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Active member
Can I have some folks who have been either in the state their entire lives or have a dbl digit timeframe in the state that have had an equally long amount of time with this cultivar as well. I'm from Vermont .....but I'm seriously overwhelmed by the amount of folks in Colorado that are breeders.
Can a level headed Coloradan give folks who aren't in the know some insight from someone who may be in the know there, who is bringing the best and who should be avoided!?
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ICMag Donor
Breeders from all over the nation flocked to Colorado to get a quasi-legal piece of their pie.

Their gear is supposed to only be in CO but there are seed banks in other states that they distribute from.
If you're looking for seed bank reco's...
Great lake genetics & seeds here now are stateside... no customs...
There are a bunch more out there...


Active member
Ok here's my issue without naming names or blasting rage over nonsense.......I've been involved with this cultivar in one form or another since 1998, on a serious side that is.....actually taking an interest in the plants lifecycles, place in the web for the flood plains my elders would grow them in.
I have been taken under the wing of one good Colorado farmer who went by the handle motiv 303 on YouTube but that was awhile ago now...........seems like a lot of misguided motivations in some folks minds they spread to others. This to me is toxic for the movement. From an out of state farmer looking at Colorado not only is it a maze of breeders, one has no damn clue how to discern where the REAL fire is. Folks shouldn't have to spend thousands of dollars "scratch ticket" purchases of over embellished seed bank pics and reviews. I really like to see my area NOT turn into that! I had one gentleman from Colorado invite me to his "area" apparently his gear is better than most around but I have a hell of a time getting anyone to give me an honest report after growing it out. In fact the two I got from folks close to orig breeder were super honest and said it was hit or miss and cert not the best that's out there.
Just wanna find maybe like two or three Colorado breeders who have great lines.......ESP terpy lines of loud gas/fuel I can have in my stables perma style.?


ICMag Donor
TopDawg Seeds
They'll ^^ hate this but...
Greenpoint Seeds
I think these are the big 3 in CO that can be obtained out of state.
I'm not sure what DNA Genetics is doing but they are also in CO.

SHIT... My buddies and I have been talking about this over the past week and the front range seems to be Calirado/Colofornia... the enviro there is becoming nearly indistinguisible. I'd be looking for the genetics I wanted regardless of their origin state. TopDawg still fits that bill.

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
I think everyone has a different idea of what 'fire' is. If you're a grower who keeps a large number of cultivars around, you become a connoisseur. Connoisseurs love variety and have a much harder time saying, "this is the best cannabis, period". They're more likely to say, "which one would you guys like to try next?"

A beginner breeder might declare that his/her 'gold standard' strain is capable of 'stacking up' to anything out there, but a breeder with 20+ years under his/her belt is less inclined to pick favorites out of their genetically diverse quiver.


ICMag Donor
I think everyone has a different idea of what 'fire' is. If you're a grower who keeps a large number of cultivars around, you become a connoisseur. Connoisseurs love variety and have a much harder time saying, "this is the best cannabis, period". They're more likely to say, "which one would you guys like to try next?"

A beginner breeder might declare that his/her 'gold standard' strain is capable of 'stacking up' to anything out there, but a breeder with 20+ years under his/her belt is less inclined to pick favorites out of their genetically diverse quiver.

Spot on....so true.


ICMag Donor

Greenpoint is nothing more than a hack job attempt at mimicking what other successful breeders have already done. It's a 4th place effort at best.



New member
DNA used to have amazing Haze Hybrids, but looks like they're on the kush train now. Shameful, really. Haze hybrids will always trump new school kush, IMO. And I believe they originally opened shop in Colorado before moving to Amsterdam. Homecoming, I guess.


Active member
Ok here's the scoop.........I'm a native Vermonter who loves seeing legalization, however I don't like pit of staters from over previously legal states coming here to make money off folks!
1. Because we a re a small state that cannot take care of our own residents in 2012, now that our pop has dbld in the last ten years it's pretty sad how many LAZY, unprofessional hipsters move here with money..........put a made in Vermont sign on thier buis and try to CONVINVCE intelligent native shoppers they are on par with locals who bust thier asses to suppor thier families and help their communities ......I see these cash grab scum as an invasive species I'd lie to see iradicated out of the country all together! It's sad how many folks take gear, chuck pollen with it and then all the sudden they have their own website......and gear.....and a merry little group of ignorant antifa cyber type punks who troll anyone who questions the master chuckers methods! I've seen it I KNOW exactly what is being conveyed and it's something I will go out of my way to avoid here in my hometown and state. I just want to work with a solid group of folks who can help me, then I can help them type scenario! I grew up on a dairy farm and like having friends in this industry ..........here is my current stock of pollen chucks

I can't even explain the profiles in this closet............it's amazingly potent smells make me grin like the Cheshire Cat! Some have a heavy leaning kush short fat fingers fans and I can def see the lambsbread coming full circle ...............these hazes mscanna speaks of, can U give me a couple examples of I can try!? I got a bag of grass yesterday from my older brother(disabled vet who spanges) someone have him a bowl and a bag of grass....the homegrown kind of sweet sexy stuff.......had three seeds......in 8 hours all three popped........yeah....can't wait to see what those look like tpcause the smoke was cream de menthe.........I want more!:peacock:


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