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I made three of these with .33 grams of really good ganja on my firecrackers and baked them for 22 minutes. The crackers looked cooked, but the peanut butter hadn't melted. I ate one that night, and after 90 mins I smoked a bubbler and started feeling the whole body buzz. That lasted a couple of hours and wasn't anything too crazy. The next morning I took .66 grams and went to class, I only felt a slight body buzz, but after I ripped a bong, smoked a blunt, and hit my volcano I really didn't feel anything too crazy again. My firecrackers straight up tasted like weed but didn't really smell too bad. I used "Great Value" peanut butter I think and baked at 320 degrees. What could I be doing wrong. I'm thinking about buying a little toaster oven for making cannabutter and whatnot.


welcome xctoke. is this .6 grams on each or between some? maybe you have a higher tollerance too.

oh yeah and why would you need a toaster to make cannabutter?


New member
a toaster oven can simmer butter in a container at the desired temperature for however long you want (a mini oven basically). I had about 1/3 gram on each sandwich total. I have a fairly high tolerance, but I really didn't feel much which leads me to user error. I personally think they should have been exposed to the heat for a few more minutes. Now I'm thinking about just making cannabutter but using a lot of some lower grade erb.


They never worked for me, i was real bummed. Finally got edibles to work for me in butter tho.


Active member
my buddy and i just made 3 of them, put about a gram of some decent mids on each, with creamy jiffy p-butter. Baked at 340 for about 22 minutes. The crackers were darkend a little and the peanut butter was held together nicely. They didn't smell much at all, unless you were really trying to smell the weed. The taste wasn't to appealing but nevertheless it wasn't to bad. Its been about 30 minutes and we'll see! Definetly able to cook them in a dorm without anyone knowing. we both smoke daily but havn't yet today, and ate a little bfore noon. Hoping for the best, will let u kno in a little whats up.


Honey graham crackers, jiff, about 1.5 g's of finely ground herb, mixed herb with jiff, spead on crackers, made two, wrapped in foil, baked 325 for 22 mins. taste was not bad, within the hour the high kicked in and i soon dozed off, woke up even higher, high for several hours, tried eating sweets, sleeping and showering to bring down high, but it was tuff to shake so i just rode with it...paranoia and anxiety where somewhat extreme...

next time, i'll decrease dose and maybe use a more indica dominant strain to induce a more body high, than a heady high. Was hoping to remedy my lower back pain not go on a space trip. WHEWWWW


well i read this before i made my account once and again while i had made my account already both times i horrable experience taste wise, i could not get it down no matter how hard i tried, i donno if it was bud, or all the peanut butter, even all the milk in the world, after i got a small peice down, and spat it rest out in sadness i wanted it to work so bad....the last time seem fine for my buddy but hes always to baked to know whats up i'll keep trying hard, maybe somthin diffrent


Nept said:
They never worked for me, i was real bummed. Finally got edibles to work for me in butter tho.

Same here, I tried it in the microwave and barely felt anything...

Iam going to give it another shot with some natural peanut butter though


I'm not sure i would do this again. i like the feeling I use to get when i'd get sloppy drunk. The next day I would not want to see or smell alcohol. Today...i don't want to see or smell any bud. I was really baked from it was CRAZY
put grape jelly on the crackers when done. it adds a sweetness to it and kinda takes the weed taste out. i actually like the taste with the jelly on...


Its weird, I've made firecrackers before with just regular peanut butter like jiffy whatever and had vaired results sometimes wouldnt get high, sometimes would be flying in the sky ya know?

But with natural peanut butter I get high any time I make them, and yeah they taste yuck jellys pretty good with them.
Stupid question but would it work in my toaster oven. 320 for 20 minutes. It's so damn hot in my house and i don't want to use the oven because that will just make it hotter. South Carolina is hell. :wallbash: :sasmokin:
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easyskanking said:
South Carolina is hell. :wallbash: :sasmokin:

i feel you brother, sometimes it gets un fuckin bearable for us down in the south.

one question, whats the smell factor during baking, i love weed treats cant really bake stuff tho because i really cant have my apartment smelling like weed.


eating unprocessed herb is very very hard on the body.... As was suggested here, the buzz can be " Helllp, I wanna get off this crazy thiiiiing...!" feeling. But, no dice. Orange juice may help a bit, but one oughtta strap in for the ride.

I wonder if one used bubble hash...... It would require VERY little hash, and would be easier on the belly, as there would be much fewer cystolyth fibers.....

Also, one would get thrashed...!

I licked my fingers after pressing some bubble, and touching butter, while making toast (yes, it was AM, talk about wake 'n bake..!). Just a bit of residue on my appendages, but I got a perfect high. Hardly noticeable, but occasionally, a wave would sweep over me. Smoking intensified it.

Not quite paranoia, but more could get quite intense. The hash was from a greeaaat Kush, so that explains a bit.

Now, the spacecakes are in Cali...! Noice.


Tried this. Used a good amount of weed and only a slight buzz. I will say that when I took a couple of hits, the resultant buzz was huge, and long lasting.



If I made a couple of theses and left them in the fridge they'd still work the same right? Also I like to put honey in between will that hinder anything?

Sin Humo

Relapse - I made some and put the ones we couldn't eat in the fridge for a couple of days and they were still OK. The honey shouldn't cause any problems either as long as the resin in the herbs can be absorbed by the oil in the peanut butter.