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Feds tell ebay to stop sales of high times

Feds tell ebay to stop sales of high times

  • Yes!

    Votes: 220 55.8%
  • No.

    Votes: 127 32.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 47 11.9%

  • Total voters


Well Then

Well Then

Sad thing is this Meg Whitman lady is slamming the airwaves in SoCal with her California is broken and we need government to focus on jobs campaign. You cant watch TV for a couple hours without coming accross one of her adds.

I never heard of her before, but after here add campaign, see is a household name. She worries me with her slick TV adds.

Voters beware, and do your homework on this one.

:smokey:Tell THAT SKANK what ya think~~~http://www.megwhitman.com/:scripture:


Canna Coco grower

Hahaha... Why would she vote.. She is smart enough and connected enough to know that the decisions were already made...


But thats still what happens...

ANYONE voting for Meg.... Ought to have a great disdain for both Cannabis and the will of the people... as well as the Constitution of both the U.S. and California...



weed fiend
I do find it hard to believe that the gov't ordered this crackdown. That sounds like an excuse.

I agree. I voted "no" before I read the article, didn't see anything in the article proving ebay's assertion it was fed motivated. I'll quit buying htgsupply from ebay and go strait to the source.

Thanks for the article. You've got another "boycott".


Registered Non-Conformist
So, we have Whitman in CA.... And Palin gonna run for Prez.....

No way they will win... Right..?

SPIN is the main operating tool for these Curs....

There's Lotsa Sheep in this Country, My Brethren.... I know, I live all around it.. No rhyme or reason.... Automatons, Ruled by Pride and Hormones, and Hormones and Pride alone. They are against BO, and anyone but their corrupt Good 'ol Boy/Girl
Dipsh!t Mobster Leaders...

People such as Whit(e)man... From the Richest Suburb in Central or Northern California..

1984, a few years late.

Damn it... I cannot stand these Dogmatic Power-Mad Billionaire Liars.

Our Country is Circling the Bowl...

WE ARE EVERYWHERE..... But, will WE be enough...?


Active member
It's interesting the stupid shit people can do.... when their jobs are on the line. I'm sure they thought it was appropriate or something. Either that or there's a personal angle that we're not aware of.


Stay Safe! :tree:


Active member
Holy Crap! This goes against everything I stand for... Free Speech, legal cannabis, etc.

Looks like it's time to boycott E-bay, AND their associated businesses...

Can someone come up with a list of E-bay bizes?

I know Paypal is one of them. Guess I can't boycott that... :(
Ebay Inc. owns a number of companies in whole or part besides Ebay.com. They have bought other auction and e-commerce sites in many countries. They own PayPal, minority stakes in Skype and CraigsList.
They also own at least part of:
Union Mobile Pay
and quite a few more around the world

If you plan to boycott it would be easier to boycott Ebay.com rather than Ebay Inc. and it's holdings.


This surprises me so many do not know who Meg Whitman is.

You folks in Cali need to watch out for her.

She is a very shady business person too just ask the the guys at Craig List and other big Internet companies.


Why is it every time you start to feel some hope for change, out comes a story like this to shit all over it..WTF


Sorcerer's Apprentice
If you want change you have to work for it constantly. And then you'll probably have to sacrifice to get there.

Right there, I just lost about 90% of my audience.

And that's why things never change.

The only people who care enough and have the power to make the change without help are happy with things just as they are.

Moldy Dreads

Active member
My guess is it was a corporate decision.

Obviously, if they decided they wanted to remove anti-abortion magazines, they could too.
It sucks and Ebay has always sucked and cooperated with feds. Did someone not know this?

They suck!

Classic Seeds

Feds tell ebay to stop sales of high times

oh good lord are we really turning into such a social corporate facist country that they can censor what we read this is so wrong and goes against the very core of the issues our nation was founded on where is the all the civil rights law groups is our way of life to green amd free for you to come to our aid this is a fundamental civil rights issue

if you do not take it up who knows what the abomination and the dea have in store no web sites for seeds allowed to be aired in america the deffinition of a facist state is when the corporations run the goverment and the last few years the supreme court has sided with bussiness on ever issue did you know now they can take your house or your land if someone says they can make more money with it under eminate domain law not any test of public need only that some corporation can make more money kicking you off your ranch and turning it into a golf course or tear down a neiborhood because a super mall would make more money than residental housing

wake up aclu and all you other color first groups we are all in this together as americans and if our homes are not really ours any more does it really matter my color before you start to fight back for all americans this magizine issue is just the tip of the ice burg we are in danger of losing all our voice and choice in every aspect of our lifes

i fight back by voting and staying independant of political partys if you do not vote you will not have any reason to gripe when all your freedoms are gone you sat on the sidelines and let them steal your right to self determination look please do not delete me this is to important to let it just die by the wayside your house or farm or product could be next if we do not fight the new facist order in washington d c we lose more than we ever have in the nibbles they have taken away in the past when you get to be my age and look back its scary

the way they have been trying to do this brainwashinf and social engineering where the corporations are the new gods and people are not important only the products and the people who control them and should not have any wish impeaded that slows their bussiness down or forces a new and better system to be created that would cut into or eliminate the old technoledges

oil is more than a 100 years old water for hydrogen is here now and supressed we need that change solar, wind, tidal hydro power ,deep sink wells to heat free steam we are being used for profit while the natural world suffers and dies why because theres a chance they will lose control of all the profits they are making with primative methods of energy and drugs might bring awareness of our responcablitys as stewards of this earth

please moderator feel free to make this grammatically correct i know i am a poor writter i had always worked with my hands and my mind never with a pen i wish i had payed more attention in school to writing but i figured a fisherman and a carpenter just needed math and a understanding of basic scientific principals and natural laws to make it all work for the way i wanted to live as free of the laws of man as i could be without being a crook or a anarchist and i do not fancy being anyone slave or having my right to any information i wish to know suppressed thank you all for readind and vote:tiphat::ying::dance013::huggg::laughing::wave::thank you:


New member
Thats just insanity! The same place that sells god knows how many people the very equipment needed to grow is now banning magazines that promote pot use? How many gardens are in existence because of ebay?

Ebay is obviously a business that promotes methlabs and terrorists.....because they sell ALL the lab equipment.

Hell 8 years ago you could with a couple clicks on ebay have bought an entire commercial sized meth lab complete with pseudoepherdrine, iodine crystals and red phosphorus. It was literally a one stop shop for any clandestine chemist for a while.

Hell any terrorist could buy a dna machine and engineer harmless proteins into some of the most devestating bio wepons on earth with little more then the machine some petri dishes a library card and internet. This was actually on a website where sombody that had no lab expeirance bought the machine on ebay and made a virus by the end of the he got the machine. SCARY!!!!!!!!!!!

But what do they ban???? HIGH TIMES!???

I hope that stupid bitch losses big!

I also hope her running mate uses what I said to flame her on tv, because she really does indirectly support and supply meth chemists and terrorists.


Active member

Let me know when the Molotov cocktails start flying.

Psssh. Who am I kidding, the average American is too busy eating there mayo soaked hamburgers while watching american idol. No one cares about this kind of shit anymore.

And who am i to talk. Im an armchair anarchist ever since my son was born. Is American Idol on tonite?

a little mayo on the bun provides a moisture barrier (fat layer) and keeps the roll from getting soggy with beef juices.

im hungry



Doing stuff like "locking" accounts until an investigation is completed and after they are done "investigating" Your paypal account has either half or more missing sometimes the account is mysteriously lost during investigation along with your $$,

also holding payments for 21 days so they can make even MORE interest off you. They are recognized as a bank by the government but they are NOT REGULATED BY FEDERAL BANKING RULES!!!

Basically it's ebay/paypal/govt vs the peon and the peon always fails with its class action and regular law suits
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Your thoughts on this are interesting - to say the least.

Thanks for sharing.


not just my thoughts!!! do a quick google search and im sure youll hate feebay as well!..

and never mind the jewish thing=)