I'd nap and just nod off 5-6 times a day then had a sleep study done, Yup sleep apnea got fitted for a machine I only nap once a day now and only when I want to.
Just food for thought
I think I wrote this before here, but I'm very adamant and serious about it. I think napping has a bad rap and often has been relegated as an old fart thing. I've always thought the US is really strange about their treatment of the elderly compared to the rest of the world, shipping old farts off to nursing homes and totally ignoring and vilifying that huge source of wisdom and experience thereby missing out on a really great thing.
I don't think that way at all about napping is just one example too; I've been power napping 15-20 mins. around mid day since my mid 20's, when I've been able to, and doctors and specialists have always said it's good for you and everybody around you too. Perfect example of that vilification thing, I think anyway. It really is great.