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this is monumentally wrong on many levels, this country was founded to escape tyrannical taxation


taxes are not supposed to be arbitrary measures to meet budget gaps, this does not fix problems but allows the dysfunction that creates these budget gaps to continue. The taxes should be the cost the government incurs in the regulation of the said market for the welfare of the republic. Irresponsible government should not be rewarded.

What is the cost of regulation that it costs 50% tax to legalize it? How about all the money we are going to save not enforcing marijuana laws? What about that savings in the budget? Were does this factor in?


marijuana should be legal because it is benign, because the laws that are the basis of its illegality are flawed and the research they are founded on inaccurate, not because it is still dangerous yet offers the government an income stream which outweighs the potential humanitarian costs of it being legal such as death from alcoholism and cancer from cigarettes which are used heavily in comparison.


taxation on a federal level incurs federal regulation which is not required and would create a new system under which those who are not compliant STILL ARE BREAKING THE LAW AND SUBJECT TO PENALTY.

since it is already subject to state regulation marijuana regulation and taxation should simply be managed on the state level with laws that are relative to that particular states resources


this will undermine the potential for hemp to be used as textile, food, fuel or fiber which has more potential impact for reinvigorating the economy

Don't forget that they want 50% of your shit if they DO, do anything. I'm with George-

"Make the most out of this indian hemp seed, and sew it everywhere, for it is more valuable than the native hemp." -George Washington

[edit: George had the Pakistani Kush...look up his journal.]

lost in a sea

its all about getting people to give up more rights,, the right to not be taxed by government for your weed is one alot of people dont even appreciate,, yet.. i'd rather be outside the law than compliant with the devil everytime..

some dont mind the red tape and manacles so long as they have a joint in their mouths.. physical jail or a mental one?.. quickly becoming both imo..


Hi,whats the tax on alcohol. I beleuve in uk it costs 10 p to make a pint and the rest is tax and a small profit for the vendor ,fuck the tax they will only use it to kill more people in there unjust wars,i beleive the tax in holland for coffeshop was 50% .fuck that working half your life for them.just use the back door policy.fight the system.dont line their pockets they where quick enough to throw us all in jail now they want 50% fuck the governments of the world i dont need governing.


Hi,whats the tax on alcohol. I beleuve in uk it costs 10 p to make a pint and the rest is tax and a small profit for the vendor ,fuck the tax they will only use it to kill more people in there unjust wars,i beleive the tax in holland for coffeshop was 50% .fuck that working half your life for them.just use the back door policy.fight the system.dont line their pockets they where quick enough to throw us all in jail now they want 50% fuck the governments of the world i dont need governing.

As a practical matter, the war is over when they start taxing it. We're just not going to go from "throw everybody in jail" to "OK, now it's just like tomatoes" without intermediate steps. Tomatoes get taxed, too, you know?


<3 Tesla


fuck everything gets taxed....you work you get taxed before you get your money... you buy almost anything in a store you get taxed....

why wouldnt the government tax weed? $50 a oz is not alot

If they only used the money for good causes like bettering our country... not self gains and wars

.............The States are charging more in State taxes than the US governement will in Federal taxes.............

Washington State for example.... 3 tier program... producer, processor & retail sales....

each tier is taxed 25%.... so a 75% increace in the price by the time weed hits the publics hand...

then an addtional 10% sales tax at purchase totaling 85% ...they want to try and set the selling prices too ..10-12 a g


Active member
Agree with most of the posters here. The government has conditioned us to accept extortion in the form of taxes. But this particular extortion is better than jail/lawyers. We all know how to grow our own, so I'm pretty sure we can find a way around the taxes. What I would like is an apology from the government for being wrong, an admission of guilt in wrongfully persecuting and imprisoning millions, immediate release of anyone incarcerated for cannabis, along with reinstatement of their constitutional rights, and reparations for the damages caused.


Active member
We need to pass fake cuts to corporate when this shit goes live....

Ha, ha! Give 'em broad mites....once they are in the factory, that will really fu*k them up. Along with taxation, shouldn't there be a liability for mold, mites, powdery mildew, etc.? Sell me a bad batch of taxed cannabis, can I sue somebody?


Active member

My understanding is that the reason a lot of countries don't legalize it is because of the DEA. There are treaties in place, etc. Put it this way, a lot of producer nations like Colombia and Mexico pay a much dearer price for the War on Drugs (TM) than we do here, and if they had the viable option, would have legalized it long ago.

Don't worry, the meter is running on this -- mark my words!

<3 Tesla


That's correct. The U.S. was the first to criminalize cannabis, and then pressured other countries to do the same, or lose "financial aid".


Well-known member
It seems like $50 an oz is excessive. Especially when you consider wine is taxed at $0.31 to $0.67 per 750 ml, and distilled spirits are taxed at a rate of $2.14 per 750 ml of 80 proof booze. I'm not entirely opposed to a Cannabis tax, but $50 an oz is out of control.


What I would like is an apology from the government for being wrong, an admission of guilt in wrongfully persecuting and imprisoning millions, immediate release of anyone incarcerated for cannabis, along with reinstatement of their constitutional rights, and reparations for the damages caused.

I think we're in line behind Native America, descendants of slaves, Japanese internment camp survivors, and everybody who lives in a country we have bombed or are bombing/drone striking now. So, should be any minute now.

<3 Tesla


It seems like $50 an oz is excessive. Especially when you consider wine is taxed at $0.31 to $0.67 per 750 ml, and distilled spirits are taxed at a rate of $2.14 per 750 ml of 80 proof booze. I'm not entirely opposed to a Cannabis tax, but $50 an oz is out of control.

Of course it's excessive. It's ridonkulous. There's no valid reason for it whatsoever. They're just being arbitrary dicks like they have been about it the whole time. However, we need to get them to move from their position in any direction at all.

Once they start moving from their position, well, a body in motion stays in motion until met by an unbalanced force. The fact that they're even talking about changing directions means we've finally presented enough unbalanced force to shift the direction.


<3 Tesla


Active member
I think we're in line behind Native America, descendants of slaves, Japanese internment camp survivors, and everybody who lives in a country we have bombed or are bombing/drone striking now. So, should be any minute now.

<3 Tesla

Fail to see the logic there. We can't right all the wrongs of history, but since the discussion is about cannabis, and we are talking about the present, I maintain that all cannabis prisoners should be released and recompensed.



Washington State for example.... 3 tier program... producer, processor & retail sales....

each tier is taxed 25%.... so a 75% increace in the price by the time weed hits the publics hand...

then an addtional 10% sales tax at purchase totaling 85% ...they want to try and set the selling prices too ..10-12 a g
Your math is off. 25% + 25% + 25% is not equivalent to 75%.


Fail to see the logic there. We can't right all the wrongs of history, but since the discussion is about cannabis, and we are talking about the present, I maintain that all cannabis prisoners should be released and recompensed.

I agree that they should be too. Just saying it's not going to happen, based on all the nasty shit that's been done to so many people, without a shadow or a trace of an apology or reparations. It's never going to happen.

<3 Tesla


50% on the grower only is absurd. Why should the guy doing the real work (making it happen) be paying all the tax? It should be like 15% for each value added sale.
fuck everything gets taxed....you work you get taxed before you get your money... you buy almost anything in a store you get taxed....

why wouldnt the government tax weed? $50 a oz is not alot

If they only used the money for good causes like bettering our country... not self gains and wars

.............The States are charging more in State taxes than the US governement will in Federal taxes.............

Washington State for example.... 3 tier program... producer, processor & retail sales....

each tier is taxed 25%.... so a 75% increace in the price by the time weed hits the publics hand...

then an addtional 10% sales tax at purchase totaling 85% ...they want to try and set the selling prices too ..10-12 a g
Hang tight there man. A 25% tax in a 3 tier program is 56.25% not 75%. Do the math.


Uncle SAM still has loyal servants...

Uncle SAM still has loyal servants...

Hate to brake your discussion 'bout taxing problems... But great new project (in the name of all-mighty uncle) is coming up the way...
The measures have little chance of passing, said Kevin Sabet, a former White House drug policy adviser. Sabet recently joined former Rhode Island Rep. Patrick Kennedy and former President George W. Bush speechwriter David Frum in forming a group called Project SAM - for "smart approaches to marijuana" - to counter the growing legalization movement.
"There are a lot more people in Congress who think that marijuana should be illegal but treated as a public health problem, than think it should be legal."


Hate to brake your discussion 'bout taxing problems... But great new project (in the name of all-mighty uncle) is coming up the way...

Yeah, old Russ Belville has been going head to head with those dickheads for a while now. Kevin Sabet is the main driver, the other two are like name brand tag alongs.

Belville is letting them have it good.


Here's his spoof on their stupid site

I wouldn't worry too much about them. The only one of them with any real merit is Sabet, and he talks pure bullshit.
