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Finding weed in Hawaii

  • Thread starter Thread starter macassa420
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The Dude
Most pot deals are rip offs. And finding real Hawaiian weed of quality is even hard for those who live there.

As a true hustler I can shed some light on the "Rip Offs" that you know of. Ya see if you've seen Pineapple Express then you know what I'm talking about but just don't wanna acknowledge that you are "Chris" the Snikelfritz King.

Here's what you don't get braddah......



New member
everyone on here seems really chill...

everyone on here seems really chill...

so I'm hoping someone might be able to help me :) I'm in Honolulu for a week and, as someone who smokes a few times a day back home, I'm reallllllly hoping to find a hook up out here. If anyone knows any good spots, let me know. Mahalo!


New member
Locals here seem cool. Can't believe the tourists though.

Locals here seem cool. Can't believe the tourists though.

Hey guys - headin to Honolulu in a few weeks and hope to make some connections for decent stuff. Looks like the locals are super helpful and chill, as I've heard from friends. If someone wants to drop their number I'll hit you up when I land. We can grab a drink somewhere in Honolulu.

Reading these tourists comments can't believe the racism some feel okay displaying. Polynesian culture and history are pretty mindblowing. Descended from proto-Taiwanese natives who migrated south into the Philippines and Indonesia then out to Micronesia and the Pacific. Dugout canoes and warrior-explorer-sailors unparalleled by any other culture on Earth. Got into Polynesian history when I lived in Austrlaia and was surprised how Aussies treated Maori New Zealanders, another Polynesian people. No wonder Polynesians aren't waiting with open arms for fat white neocolonial tourists.


New member


In Australia minimum wage is so high they don't need to tip and everyone lives pretty comfortably. Most don't know when to tip here.


New member
Oh I wasn't offended! It's a cool country. My fave place was a smaller Miami-style beach town called Surfers Paradise. Everyone I met was so chill and nice. Sydney seemed a littlle more high strung. Melbourne was also great - mellow, arty, kind of a Britain meets New York vibe.

Can't wait to go to Oahu next month and check out the other side of Polynesia. Oceania is awesome!!


Invertebrata Inebriata
None taken. Good luck on your quest. I wouldn't be afraid to ask a bellhop or a cab driver. There's a lot more crack and stuff in Hawaii than in years past, so beware of that element.


New member
Kona big island

Kona big island

Gonna be flying into Kona in a few weeks...
Me and my medical fiancé are worried about finding a connection.
Any tips for the big island?

I seen there are some tips previously posted on this forum, but they're over ten years old now.

We will be renting a car so we probably wont be taking too many cabs, unless we decide to go for some drinks out on the town.

Anyways, any advice is greatly appreciated.
Feel free to DM for some specifics.


The Doctor is OUT and has moved on...
Frisbee golf parks is always a good place to meet "stoners". Introduce yourself with a sixer/12 pack of fine beer and you will be surprised how well the conversation progresses.


New member
Thanks DocTim420.

Is there any particular course where all the stoners go?
Or is there a particular one you goto?

I might be prying too much but I'm really looking forward to a good cannabis vacation.

We will be landing on the big island the night of feb 3rd...

For more contact info here's a kijiji ad of mine... http://www.kijiji.ca/v-view-details.html?requestSource=b&adId=1220437120&siteLocale=en_CA

Anyone please feel free to reply to the ad or text the number on there.
It might be a leap of faith trying to get contacts on a forum, but after travelling for 17 hours it'd be nice just to get off the plane and be able to get a bag- nice n' easy.


The Doctor is OUT and has moved on...
Let's just say in my prior biz life, I did extensive traveling and due to my "kind of work"--getting caught with weed would be a death knell. Most surfers I've met love excellent herb but despise outsiders...but many surfers also play frisbee golf (which I do/did), and most people playing the course love a nice cold one at the end. Make a friend--I had about 80% success in getting high--if you can count sharing a few bowls in their car as a "success".


New member
I think I figured out away to get some as soon as I land...

I'll use an online service like medicine man that will mail it to the hotel prior to my arrival.
I check in to the hotel, and alas there is a package waiting for me...

And if that doesnt work im sure it cant be too hard to find on the island, especially since I'm a long-haired freak, haha!


Just Say Grow
are you flying out of a medical state? just bring it with you in your checked bag w/ your rec attatched and clearly showing and enjoy yourself as soon as you touch down ;)