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ferts, transportation, and other questions

well, i wanted to start a grow thread but ive been pretty busy, so just some questions i hope someone will answer
1. ive been looking for a high potassium fert but i cant find any, the current one i use is like 10-15-10 but i thought most people used like 10-10-30 during flowering, i cant find anything like that
2. my plant is about 6 foot 3, it really really grew fast, but i have to get it back to my place....how do you guys transport your stuff back to your crib?
3. my plant is in a floodplane, which is alot lower than the upper land and its close to a river, does this affect temperature? its starting to flower later than expected, and im worried about frost...thoughts? suggestions?

i thought i had some more questions but....im stoned haha sorry
wait wait wait, i thought i was supposed to look for a high last number like 10-10-50 during flowering, but you just mentioned 10-50-10



1. During flower you'll want the last two #'s (Phosphorus and Potassium, respectively) to be fairly high and certainly much higher than the first # (Nitrogen). I woul recomend a product called Canna PK 13-14. (0-13-14)
2. Yup, cut the plant into manageable peices and put those inside a plastic bag. Then put the bag/ bags into a backpack and treck them out. Don't be afraid to make multiple trips if necessary. I find a camera and overall hiker/ tourist look helps ease the paranoia of harvesting bags full of pot.... somewhat ;)
3.Not sure about temps, it'll probly stay a liitle bit more stable than the surrounding area. Matbe, cover it if you know it's gonna freeze. Not too much you can do if she's in the ground but cannabis is a pretty hardy plant.
Good Luck!
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one in the chamber
You want high phosphorous. 10-50-10 is good. i tend to cut out all N at the end of flowering.

Tupperware is good, too. It stops the buds from getting compressed. If you really wanna be nice to your buds...put them in big glass jars and get them home asap. this doesn't apply if you're growing trees...in which case, you'll need to spend some time cutting it to size. expect your person and/or vehicle to REEK :)

A camera is good for the tourist/hiker image as long as the pictures in it don't look like Overgrow's POTM or a High Times centerfold and they've been watching you taking pics and cutting down branches for 1/2 an hour.

When's first frost in your area?
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Right im using a MG Tomato that has 10-18-21 thats pretty good for flowering right??? from what i read above that is perfect. I was wondering if the tomato part of the Fert. has any effect????