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First homemade Cab, first homemade Grow and big Hope (SSH-BHP-TBR)

Beautiful cab, and some nice looking plants. Stealth as hell it looks like, about the same size as mine maybe yours is a little wider. Still trying to get mine rolling, I'm very new to this.

Wish I was sporting the HPS tho.

Peace and keep it up DPV.
BesideHimself : Thanks for coming and for ur good comment ... I think HPS make a total difference..just have to deal with heat...even if 600w HPS is bit heavy light for my little cab...
I'm a newbie too in the growbox approach....but with good friend advice...and some good thread reading....everything is possible. I'll check ur thread

ImageShack just came back..

I worked on my tight SSH#1 to maximize her light captation....I think she liked it

And a little close up on SSH#2

First real problem ?

First real problem ?

Today I have my first "problem" in my grow....:nono:

First, I think my fertilizer mix was little bit strong yesterday....both SSH have some little trace of overdose.:cuss: ..but nothing crazy...just tiny sign of over fertilization.....next soup, i'll be carefule.

But I have another weird thing... 2-3 leaf on the SSH#2 show some brown mark...

I dont know exactly what it can be.... after little search...it could be a calcium or magnesium lack....but I use a additive with magnesium..so it could be a calcium issue...

Or something else....

any idea ?

I'll make some other research...i'll keep you in touch !
SSH update

SSH update

Yesterday I was so close to buy a new strain...I was thinking about La Nina from MrNice (WWxHaze if i'm not wrong)...was also thinking about buying Original Haze...to cross it with some STRONG indica.....almost had my credit card in hand....and I resisted..cause i'm broke this time.....but damn It was close... :muahaha:

I was reading a post about strain whore ... i'm sure i'm a total strain whore....but without enough money to fill my need of strain....anyway I have some really good contact for different kind of strain..they are more strain whore than me :muahaha: ....

but buying them ... start them from seed, choose them and obviously...smoke them..... that's a great hobbies.....anyway no money...no candy

I cannot complain for now i'm growing 2 untested MrNice and another one is in remotly queue :jump:

I could pop some sour jack ... I received them in freebie for buying some KcBrain TNR....and NO I wont start TNR in my cab

:muahaha: :muahaha: :muahaha: :bashhead:

I heard two type of comment about sourjack .... average shit...or crazy shit

SSH Day 35 (week 5)

Welcome back in my garden

My plant grow well...and I think i'll have one early SSH !

SSH#1 turn "red" really quick...I'm thinking about puting her in a 8 week schedule. no surprise she is the indica dominant one.

If she could be taller, I think she should be a good yielder....with tight nugget

SSH#2 is my only plant who show some (calcium ?) lack...next fertilizer soup, I'll add some molasses in the mix....I heard a lot of good thing about molasses and I know it contain calcium and potassium...two thing i'm looking for. This one will not finish in 8 week for SURE...and wont be so tight...anyway I'm looking for the hazy Pheno...and I dont care about waiting 12 week....but maybe not more than 12

Nice close Up

Welcome to Tricome Valley

GrowBox = SO funny tamagochi but with better gift at the end...for whom who knew this gadget !
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DocPouceVert your cabinet is sweet! I really like that SSH too! DANK!
You say that your using an additive with magnesium? what? what r you
feeding?burnt tips? now I am no.. not at all a pro but, sativas feed pretty light. you
may have a lock out(show signs of dif). just a thought. again take how you like.
good luck and welcome to IC :wave:
krushonkush said:
DocPouceVert your cabinet is sweet! I really like that SSH too! DANK!

Thank for the good comment ! For a first try I'm happy...for now

krushonkush said:
You say that your using an additive with magnesium? what? what r you
feeding?burnt tips? now I am no.. not at all a pro but, sativas feed pretty light.

I'm using some PowerPack..I should buy Magical ... bit cheaper and it contain Calcium...for the over-fertilization....its some tips burn...but no crusting its a light OD...I also put biocanna Rizotonic...and I know it have a strong influence on PH...maybe i'll stop puting Rizotonic....anyway I'll adjust that monday, for the next soup !

krushonkush said:
you may have a lock out(show signs of dif). just a thought. again take how you like.

Always a pleasure to received some tip and idea

krushonkush said:
good luck and welcome to IC :wave:

Thanks dude, I was a silent reader of this forum, just decide to participate a bit more in sharing experience with people, and its a good way to show my friendwhats happen with my garden

See ya


TNR ...maybe you could put holes in your cab and have the beast grow right out the top ! Those ssh are getting better and better...mmmm, lookin' tasty !!!
zapatoloco said:
TNR ...maybe you could put holes in your cab and have the beast grow right out the top !

I dont even want to think about this :muahaha::muahaha::muahaha:...but I can't wait seeing TNR in action...mmm this spring just beside a lowrider....I like some contrast :muahaha:

zapatoloco said:
Those ssh are getting better and better...mmmm, lookin' tasty !!!

Yea and they smell good !
BHP TBP update

BHP TBP update

Ola !

This week its was harder to maintain a constant temp in my box....yesterday night my cab was at 12C ... and some day, when i'm not home, it cant reach 30C...I dont like this waving temp...i'll must find a way to stabilize this....but for now my baby dont seem to care much about this issue....

We are now....let me see my calendar...at day 27 from 12/12

Both plant, (TBR and BHP) are going well, without any lack or any sign of overfertilization.

BPH is bit earlier than the TBR in there respective bud constriction, and already have her sweet blueberry aroma...

TBR is bit later to buds, but I know, when TBR will explode, we should see an color explosion....I hope she will keep her promise !!!! ...

mmm TrueBlue aroma...so sweet.... we had a TrueBlue's pheno...but I think she was the worst yielder I ever seen...It was bad cause I also think it was one of the better taste I tried in the wonderfule world of Cannabis...so my frient crossed it...trying to keep the aroma, but to gain some potency and yield...TBR is the F1 result of that....and I now have one of the most TrueBlue pheno we had....not the better keeper pheno, but a pheno who had some great qualities, we'll see that later

And the SSH ??

And the SSH ??

And by the way a little update on the SSH

SSH#7 still in vedge....i made a clone of it today...then if the clone survive i'll wait maybe a week and put the SSH#7 at 12/12

SSH#1 is in her last stage of flowering cycle....I think .. 3 other week and she will be ready...Quick SSH pheno..maybe 8 week !

So at day 37 SSH#1 look like this

SSH#2 look to enjoy molasses, no new sign of calcium lack and all my plant will received some cal/mag monday....I'll cut their Rizotonic, cause I dont really need it anymore on these plant...and it raise to much my PH...

So SSH#2 after 37 day really does't look like her sister

Can't wait smoking SSH for the first time !! :joint:


1. WOW! damn nice cab my friend.

2. the plants are looking phenominal as hell, please dont get too high and forget to give us a smoke report!! lol

3. i think that my SSH is definitely from GREENHOUSE. my SSH beans were gifted to me, and ive been on a long trek to track down what pheno i could possibly have and looking at your , mine is definitely not a MR. NICE pheno.

ill be posting pics of mine tomorrow during lights on. what ive been wanting to do is take some pics of the bigger ones, but they seem to all be doing teh same thing. teh side branches are going nuts and being greedy while that main cola is saying "fuck yall, i want all da light"!! lol

check it out when you have a minute. . .

Yesterday I puted some weird bean in the water to make them pop....its a weird mix

Swazi Red Beard x (Mango x something?) ... For now we'll call it Afrobec

I had few bean....nothing to do with it...than we'll pop them just for fun !

I also have some SourJack I received in freebies...but I Didn't pop them for now...

My SSH#2 flowered clone (not the real one) received some SSH pollen and she will give me 8-10 seed of SSH F2 in few week....

I must change the name of my thread...i have so many plant on so many differend shedule....my cab became by default a perpetual growbox....

In 2-3 week SSH#1 will be cut and SSH#7 will take her place

In 4 week BHP and TBR will be ready and maybe replace by something i'll find at that point .... or the Afrobec

In 5-6 week SSH#2... hopefully...will be ready and replace by Afrobec or the SSH#2 pregnant clone...if she's ready to go in bloom

Maybe in that time i'll pop these SourJack ... again ... just for fun
And Maybe i'll be able to have another SSH#1 in that time too


1. WOW! damn nice cab my friend.

Thanks for the good comment dude !

I didn't have that much of manual skill and greenthumb abilities, so for now i'm bit proud of my work....I'll make a lot of adjustment in the next plant...but overall its working great.

2. the plants are looking phenominal as hell, please dont get too high and forget to give us a smoke report!! lol

Dont worry, I'll make one...especialy if i'm too stoned

3. i think that my SSH is definitely from GREENHOUSE. my SSH beans were gifted to me, and ive been on a long trek to track down what pheno i could possibly have and looking at your , mine is definitely not a MR. NICE pheno.

lol, its true that our plant are really different...I tough i had something like you when I started my SSH

I'll put my third pheno in flowering in few week....I want her bigger...we'll see what kind of SSH she will be....with the large different they can have

ill be posting pics of mine tomorrow during lights on. what ive been wanting to do is take some pics of the bigger ones, but they seem to all be doing teh same thing. teh side branches are going nuts and being greedy while that main cola is saying "fuck yall, i want all da light"!! lol

check it out when you have a minute. . .

:muahaha: Dont worry i'm registred to your thread...I wont miss it


I don,t know about you Doc, but does that ssh #1 look ready or what ?? I'm liking that number 2 myself, what a shape !
zapatoloco said:
I don,t know about you Doc, but does that ssh #1 look ready or what ??

If its not ready...its not that far to be it....i'll try to keep her another 10 days (having a good flush)...but almost ready at day 41 .... record of the earliest SSH on earth
:muahaha: :muahaha:

zapatoloco said:
I'm liking that number 2 myself, what a shape !

Crazy hein ?!? and she is far to be ready...so she will be totally awesome .... minimum another month on a 12 week schedule...maybe more....maybe less

I think she will be hazy !!!! :headbange

Anyway this Xmas I'll have some good smoking...and for the new year too !


:muahaha: :muahaha:
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