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Fentanyl found in unregulated vape cartridges in other states. ‘Just a matter of time


ICMag Donor
Thats right, everyone has value. We have to help one another to empower and inspire to do what they are created to do.

Bobby Boucher

Active member
A lot of these people who the PC culture treats like valued treasures would shoot you dead for a couple hundred bucks, and I would hardly blame them. They've been cast aside by the majority for millennia, and don't give 2 fucks if you or I "feel bad for them". Dope heads and criminals shouldn't be coddled, they should be re-educated.

Civilized nations send their citizens off for mandatory military training and proceed to educate them and doctor them for free, leaving them with a sense of pride, belonging, and civic duty, along with the intelligence to capitalize on it for themselves and for their countries.

God knows how much better off we'd all be if that were the case here.

If ya'll weren't so stingy with your tax dollars to begin with, maybe we wouldn't have a bunch of retards running around wreaking havoc.
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Well-known member
If you seriously think fentanyl is hysteria and fear mongering you might need to turn off the computer and interact with the communities around you that are suffering non stop.

You're really talking about 2 epidemics here right? Vape Cartridges are also causing untold suffering and mayhem in our communities as well!! And you're saying fentanyl is in Vape Cartridges!!! Combining the two is a like peanut butter and chocolate.

If you have a source please I'd love to see it?? Everyone is in a panic about Vape Cartridges right now. Pouring gas on the fire, spreading lies isn't going to make things better..

Having checked a 2nd time this seems to be Info Wars type crazy bullshit. Shame on all you idiots for spreading this sort of garbage. Pigs rolling in shit..


Just this guy, ya know?
Did you just compare an internal DEA report to mother fucking infowars? Give me a fucking break. Way to edit your post also bro. I'm fucking done here. One last thing, I live near a bunch of colleges. I can get you fentanyl in a vape. I can get it to you in a god damn cupcake if that's how you want to kill yourself. Arguing over the delivery device is ridiculous it's in the entire illegal drug chain.
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Bobby Boucher

Active member
I don't really read the news if I can help it. There are a whole slew of drug concoctions you can load up into those things. That's just.. science.

I don't have a foot in the race, but thats just the way it is. Vaping is a really convenient way of freebasing anything that dissolves in PG and delivers a kick.

With how easy it is to just throw a fuckin bottle of pills or a vial of acid in a bottle of PG.. I don't understand why it seems so unlikely that people are doing so.

There is certainly a demand for such cartridges...

Color me confused.

Green Squall

Well-known member
Sorry guys... maybe I am not understanding this fentynal thing. Isn't it just killing junkies and white trash/jigaboos that we don't want anyway?

I'm pretty sure this isn't an upper-middle class issue, is it?

Now, opioids and pain killers affect all classes but 90% of that comes from legal doctors and pharmacoms. I am not a news hound but from what little I have heard about fentanyl it is a junkie/I'mgladyourdeadandnotsuckingmytaxdollars group of people..

What do you think people do when their script gets cut off or can't source their pills? It happened to my best friend and now he's gone.. He was sober for 2 years, had one relapse and it cost him his life. And no, not that it matters, but he wasn't a "white trash/jigaboo." He was well educated and came from a good family. Fact is, it can happen to anyone.

Green Squall

Well-known member
Nearly all reports of fentanyl laced weed has been a result of faulty reporting, so I'm assuming the same thing is going on here with vape cartridges. People don't want to admit to heroin use when the cops/EMT's show up for obvious reason, so saying your vape or weed was laced is a convenient tactic.

This Snopes article is a couple years old, but it will give you an idea of whats going on.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
What do you think people do when they're script gets cut off or can't source their pills? It happened to my best friend and now he's gone.. He was sober for 2 years, had one relapse and it cost him his life. And no, not that it matters, but he wasn't a "white trash/jigaboo." He was well educated and came from a good family. Fact is, it can happen to anyone.

Best to just block out the fuckers that think like this Green Squall.
They dont have anyone they care about,or cares about them.
Sorry for your loss man.I feel your pain!


Just this guy, ya know?
Nearly all reports of fentanyl laced weed has been a result of faulty reporting, so I'm assuming the same thing is going on here with vape cartridges. People don't want to admit to heroin use when the cops/EMT's show up for obvious reason, so saying your vape or weed was laced is a convenient tactic.

This Snopes article is a couple years old, but it will give you an idea of whats going on.

Now that makes sense to me, people saying they were doing vapes just to not have to get punished for doing opioids. And I know it doesn't change anything but sorry about your friend.


Well-known member
I should add here, I'm not putting down Pipeline for starting this thread or anyone else for running with it. It appeared in a 'legitimate news' source so it seems authentic. Only when you follow up the story there's nothing there. Which makes me believe the people behind it have an agenda, they are the swine.

It's obvious if you follow the drug supply chain it leads to pot growers, processors, and distributors. In this case they would be the ones adding fentanyl to their product to add 'kick'. The easiest solution would be to ban all cannabis production, except for those with exclusive government sanctioning and inspection operating in guarded operations and subjected to the strictest, most expensive levels of testing. Anyone growing or possessing unlicensed bootleg cannabis could then be punished, and since they're poisoning children with their filth, I say we prosecute them to the full extent of the law. I'd recommend writing your congress people, governor and president before this vape cartridge fentanyl thing explodes across the country.

My state already has a 'seed to consumer' program to ensure that every seed, clone, plant, leaf, and bud is weighed, cataloged, videotaped, and bar coded in every step of the process from grower to smoker. Since there's so many evil villains about, cartels and junkies and ANTIFA freaks, out to corrupt and addict our honest God fearing cannabis consuming public. I pray every day that we have a strong government to lay our fears to rest, so we can blitz ourselves silly on vape cartridges in safety!! (Christ I need to smoke a fucking joint..)
Faux News = Propaganda

Really, most news sources today need to be double or triple checked for factuality.

Fentanyl has been showing up in most illegal drugs, even non-opioids, which doesn’t make any sense...

Seems like population control/Genocide to me.

Wouldn’t be surprised if it shows up in Cannabis products.

Bobby Boucher

Active member
I would think the demand for fentanyl is high enough without people having to throw it in marijuana with the intent of creating more addicts, and that by lacing an unsuspected customers product, you stand a larger chance of losing the customer than you ever would selling more pot.

Im sure it's put onto cannabis, into cannabis, dissolved with cannabis etc etc etc every single hour or the day by fentanyl dealers and fentanyl heads for the purpose of combining the two highs, concealment, familiarity, etc etc etc

Pot just isn't profitable enough for the types of people who would do such a thing to begin with. Why wouldn't they just cut their coke or heroine with it, since that's where the real money is? I guess if someone is stupid enough to not understand the principle I'm presenting here.. they might lace their shit..

Perhaps it is worth a bit of concern, considering how stupid and unscrupulous your average nickel and dime pot dealer actually is these days.
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Even if fentanyl is being found in vape cartridges, it’s almost certainly an end-consumer addition. Or, if commercial, a short-lived experiment by some DTO testing out a failed new marketing and delivering technique.

It’s just too deadly to be a thing, IMO.


Just this guy, ya know?
You really think the people cutting vape juice with vitamin e acetate and all the other heinous shit they use care about how "deadly" something is they are adding in? You guys really don't think it's about pure greed and profit motive? You guys realize cigarettes actually kill you right? Humanity has no problems with paying to poison itself slowly. Ya'll remember the True Terpenes thread right? When given the chance, humans throw their own species under the bus for personal gain. Every. Fucking. Time.

Bobby Boucher

Active member
Even if fentanyl is being found in vape cartridges, it’s almost certainly an end-consumer addition. Or, if commercial, a short-lived experiment by some DTO testing out a failed new marketing and delivering technique.

It’s just too deadly to be a thing, IMO.

^^^ This.

It just doesn't make mathematical sense. Even from the coldest most unfeeling perspective.

You can't bleed a pothead for very much money. We aren't all about to go prostitute ourselves or go on a robbing spree for a joint that we don't even know is laced. Not to mention, a dead customer is no customer at all.

People who are out to make real money, only keep pot around for themselves and their homies. You can easily smoke 1-2k or shoot about half as much in a day, and sell your body for just as much.

With hypes like that, selling pot is for the birds to begin with.

How much laced pot am I really supposed to smoke before I keel over and die? 100 bucks?

You'd have to be pretty stupid to go through with lacing your marijuana like that. Plenty of stupid idiots out there, though.


Active member
I'm not totally convinced either way on this issue yet.
Yes it's possible that dealers who want more hooked on their products introduce heroine or fentanyl into cannibas to make new addicts to sell to.
It is also possible that rumors were started as part of a covert scared straight program.
I'm leaning towards #2. Last year a doctor lecturing on a mental health issue stated that heroine OD's were dramatically rising because pot dealers are lacing pot with heroine to make unsuspecting new addicts for customers.
I spoke with him after the lecture and asked what his position was on clean home grown organic cannibas. Turned out he is opposed to any use of cannibas but could only site the lack of research (and heroine mixed in) to support his position.

More real data is needed but the truth is out there.

My position is ;

As God is my witness,
I will never BUY cannibas again.
I grow, so I know.:tiphat:

Vape on kids.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
F*ckin fentanyl and the snakes who deal in it! Anyone else heard of these herion addicts stealing people's dawgs to test their drugs on them?

Gawd damn the pusher man

Bobby Boucher

Active member
Yes it's possible that dealers who want more hooked on their products introduce heroine or fentanyl into cannibas to make new addicts to sell to.

Yes and no, braj.. This totally boils down to how much business sense someone has.

Potheads are too broke and too lazy to be effective clucks. That's just the reality of it. The only reason drug dealers make so much money is because the end consumers go to such great lengths to support an unbelievably expensive habit.

Unless all these gentle potheads are going to decide to turn to a life of crime to turn their $100 a week habit into a $1000 a week habit, throwing dope into their marijuana would be a total waste of time and money.

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