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Feds: Boston Bombing suspect linked to murder of Eric Weissmann of Hitman Glass

Thomas Paine

Federal prosecutors have disclosed publicly for the first time that they have information indicating deceased Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev "participated" in a September 2011 unsolved triple homicide.

The revelation comes in a court document filed in the case against surviving bombing suspect, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Tamerlan's younger brother. In the document, prosecutors note that they told Dzhokhar his dead brother was implicated in the triple murder by a friend, Ibragim Todashev.

Todashev was shot dead in his Florida apartment in May during an interview with the FBI and Massachusetts State Police. Sources with direct knowledge of the incident told ABC News shortly after the shooting that Todashev suddenly attacked the officers before he was "about to sign a statement" admitting to his own role in the triple murder.

According to the new court filing, before his death Todashev told investigators Tamerlan "participated" in the triple homicide in Waltham, Mass., in which three bodies were discovered naked with marijuana strewn across them on the tenth anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks. The new court document did not elaborate on Tamerlan's alleged involvement.

Law enforcement officials told ABC News days before Todashev's death that there was "mounting evidence," bolstered by "forensic hits," that pointed to the possible involvement of both Tamerlan and Dzhokhar in the triple murder. One of the young men killed, Brendan Mess, had once been a roommate and martial arts colleague of Tamerlan's, officials said then. At the time, the officials cautioned that DNA testing was not complete and it was too early to bring an indictment against Dhzokhar.

State investigators who oversee the homicide case said they have an active and ongoing investigation into the triple murder.

The savage 2011 murders unfolded on a quiet dead-end street on a balmy night.

Mess and his friends, Erik Weissman, 31, and Raphael Teken, 37, had ordered dinner from Gerry's Italian Kitchen at 8:54 p.m., but when a delivery woman arrived twenty minutes later there was no answer at the door and no one answered a call to Weissman's cell phone, from which the order was placed.

The bodies were discovered the next day. Former Middlesex District Attorney Gerry Leone said at the time that the murders were "graphic." Other investigators called it perplexing.

Roughly seven pounds of marijuana was dumped on the bodies and $5,000 in cash was left behind. Neighbors said they did not hear any signs of trouble – even with open windows – and there was no forced entry. In a 2011 interview, Leone said investigators theorized there had been more than one person at the scene of the murders based on "many factors," but no suspects were identified.

From there the case went cold, until photos of the Boston Marathon suspects were released and family and friends of the Waltham victims recognized them and remembered Tamerlan's strange behavior after the murders. He did not attend his friend's funeral and vanished from the martial arts gyms where the men had sparred together.

Then, Gerry's Italian Kitchen became a focal point again on April 24, nine days after the Marathon bombing, after investigators removed two Planet Aid charity donation bins from a parking lot it shares with a neighboring grocer. A driver had discovered discarded fireworks inside and law enforcement sources told ABC News the gunpowder had been removed from the cartridges.

It is unclear how the Tsarnaev brothers were associated with Gerry's Italian Kitchen, if at all, but looking back, multiple residents of Waltham and Watertown remember Tamerlan Tsarnaev delivering food to their homes and Tsarnaev family members have told reporters the brothers worked as pizza deliverymen. The eatery's management, however, steadfastly denied that either Tsarnaev brother worked there.

Scott Wood, a jiu jitsui trainer who befriended and trained Mess at a martial arts studio in Vermont, said he always believed whoever the killer or killers were, they got in Mess' home "under the guise of being a friend."

"Brendan was a tough, tough kid, a strong kid. It wouldn't have been easy to take him out like that," Wood told ABC News.

Wood and other friends met Tamerlan with Mess at a June 2011 fight event. Mess introduced Tamerlan as "Tam" but fighters also recognized him from his Golden Glove victories and called him "Champ." Tamerlan did not drink and was very quiet that night.

That was the last time Wood saw his friend alive.

As detectives probe the Waltham connections, Middlesex County prosecutors are also busy building a case against Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in connection with the cold-blooded killing of MIT Police Officer Sean Collier after the Marathon bombings.

Collier was shot five times, allegedly by the Tsarnaev brothers, as he sat in his cruiser, just days before he would have become a Somerville Police Officer. Collier's murder will be prosecuted by state prosecutors while the Marathon bombing will be tried in federal court.

Collier's murder was followed by a carjacking that spawned a wild, high-speed chase that ended with bombs exploding and bullets flying on a street corner in Watertown. Tamerlan Tsarnaev was pronounced dead at Beth Israel Hospital later that night. His brother escaped but was found badly wounded in a Watertown man's boat blocks from the gun battle the following evening.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is being held in the infirmary at Fort Devens federal prison.



Active member
Funny this should show up here. Weissman was my good friend for many years. We had a grow together for some time in the mid 2000's. He was a cool guy and was very giving. One of the only guys in life that I really trusted. He is always missed.

Green lung

Active member
Sounds like tamerlane wasn't to fond of the bussiness he was in. "Devout" Muslims are very much against the use of drugs.



Active member
Wasn't there speculation the brothers were dealing marijuana and hung out with a group of foreigners with penchants for expensive cars? The whole case is such a twisted, convoluted clusterfuck imho. Me personally I just feel for the families of not only the bombing victims, but those who were killed by those 2 cowards previously. May they all rest in peace. That being said, these events have caused further erosion of our already slippery slope of civil rights and personal privacy..The world is no longer the one you or I were born and raised in, sad reality in this post 9-11 world. F those who would hide behind religion to "justify" retarded small minded cowardice. Just f em. :rant:

Snype, small world huh? Sorry about your boy. No one deserves to go out like that. I'm sure dude would be glad to see you're keepin it green!

Sounds like tamerlane wasn't to fond of the bussiness he was in. "Devout" Muslims are very much against the use of drugs.



Active member
Snype, small world huh? Sorry about your boy. No one deserves to go out like that. I'm sure dude would be glad to see you're keepin it green!

We were very alike. He was a couple of years younger than me and we grew up together in our high school years. It was because of me that he began moving trees and people say he used to look up to me in those earlier years. We had some real good times together taking trips to Europe and the last few years of his life we really lost touch due to how different our business structures were. We just weren't on the same page at some point and had to part ways.

What I hear is that the older brother took a trip to Russia area and his little brother was buying trees off of Weissmans 2 friends who lived on the 2nd floor and Weissman lived on the 3rd floor which the older brother didn't like. They are all jewish and when the older brother came back from his trip, he was not the same person and was more extreme. It's obvious that the murders were planned for 911 but the local police never added all that up and thought they were killed on 9/12. They were separated into different rooms and there throats were all slashed from ear to ear like a terrorist video. Erik was a really good guy and helped countless people out so many times. He would do anything for you if you knew him. He was one of a kind. I heard they dumped 50 pounds over the bodies but this article says 6 or 7 pounds so maybe that was more correct.
Snype thanks for giving some inside details. Things are out of control these days, you would think these cops could figure all this out, I thought they were suppose to be smarter then everyone else? Sorry for the lost of your friend...

KEEP IT GREEN for him!


East Coast, All Day!
that's horrible...

I'm truly sorry...

My condolences go out to everyone involved...

Do we actually believe these are the guys who did the Boston Bombing or was it just pinned on them?

I find it weird that this happened in 2011 and just now they are saying "oh yeah we figured it out, it was them"

not saying they didn't do it...

I am truly sorry to hear one of our brothers died but our Justice system fucking sucks....

so corrupt and only a small percentage of the real criminals are given what they deserve...


Active member
Wow. What a disgusting and bitchmade thing to do. I hope Tamerlane or wtf his name was is resting in piss. May the brother do the same sooner rather than later.

We were very alike. He was a couple of years younger than me and we grew up together in our high school years. It was because of me that he began moving trees and people say he used to look up to me in those earlier years. We had some real good times together taking trips to Europe and the last few years of his life we really lost touch due to how different our business structures were. We just weren't on the same page at some point and had to part ways.

What I hear is that the older brother took a trip to Russia area and his little brother was buying trees off of Weissmans 2 friends who lived on the 2nd floor and Weissman lived on the 3rd floor which the older brother didn't like. They are all jewish and when the older brother came back from his trip, he was not the same person and was more extreme. It's obvious that the murders were planned for 911 but the local police never added all that up and thought they were killed on 9/12. They were separated into different rooms and there throats were all slashed from ear to ear like a terrorist video. Erik was a really good guy and helped countless people out so many times. He would do anything for you if you knew him. He was one of a kind. I heard they dumped 50 pounds over the bodies but this article says 6 or 7 pounds so maybe that was more correct.


Active member
I remember when me and Erik went to Amsterdam and brought back 2,000 grams of hash. On that trip I got real drunk and smashed over 100 car windows in the Vongol Park section. It was because of Erik that I didn't get arrested.

I also remember driving with Erik with 200 clones going 99 miles per hour with the car filled with Sour Diesel smoke, driving through different states. Then smoking with Dave Chapelle and the Wu Tang session when we gave GZA $3,000 to come to boston! Those were the days!

In reality, if it wasn't for Erik's death, there's a good chance I would not be here. I think about you often. I had big plans for us but time was cut short. I will never forget. RIP


Active member
I remember when me and Erik went to Amsterdam and brought back 2,000 grams of hash.

Heh heh, the ole keyster express huh?? :yoinks:Had a best friend named Eric as well who passed after living a life more lived @ 21 then most people do their WHOLE lives bro. He passed in a different way but still all too young regardless. Thanks for sharing your cherished memories of your boy. Lates bro.

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