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Finishing times, Photoperiod, Latitude, and how it all works!!


Alchemical Botanist
Very good thread. :) I have a question that maybe someone with outdoor experience might be able to help out with.

Inside city limits and having to deal with streetlights at a distance. So my question would be if these light might inhibit or delay flowering. At the distance they are from the plants right now it amounts to about as much light as a full moon. But it easy to see.

anyone? thanks in advance :)


Active member
ICMag Donor
I live in the country and the only streetlight for miles is close to my vegetable garden, where I flower a few out every year. The light (400w MH 20 ft up) is approx. 200-250 ft away from the garden. Had one hermie in several years, and it was from a bagseed.
I know they can see this light, and it doesn't seem to effect them. However, I keep them LST'd down in the corn, so they aren't really directly in the light, but some of the branches surely are directly in it.


Alchemical Botanist
thanks Hoosierdaddy :) I'm a little concerned about the light levels, but if they don't start flowering by late august then i'll probably cover em with something.


Originally Posted by BACKCOUNTRY
2. How long of a day can a non-Autoflowering plant be bred to bloom under? Could it be possible to breed a plant that would bloom and finish naturally in Eugene-OR(44.1N) before the end of August? Can Cannabis be bred to start blooming when the day is still longer than 15 or 16 hours?

3. I'm especially interested to hear from Canadian growers and growers in N. Europe who use many local and commercial early varieties. Some of these varieties seem to be Auto-flowering, some seem to be Photoperiod sensitive, and some I've heard can turn out as either in the same batch. Would any Northern growers care to talk about any of these exotic strains they have used and their observations about them?
Hello growers i live and grow weed in Bulgaria on 43N latitude It s a small country in
South-East part of Europa .Here my early flowering strains start flowering in beginning of july and they are ready for 1 September .

Most of my strains start flower in August .They usualy ready for harvest in september and beginning of november. Now is september and i have 2 Hawaian Snow and 1 Nevils Haze from GHS who not start flowering yet meybe waiting something :alien: if i have a problems with weather i move them and finish indoor .

But i want to tell you another :

In west south part of my country on 41N latitude we have a beautiful mountains near border with Macedonia and Greace . In this mountains many peole live in villаges growing weed for money and most of them are old man Most intresting of this is that the most of this strains are local early flowering sativas who start flowering in beginning of june and they are ready in August.

I never forget most crazy weed i ever smoke was from this mountains and i buy it trimed and dry in medium of August .

We have four seаsons .Last years weather change and winter late . We usualy have snow for christmas but on 31 december was 25 degrece and 2 3 day latter start snowing .

I talk and see with grovers in whole world and now is time to make first international latitude outdoor growing experiment with same strains from same seeds with close conditions

Classic Seeds

hi backcountry hope you got a nother pup now bro.to answer some of your questions some tropical plants are total time dependant by that i mean they just grow year round in the natural enviorment they have some are water dependant to bloom like monson season but most have no clock the longer they are grown away from the tropics 0-20 latitude the more light will influence flowering

.some plants in india and africa flower when the days get longer but agian thats when the seasonal rains are a lot of factors influence landrace plants and when they flower its what ever was successfull in the past will be the prevailing charactorist in a gene pool because plants that are not successfull soon die out . in the seventys everyone who knew of these indian strains and african strains got excited thinking we could get plants blooming faster it was not a dominate trait unfortunatly but it was pasted on in a few of the strains it was breed to and we have a few plants here in oregon that were part of this gene pool that harvest at the end of august because they got the gene

thanks for all your hard work in doing this ,i would have to say so much depends on inviroment as to when a landrace flowers as well as light lenght the farther you get from the equitor so one can contadict the other in some landrace strains just because of weather aloha classic seeds
2. How long of a day can a non-Autoflowering plant be bred to bloom under? Could it be possible to breed a plant that would bloom and finish naturally in Eugene-OR(44.1N) before the end of August? Can Cannabis be bred to start blooming when the day is still longer than 15 or 16 hours?

3. I'm especially interested to hear from Canadian growers and growers in N. Europe who use many local and commercial early varieties. Some of these varieties seem to be Auto-flowering, some seem to be Photoperiod sensitive, and some I've heard can turn out as either in the same batch. Would any Northern growers care to talk about any of these exotic strains they have used and their observations about them?

well even tho this is old, I imagine the question is still viable.
I grow near 52 lat in central western canada.
I grow a locally climatized breed. last yr it started flowering the first few days of July (Jul 3, 2009 sunrise=4:59 AM sunset=9:50 PM day length=16h 50m 53s ).
this yr with a later planting date (snow killed first set off) the females started flowering July 12th. (Jul 12, 2010 sunrise=5:08 AM sunset=9:43 PM day length=16h 35m 20s)
only thing is I am not sure of my strains genetics as its been grown locally almost 30yrs, with bagseed thrown into the mix a few times over the yrs.


Active member
Hello growers i live and grow weed in Bulgaria on 43N latitude It s a small country in
South-East part of Europa .Here my early flowering strains start flowering in beginning of july and they are ready for 1 September .

Most of my strains start flower in August .They usualy ready for harvest in september and beginning of november. Now is september and i have 2 Hawaian Snow and 1 Nevils Haze from GHS who not start flowering yet meybe waiting something :alien: if i have a problems with weather i move them and finish indoor .

But i want to tell you another :

In west south part of my country on 41N latitude we have a beautiful mountains near border with Macedonia and Greace . In this mountains many peole live in villаges growing weed for money and most of them are old man Most intresting of this is that the most of this strains are local early flowering sativas who start flowering in beginning of june and they are ready in August.

I never forget most crazy weed i ever smoke was from this mountains and i buy it trimed and dry in medium of August .

We have four seаsons .Last years weather change and winter late . We usualy have snow for christmas but on 31 december was 25 degrece and 2 3 day latter start snowing .

I talk and see with grovers in whole world and now is time to make first international latitude outdoor growing experiment with same strains from same seeds with close conditions

bulgarian sativa !! bring it on !!


bulgarian sativa !! bring it on !!







New member
can someone help this new grower.. well i just want to know what time of year to start plantin from seed in souther california, los angeles to be exact. ive read the first pages from this thread, i just need advice from a local grower to get me started. Thnks


High altitude effects?

High altitude effects?

Howdy - is it possible that an increase in altitude causes an increase in flower / bud size as, for example, it does with roses?
Howdy - is it possible that an increase in altitude causes an increase in flower / bud size as, for example, it does with roses?
I have heard it said and have read that UV makes for more resinous buds, and the higher the altitude the more UV. so I believe the answer to yuor question is yes higher altitude makes more/better buds


New member
I'm at 45dgrees north,TN,U.S.A..any1 have any experience with Lowrider#2 or Purple Mazaar outdoors?I have them outside,they're only 2=wks from seed.Also have one each of FEM Burmese Kush and Sage n Sour that I plan on cloning,


New member
So does this mean that no matter how late or early i start my seeds, they are gonna start flowering with enough time to become mature before it gets cold?


Will anyone with experience growing at Lat.42 or further north be willing to share information with me? What I am trying to figure out is for which strains would have the time to fully mature before it gets too cold.

I have several different types of hybrid fem seeds that I'd like to give a run with this year if they will be ready in time. Any help will be greatly appreciated.


I have heard it said and have read that UV makes for more resinous buds, and the higher the altitude the more UV. so I believe the answer to yuor question is yes higher altitude makes more/better buds
Some very respected swiss growers who did "side by sides", meaning some fields of the same strains/cuttings on low altitudes, some on high altitudes, say the relation is inverse. You lose harvestweight the higher you go(probably because it's regularly colder and drier), but the bud you get on the higher fields is noticeably stronger and more resinous.

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