On the intakes i have pantyhoses and work quite good, i need to clean them every month or so..
I know i can do a better job to not cross contaminate them, but with 5 cats and one husky(!!) Is a bit hard, but im thinking of have a routine where i force myself to change clothes before going in the cab, clean the cab routinely etc, some protocols.
Also im going to wash my buds before drying them..

Anyway, i have smoked cigarretes and joints with some hairs that im lazy to take out, but indeed i need and want to reduce the ammount of hair.



Well-known member
My older girls remain the same, slowly trucking along i think, i dont see amy develop of orange pistils besides the ones that i bumped and they oxidize (i memorized them),...

I didn't know that could happen.

I checked my plant again and noticed that there is only one bud that has orange hairs, so I must have mashed that bud.

I don't have any other orange hairs anywhere else on the plant.