Hi all,
After a week I got some information and pictures of the two parts of the box.
Anesthesie the growth of the box they do progress.
They have a nice uniformity, and is already showing strong indika. Plants already receive light dose of fertilizer.
Temperature and humidity are still held in the range of 20-28 deg. C and 50-70% humidity.
green power......
Adding a couple of pictures of flowers. In the meantime, all without a problem, the temperature ranged from 21-29
deg.C and humidity around 30%.
Flowers are 23 days in the period 12/12.
They begin to freeze and bunch of weight buds.
group photo
High friend´s
I have some pic´s for all ICMag. member
Has to grow well everything. Flowers now get a fertilizer with water, EC 1.7 and pH 6,0. About 0.7 l per plant. I have a good 28 days to flower, so that disputes start properly inflate.
These are my ladies......
all my ladies
Hi all :friends:
I am after some time from a few photos.
Finally, it began to gather weight, they are dewy buds.
You have 34 days of flowering. They regularly 10 liters of water with fertilizer and EC in the range of 1.8 to 2.2, PH 6 .
Tomorrow will be easy encapsulation clean water.
Then in three days come back fertilizer. Flushing will begin from 50 of the flower gradually as needed.
More photos and from 50 of the flower, it will give to you and watch
Group pic´c from 34 days of flower
Hello all :friends:
I have a few pictures so I add. Flowers to be good, yesterday received a dressing water with EC 0.4 and PH 5.8. The pot went water with pH 6.2 to EC 1.1. Begins to well proofing, as can be seen every day. Strong flavor is to feel as soon as open the door to the box. Most smells Danny boy and GWS is the most frosty.
Temperature is 28 deg.C over day and 20 deg.C over night. RH is kept around 30-40%.
Some pic´s
1st. SSH
2nd. SSH
Ed Rosenthal Super Bud
Hi all :friends:
I have mostly update as doing plants, buds slowly recruit to power, but could more.Temperatures are in the range of 18-20 degrees C. Humidity is kept at good 30 (day) -35% (night).
The most beautiful are SSH, Sensi Skuk, Danny Boy and ICE. Smell starting to be pretty pervasive. After opening the door to joy.
Flushing will take place on 3 times, in 50, 55, 60 day flowering by variety. Flushing will only clean water for 10 days and still the most sugar have been wearing four Sensi Skunk and GWS.
Ladies receive water and fertilizer to the EC 1.8, Ph 5,8-6, every three to four days.
I can not wait and enjoy the harvest you goodness and great taste......
so send some photos
I have a few good and bad information.
Growth of the box part of the flowers, I attacked the spider mites.
Flowers were deprived of the most damaged leaves and get a big spray, which will be repeated for 5-7 days again. They even watering and fertilizer Fish mix with EC 1.5 and pH 5.6.
Finally, the Master pointed Kushi and Anesthesie sex. Kushi Master # 2, # 4, # 6, # 8, # 3 are male. Remaining four females.
Anesthesie U are still a nice 3 males, which are already under 400W on pollen. Choose the best.
The next round I will do some seeds.
Flower of the box slowly approaching the end.
We have 51 days to flower. Flushing doing clean water in the shower there again to get all four Sensi Skunk, Danny Boy, Great White Shark, the Buddha was the first time flushing.
Remaining five flowers received classical PK 13/14, flowers fertilizer. The first part will be harvested this Thursday or Friday. Then for the next 7-10 days, and so for the last 14-17 days.
Photos of the growth of the add tomorrow, so they should be keep cool. Sensi Skunk
1st. SSH cola twins Afgan Skunk1 / Herijuana mini male Afgan Skunk1 / Herijuana mini male Danny Boy cola 4 th Sensi Skunk best cola on Sensi Skunk
Hi all
harvest time is here, as I too enjoy
Flowers have 58 days to flower and I harvested 4 x Sensi Skunk, Danny Boy and the Great White Shark.
Ladies have 12 days of clean water flushing. Sensi Skunk are wonderfully dewy and sweet Skunks have a strong scent. Income is more likely to lower average but in the standard. I think that you will yield about 25 g flowers. I 'm going to be surprised.
In this model, I like his dewiness. Danny Boy is a delightful view from the killer.
Smell ma wonderfully fruity, slightly strawberry. Great White Shark is one main golf ball, which is well dewy. Skunks Smell is mild, low-pitched.
I am satisfied from the result, and I'm already eager for the first tasting this models.
Other miss 2x SSH, ICE, ERSB, Budh, TB today had the first regular flushing.
Flushing will take place once again, 60 days to flower. Harvest is planned for 65 days.
I will see how the flowers look.
This is all so far, and have a good time with a smile on his face.
Group pic´s of bloom room
Group pic´s of mums room (5 x Master Kush, 5x AfganSkunk/ Herijuana, Casey Jones, Kali Mist, Super Silver Haze and True Blueberry )
High all
so it is time to harvest and tasting.
Were harvested as the first flowers Sensi Skunk, Danny Boy and GWS.
This morning after a 24-hour darkness was harvest 2x SSH and Buddha.
These flowers have 14 tion flushing clean water so I hope that it will taste good.
The first part of the harvest is already dry and suitable for use.
Revenues to grow this was not entirely good, but weaker in diameter. What, however, appreciate very positive is the appearance of buds, their strong and pungent smell. Taste is so that very well and especially Sensi Skunk, which leaves a sweet gentle Skunks smell long after use. Its aroma is strong on the astounding now all after its extraction. Actually, on sucks when the bag so that the free perfume .....
Danny Boy is another delicacy with very nice structure buds that are pretty dewy.
Its aroma is slightly weaker as Sensi Skunk, but the flavor is excellent gently strawberry tint, performs freshness.
GWS is so for me the classic skunk, the worst yield, good buds, the taste stronger Skunks. I model this power they said, at least not selected phen GWS.
Sensi Skunk
I got a couple photos from yesterday's harvest SSH and Buddha. When I photograph children opportunities and True Bluberry. True Blueberry, ICE and Ed Rosenthal Super Bud and still have some around 5 days to the end.
On Friday I did 14 screens Anesthesia (AfganSkunk / Herijuana) and 10 Master Kushi.
For every mom with 2 screens on the selected the most beautiful, best and tastiest ladies.
To this I happened 3 clones True Blueberry, which I intend to pollen male Master Kushi.
Pyle of 3 males will be too little pollen, but it is limited to a few selected models and SSH, TB, Anesthesia.
These first cuttings after rooting go under 4 pounds to 18 hours period, and at 7-10 days, depending on how quickly I růst.Pak to him přihodím 1-18 filet Super Silver Haze, Casey Jones and the Kali Mist. These girls go straight to 12 hours period.
More information until all starting .... and here some photos from yesterday ....